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On 5/28/2023 at 12:18 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I siphoned the front and now everybody wants to be there. Kinda makes it hard to clean the glass!

All of a sudden I have this urge to siphon some sand!

They will move.  I swear I have some of the "smartest" fish sometimes that swim directly into the glass wall when I'm cleaning off the algae with a paper towel.

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On 5/28/2023 at 7:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

All of a sudden I have this urge to siphon some sand!

They will move.  I swear I have some of the "smartest" fish sometimes that swim directly into the glass wall when I'm cleaning off the algae with a paper towel.

I had to let the mulm settle in the bucket. I rescued 5 shrimplets throughout the day. I found them by stirring the mulm with a skewer. A 6th almost got dumped in the garden, but was rescued. Then I saw some sand in the bucket and one of my two (that I’ve ever seen) MTS. It took some time but it was also rescued. I spent wayyyyy too long watching it and making sure it was ok after adding it back to the tank. Shrimps kept reaching into its shell and scaring it. Eventually it was able to flip over and dig.

Siphoning the shrimp tank is so stressful for me. It’s not the siphoning itself, but the hours after trying to rescue.

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This is the snail that almost got tossed out with the dirty water! I only have 2 that I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know why, but I’m enchanted by these snails. For one, they’re pretty, and for two, they are invisible and pretty much forgotten during the day. They also perform a novel service. Since I shortened my light cycle to cut back on hair algae, I now see them in the evening. 

I captured a video of the snail flipping over and digging. Prior to the flip, shrimps kept bulldozing over it and reaching into the opening and poking at it, poor fella (or gal).

I do not have the same curiosity about my bladder snails. 

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On 5/28/2023 at 5:17 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Siphoning the shrimp tank is so stressful for me. It’s not the siphoning itself, but the hours after trying to rescue.

Agreed. You can always just let it sit and then come back. I specifically use shadows, movement, and a bright flashlight to help me.

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On 5/28/2023 at 3:18 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I siphoned the front and now everybody wants to be there. Kinda makes it hard to clean the glass!


🤣That looks like my babies every time I try to clean all the snails comes over to help .. And I have to keep moving them 

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On 5/31/2023 at 8:32 AM, Guppysnail said:


Scutariella Japonica
this article recommended salt treatment 

I recognized what was going on, but I didn’t know how to treat it, so I looked this up. This guy also write an article on all the common Shrimp diseases. That I’ve used many times to identify and treat stuff.

Thank you so much. That matches what I just came up with as well @Guppysnail

Based on the recommendations for treatment, I will try ParaCleanse




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On 5/31/2023 at 4:42 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Well this is bad

Hopefully it's not a major thing. Definitely something to keep in mind and ABSOLUTELY something to keep an eye out to pull molts for.

As mentioned that article is basically the go-to for us here. In the EU they have shrimp books, but I don't have anything I can reference.

She mentions a very quick salt bath. ^^

On 5/31/2023 at 5:56 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Anyone know how many ounces the ACO specimen container is? I plan to treat her in there.

You can measure the specific water height to get a better idea but to the brim it's 87 oz.

7.25 x 6 x 3.5


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On 5/31/2023 at 11:43 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

She mentions a very quick salt bath. ^^

Another channel showed that too.  The guy did 10 seconds, and the salt concentration was very strong. Worth a shot and minimal impact to the shrimp. I will check out Rachel's article on it; she said she linked it in the descrip.

Also supposedly I need to wait for the shrimp to molt before returning it, as the eggs can be in the molt, then other shrimps eat the molt, and the infection spreads.

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On 5/31/2023 at 1:07 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I will check out Rachel's article on it; she said she linked it in the descrip.

No link.  A comment on someone else's video said they tried this and their shrimp died.  Although we can't know if they measured properly or soaked the shrimp too long.  Maybe I will go with the Paraguard. Rachel O'Leary says it's very gentle.

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On 5/31/2023 at 3:54 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Oh awesome! Thanks! 👑 

No one has paraguard in stock.  Looks like the earliest I can get it is June 3, so I shall try the salt. Or the paracleanse.  Not sure yet. I'm nervous.

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I gutted most of the decor and plants out of the shrimp tank so I can periodically check for molts so there is no spreading of the parasite. I am not sure how long I need to check or when I can return the items. They are in a bucket of dechlorinated water. The tank looks awful and all stirred up. The mulm is broken down catappa leaves. I removed the molts I saw.


