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'Scapes from Scraps

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On @Khole new fishpost some of us (well really @Odd Duck , @Khole new fish, and I) started chatting about having a very friendly and not  competitive just for fun contest:

I am calling it 'Scapes from Scraps - The idea would be picking up a 5 or 10 g good ol' Aqueon or other brand rimmed tank and use the stuff you've got around including plant clippings, substrate, hardscape and lights to make something cool. 

I am hoping this journal will be where we 1. discuss the rules of the competition 2. come up with categories maybe 5 or so that we want to design to 3. pick a day to start the contest (March or later?please?) 4. post our progress and what we are working with 5. a place to post pics of our final scapes. 

What say yee nermy nerms?


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@Guppysnailmay I recommend a bowl? Hahahaha Amazon.com: CYS EXCEL Glass Bubble Bowl (H-4.5" W-5.5", Approx. 1/4 Gal.) | Multiple Size Choices Fish Bowl Vase | Glass Round Bowl Terrarium | Globe Flower Vase Centerpiece : Home & Kitchen

Or maybe we should create a category for more unique vessels that could be found around the home to accommodate those who are banned from having another tank?

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First:  Love the name!

Second:  You already know I love the idea!

Third:  Love the multiple categories but keep them broad so we don’t get too many or make it too complicated.

Fourth:  Timing is right for me since that should be time enough for me to finish my Offish (or at least be down to the fine tuning stage).

Fifth:  I vote that the container/tank does not need to be new (even better if it’s NOT new) but should ideally be a reset or nearly full restart so everyone has as even a playing field as possible but OK to use an old or new filter at your convenience.  The goal is no (or very minimal) new expenses, just use what ya got, what you can collect from thrift stores, garage sales, friends and neighbors, street sides, etc.

Sixth:  I first nominate a “Containers Of Unusual Size” category (because I can’t think of a general term for a vessel that starts with an “R” except for “reliquary” and I don’t want to offend anybody) for jarariums, antique dispensers [wink, wink], bowls, etc.

Seventh:  Ummm, running out now.  Oh, let’s say a “Nano Tank” (less than 10 gallon), a “Small Tank” (10-20 gallon), a “Well, it’s sort of Dutch Style”, a “Jungle Style”, and a “Fantasy Aquascape” (which could include something like the “Hulk’s Escape”, ‘Wonder Woman”, an “Avatar” tank, a “Drowned Jason”, skulls, legos, pathways, caves, tunnels, or just about anything else.  I suppose we could do an “Open” category for those that are taking this seriously.  And no reason why a single tank couldn’t be entered into multiple categories if someone wanted to do so, because, after all, there are no prizes and no awards.  It’s for ooohs and aaaahs and laughs!

Oh, and maybe an “I Spent Not One Penny” category  [I already know I’ll probably not be able to enter this one because I have no fish breeding right now except my bronze cories].

Eighth:  Should we all keep them a secret?  Just hint about it, like, “I’ve been saving this bowl forever” or “I have a piece of dragon stone I’m using” but everybody needs to take pictures and we’ll explode the builds all over the forum after the “not a contest is over”.

What can I say, I’m a little stir crazy home with COVID.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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On 2/4/2022 at 5:37 PM, Guppysnail said:

You know I’ve always wanted a jararium 😁


[Now the amphopods decide to stay still for their picture🙄]

On 2/4/2022 at 5:51 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Guppysnailmay I recommend a bowl? Hahahaha Amazon.com: CYS EXCEL Glass Bubble Bowl (H-4.5" W-5.5", Approx. 1/4 Gal.) | Multiple Size Choices Fish Bowl Vase | Glass Round Bowl Terrarium | Globe Flower Vase Centerpiece : Home & Kitchen

Or maybe we should create a category for more unique vessels that could be found around the home to accommodate those who are banned from having another tank?

I absolutely love this parameter! [See my pictures for proof]

My spouse said no more buying tanks, until my health is good enough to set up a better shelving unit... and won't let me buy the shelving unit now that we find out I probably tore my rotator cuff... but it's probably not torn completely!!!😅


On 2/4/2022 at 7:09 PM, Odd Duck said:

Sixth:  I first nominate a “Containers Of Unusual Size” category (because I can’t think of a general term for a vessel that starts with an “R” except for “reliquary” and I don’t want to offend anybody) for jarariums, antique dispensers [wink, wink], bowls, etc.

How about "Retrofitted Scrap Scape" for things like... bowls .... vases... and um... drink containers? Old spaghetti jars? Retrofit a television? As long as no money is spent?

Cause these are fun to play with!


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On 2/4/2022 at 9:25 PM, Torrey said:

How about "Retrofitted Scrap Scape" for things like... bowls .... vases... and um... drink containers? Old spaghetti jars?

