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On 1/17/2023 at 7:48 PM, knee said:

Females also get these dots on the ventral fin.

Yeah, higher quality strains for sure.  Gotta see what snoopy looks like all colored up and flaring around.  Those rear fins (sorry, I have the mixup issues from the dyslexia on names of them) caudal fins I think you said, they are very specifically shaped.  The shot of the confirmed female shown, the vent photo we had on snoopy, definitely indicative of a female.  Other features look like a male to me that hasn't grown out enough.  Will be fun to see!  (sort of like how some swordtails don't really have a sword when subdominant)

What stood out to me a lot was the tail on snoopy vs. the tail shape on your male vs. the tail shape on your female.  Very specific, might be nothing indicative of gender, but it stood out.  That's why I love rams, the same fish but so much variety and difference between each one and each line.

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Snoopy is really liking the vibra bites! Today she excitedly caught a bunch as they were falling. Yesterday she got @xXInkedPhoenixX”s “trail mix” - frozen brine + frozen bloodworms. She was excited about that! And it seems like a food that everyone in the tank can get to easily with how it disperses. Win win.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 1/29/2023 at 2:07 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Snoopy enjoying zucchini.

I got some cute footage of her pulling on the zucchini. No. No I didn’t. Because the record button wasn’t actually pressed, was it? 😒

Anyway, what you see here is her 3rd or 4th bite.

We all have those moments! Once I was getting really good pics of white clouds sparring, then realized that I was just pressing the recording button on and off. 😏

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Ooh, I love this thread, it is very helpful. I will have to rethink my approach to feeding. I bought 5 bolivian rams this weekend, they are in a quarantine alone at this moment and they are super slow in regards of noticing food, eating it and overall. I am hoping it will get better in the upcoming weeks in the quarantine, because otherwise they wont survive in the main tank.

The corydoras already have problems being fed (because I cant find good enough bottom pellets) and my ember tetras are already too fat and my rummynose are fast eating piranhas 🙂 

I think repashy isnt sold here, but will take a look and maybe the cichlid pellets will work for corydoras too. I like the cubes, though my rummynose eat anything, from the ground, for the otocinclus, they devoured a salad leaf last time,...just strange

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On 2/1/2023 at 8:39 AM, beastie said:

Ooh, I love this thread, it is very helpful. I will have to rethink my approach to feeding. I bought 5 bolivian rams this weekend, they are in a quarantine alone at this moment and they are super slow in regards of noticing food, eating it and overall. I am hoping it will get better in the upcoming weeks in the quarantine, because otherwise they wont survive in the main tank.

The corydoras already have problems being fed (because I cant find good enough bottom pellets) and my ember tetras are already too fat and my rummynose are fast eating piranhas 🙂 

I think repashy isnt sold here, but will take a look and maybe the cichlid pellets will work for corydoras too. I like the cubes, though my rummynose eat anything, from the ground, for the otocinclus, they devoured a salad leaf last time,...just strange

Try vibra bites. They sink and they are a great size for the Bolivian rams.

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Interestingly enough, right after this video I fed frozen brine shrimp, mainly because the tetras don't really like to bottom feed. Snoopy came up to get some and just within about a minute she started showing dark vertical charcoal/black bars. If you look at the photo just above this, quoted in @knee's post, you can see these bars and they are faint, between Snoopy's spot and her tail.  There are 4.  Those are the bars that she darkened.  I guess she understands that the brine shrimp are very similar to a live food, and she was putting on her hunting outfit.  Pretty cool.

I've seen something like this before with a black neon.  He was in "the hospital" for about 2 months.  Symptom free, he was permitted to move back to the main tank.  While he was in quarantine and while I was acclimating him back to the tank, he had very little color.  When I released him, as soon as he saw his school, his black lateral line appeared right before my eyes.

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On 2/4/2023 at 9:55 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Maybe @knee can help sex the ram, and then we can figure out a name. To get your photos to flip the right way, just crop them a tiny bit.

I am 99% sure it is a male, (see vent, and color, fin structure, but mostly vent) and doing the cropping method is a pain, and i some times forget to do it

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