I did the salt dip. The plan was to follow Rachel O’Leary’s article and mix 1 cup tank water with 1 Tbsp salt. 30 sec dip in the salt water with an airstone going.

Here is the lady before the dip.


And OMG it was so stressful!  The article says to monitor the shrimp for signs of distress (inactivity, laying on side). The shrimp almost immediately laid on its side and did nothing else. ⚠️ I felt my heart breaking and immediately stopped treatment and returned the shrimp to her breeder box. I’d say the treatment was FIVE SECONDS. No more.

HOWEVER! Here she is after the treatment.


Next I added an airstone with very gentle flow to her box. Here she is with the airstone.


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On 5/31/2023 at 3:54 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

And OMG it was so stressful!  The article says to monitor the shrimp for signs of distress (inactivity, laying on side). The shrimp almost immediately laid on its side and did nothing else. ⚠️ I felt my heart breaking and immediately stopped treatment and returned the shrimp to her breeder box. I’d say the treatment was FIVE SECONDS. No more.

HOWEVER! Here she is after the treatment.

It's great to see the positive results from the dip. In the video she discusses molts and how long to observe.

Heartbreak avoided, and thankfully it's ok. I do know people who have added aquarium salt to their shrimp tanks for similar issues. Definitely not as large of a dose of course.

Your question earlier....



Paracleanse: Active ingredient: Metronidazole and Praziquantel

Ich-X: Dosage produces concentration of 0.5 mg/L of malachite green and 15 mg/L of formalia ~5.55 mg/L of Formaldehyde.

if you have the third one on the list there it should be equivalent.

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Here is our patient.


She likes the bubbles.

I think I do better working on a smaller scale for tank cleaning. It takes a massive time consuming task and breaks it down to a little 10 minute task. It must be more frequent, but that’s ok. This is wonderful advice from @Bev C!  I hope Dean doesn’t mind I’m using his container.



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To tag my homegirl
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One never realizes how often shrimps molt until one has to remove all the shrimp molts daily. Lots of molts = healthy shrimps! Also @nabokovfan87 said I needed to hire help to clean the substrate of the shrimp tank since I am always so nervous of removing shrimplets . My helpers have arrived 😆






Since the tank is pretty bare right now, I’m taking the opportunity to turkey baster out some stuff twice a day. The plants are in a bucket with a sponge filter and easy green, and I set the light on the bucket before I leave for work.

The next time I order from Crayfish Empire, I’m going to add terrestrial snail calcium blocks to the order because these guys keeps showing up. Every time I find one I can place it on the block; the block has spirulina and calcium.



Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 5/28/2023 at 6:17 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Siphoning the shrimp tank is so stressful for me. It’s not the siphoning itself, but the hours after trying to rescue

My solution is a silicone paint strainer, as demonstrated by Dean & Cory when they took in a shipment of fish, and poured the fish into the paint strainer resting in the 5 gallon bucket.

Best hack, ever!

The baby fish, shrimp 🦐/shrimplettes and snails will move, making it very easy to locate them rapidly and return to the tank.

Also saves my tiniest Buce from accidentally getting thrown out, and once the screen dries I relocate the fish fertilizer to plants or the compost pile, and then it's ready to be rinsed/cleaned/sterilized and put up to dry before next use.

Total game changer!




In my perfect world, I would have one dedicated to each tank. I don't live in that world, yet.

Repeated drying of algae in the strainer will eventually stain it as you can see.


I'm okay with that, I am keeping all my aquarium stuff out of the local waterways.

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On 6/2/2023 at 7:57 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Wow, no kidding! 😍 Thank you! I hadn’t heard of that idea yet. Do you remember where you got it?

I got my first one at either Lowe's or Home Depot, and then the pandemic interrupted supply chains, so my current one I found on Amazon.


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On 6/2/2023 at 10:24 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

One never realizes how often shrimps molt until one has to remove all the shrimp molts daily. Lots of molts = healthy shrimps! Also @nabokovfan87 said I needed to hire help to clean the substrate of the shrimp tank since I am always so nervous of removing shrimplets . My helpers have arrived 😆

That's not how that works!!!! 😂

I posted a technique for you in my shrimp thread that talks about how to vac the sand and have no issues with shrimp getting sucked up the siphon.  Hopefully that helps and you're able to at least try it.  I'll work on a video when it comes time to clean Riddick's tank if I can get the phone to sit well enough.

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