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Stocking a 125g


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Question for the forum,

 I’ve had a 125 gallon tank sitting in my garage for like a month now. Bought an FX6 for it, stand, the works. But I don’t know what to do with it. I have a 75g Peacock and Hap tank I originally was thinking I would upgrade those fish to and adding more African cichlids but I’m having second thoughts. It took almost a year for the hierarchy in that tank to get figured out between them with A LOT of fish murder in that time. Not sure if I want to go through that again…

So because of that I’m thinking I just want to start from scratch with this new tank. I’ve got tanks of angels, mbuna, discus, spotted Congo puffer, fancy “L” plecos with a little bit of everything in between in different tanks. I’m at a loss as what to do with the 125.

What would you do with a empty 125?



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In an unlikely event of me having an empty 125g and no desire for fish, I'd try to aquascape it. No inhabitants, no worries about them while messing with hardscape and plants.

You seem to have a lot of fish already, so maybe some non-fish aquatic creatures? Large shrimp, colorful crayfish, frogs, crabs, maybe even a turtle...?

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Glad you liked the idea. Another thing that just came to mind -  if you don't have it yet, maybe look into leopard bush fish (ctenopoma). These guys are amazing, have a cool pattern, smart and very personable. I wish I had a 125g to fill with them. 


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On 2/28/2022 at 12:13 AM, Fonske said:

Glad you liked the idea. Another thing that just came to mind -  if you don't have it yet, maybe look into leopard bush fish (ctenopoma). These guys are amazing, have a cool pattern, smart and very personable. I wish I had a 125g to fill with them. 


I actually have one with my discus!…I know it’s not the most traditional stocking choice but everybody seems to get along for the last 6 months or so. It’s fun addition in that tank since he’s got the cool markings to match the discus.

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On 2/28/2022 at 8:41 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I really love @Kevin F.'s 125 gallon community tank. It's developing into a very beautifully planted tank. I like the idea of using "nano" or smaller fish in a tank this large because there are so many neat options and such low bio load you can have so many fish!!!

125 Gallon Journal


I bet that tank looks awesome now that the plants have had time to grow out!

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That’s a tough one since you already have a sort of dream selection of fish. Here’s some options:

- Nano fish like in @Kevin F.’s tank. You could have some GBRs or other dwarf cichlids as feature fish. 

- One Fahaka puffer, it might get to big but could live in the 125 for a while before it needed to be moved. 
-A big shoal of Pea puffers to show off their natural behavior. 
- Rainbowfish 

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On 2/28/2022 at 9:25 AM, Patrick_G said:

That’s a tough one since you already have a sort of dream selection of fish. Here’s some options:

- Nano fish like in @Kevin F.’s tank. You could have some GBRs or other dwarf cichlids as feature fish. 

- One Fahaka puffer, it might get to big but could live in the 125 for a while before it needed to be moved. 
-A big shoal of Pea puffers to show off their natural behavior. 
- Rainbowfish 

Big shoal of pea puffers would be nuts, I’m going to really have to think about that one! 

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On 2/28/2022 at 9:34 AM, MattHasMTS said:
On 2/28/2022 at 9:25 AM, Patrick_G said:

-A big shoal of Pea puffers to show off their natural behavior. 
- Rainbowfish 

Big shoal of pea puffers would be nuts, I’m going to really have to think about that one! 

........part of that natural behavior is apparently murder and mayhem. 

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On 2/28/2022 at 9:51 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

....well you HAD said in your initial post you already had a murder tank and didn't know if you wanted to go through that again. So thought I would mention it. It would be murder on a smaller scale, but they're so stupid cute I'd hate to watch that. 

They are very cute, that’s for sure

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On 2/28/2022 at 12:57 PM, MattHasMTS said:

I don’t want to start anything but I don’t really like how gouramis look 😬 I don’t know why but they just don’t do it for me…

When they get comfortable in your tank and approach maturity the pearls are beautiful fish, but everyone has different tastes.  I have around a dozen in a single tank and really like them.

How do you feel about rainbowfish, like @Patrick_Gmentioned above?

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I think a "creek" type longer tank with high flow would be something cool to do.  I'd like to do it someday, with natives if I could.  But sometimes the temperature requirements for fish like that are complicated (would need a chiller).

But I'm sure there are plenty of tropical creek fish that would be neat too.

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If i had a 125 i would go with some larger l numbers with some big cichlids and a school of corydoras and or columbian tetras. If i would pick a pleco or pleco colony i would go with some wild type ancistrus and some big panaques. Remember these are my preferences but i basically love every fish but som i prefer over others. Take everything with a grain of salt

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I may have ended up with lots of the little murder beans but I’ve never put them in a community.  I have read a ton on it and have a friend that has peas in a community, and I think it’s doable if you put everybody else in the tank first, then add your shoal of pea puffers and let them grow up with an assortment of fish already in the tank.  You’d need the rest of the community to be either fast and wary, or bottom feeders.

A few slightly bigger fish to keep the shoals “schooling” would be very neat, too.  But no long, flowing fins, no enticing feelers, nobody that’s too placid.  Plus you need live food cultures for peas puffers, although I have heard of pea puffers in community tanks being more likely to at least try dry, prepared, or freeze dried foods.

Then the final trick is getting food to relatively slow eating, fussy puffers in a group of speedy, greedy fish.  They are smart enough to train them to go into a net or breeder box/net for feeding, so that’s a possibility.  If you get enough of them, somebody will be bold enough to learn to eat from your tongs/tweezers and they will teach everybody else to eat that way, too.  Mine were eating very reliably from tongs or my all purpose syringe feeder/peroxide dispenser until I put them in a tank that apparently has sufficient snail and scud population plus maybe some blackworms, for them to free feed at will.


For thoughts on what to do with your tank: I’m a fan of a big school of nanofish in a big tank.  It’s so impressive to see a big school all moving together.  Pick your favorite nanofish and get a ton of them!  You’ll never regret it.

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