I was going for a play on words from Princess Bride ROUS’s - Rodents Of Unusual Size, cuz I’m a nerd.  How about Retrofitted, Old, Unused Scrap scapes?  😆  I’m very open to any suggestions for other wacky category ideas or names.  Pure size categories are nice levelers but the names are boring and need help.

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On 2/4/2022 at 10:45 PM, a tired fish keeper said:

I made ones of these no money use whatever is around this Sumer in an old glass rice container and i didn’t spend  1 cent on it  only uses plant trimmings from other tanksimage.jpg.3b2751f25ac7f3e6cbf70d2afa586e50.jpg

Love it!  It truly is amazing what can be done in a small container.

Hey, everyone, should we include an “Already Did This, You Are So Behind The Times” category?  😂  But maybe have to limit it to something that’s still running?  Or leave it open to anything from any time?

I don’t think there’s a way to do a poll with actual voting, but we can make a list of categories and if we get enough entries we can group them.  Or we can just free for all it.  What say the nerms?  And @Beardedbillygoat1975, this was your idea (and your post), even if sparked by @Khole new fish’s post.

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For Nerm Week a few months back @FrozenFins and my photo contests worked where the person running the competition would post the thread for people to put pics on, then people could post their pictures below. To vote people would react to the posts they liked. After a week the post with the most points would win. It worked reasonably well, so just throwing the concept out there if anyone wants to use it. Love the idea! 

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On 2/4/2022 at 11:19 PM, FlyingFishKeeper said:

For Nerm Week a few months back @FrozenFins and my photo contests worked where the person running the competition would post the thread for people to put pics on, then people could post their pictures below. To vote people would react to the posts they liked. After a week the post with the most points would win. It worked reasonably well, so just throwing the concept out there if anyone wants to use it. Love the idea! 

But what happens when you’re ORD?  I’m usually ORD for more of the day than not on some of my days off, like stuck in my room with cabin fever during recovery.

Edited by Odd Duck
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On 2/5/2022 at 1:16 AM, Torrey said:

Whoever was responsible for the category post could include the people who say "ORD 🤩 @Odd Duck that's perfect"!

If the person just says ORD, and doesn't include tags, then their vote wouldn't be counted.🤷‍♂️

So a react is a vote and a “ORD plus the tag for someone’s specific pic/post” counts for the vote and someone has to track it and tally them?  That sounds like work all the sudden!  😝 

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The Inaugural NERM ‘Scapes From Scraps Event!

Ok here’s what I’ve got for categories:

1. Home alone - you had everything at home and didn’t spend a dime, @a tired fish keepergave a great example above

2. The micro tank- less than 5 g

3. The nano 5-10

4. Normalcy - 10-20

5. Biggie - 20+

6. Pass the Dutchie - Dutch style 

7. it’s a jungle out there

8. hey mister fantasy

9. Tous’ - tanks of unusual size, dimensions or make for all the oddball containers And setups

Rules that are hopefully not broken:

1. At all costs try to reuse what you’ve got at home, this includes upcycling tanks, filters, lights, hardscape, substrate etc

2. Try to spend as little as you can

3. plants should be clippings if at all possible

4. Document your build - pics pics pics as best you can

5. have fun, I agree with @Odd Duckdon’t tell us what you’re doing but you can tease “I used x y or z.” Don’t give away the surprise!

We can just keep using this thread up until the end of the contest and then we can create 9 journals for the categories, people can post their builds pics pics pics and people can use the love 😍icon for their vote, and one vote per category per person. 

Before the event feel Free to pm me, @Odd Duck and if a 3rd person wants to help let us know. All you’d be responsible for is watching 3 of the categories when we get to the date. 

I say we post everything on April Fool’s Day 4/1/22 which I now christen St. Nermy’s Day. Not sure I can do that, hey @Cory or @Zenzocan we get a ruling on that?! 

This is a community event, started by Nerms for Nerms done in the spirit of fun and tongue in cheek so be respectful and kind to one another - gosh knows there’s enough of the opposite out there. 


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I’m set. Here is my official entry. I’m doing two. You folks are a bad influence my brain has been buzzing I think I may have had dreams about it last night 🤣Both will be home alone- no penny spent all repurposed stuff/plants/livestock I have and fit in the rules.  One will be micro/ Tous and one nano. Hopefully both will end with any luck as It’s a jungle out there 🤞🏻And both fit @Odd Duck retrofitted repurposed unused scrap (I like roads less traveled so I will travel along 😁) WOOHOO let the party start 🥳 I can add tanks without adding “tanks” 🤩 

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Now you guys have me thinking about the glass lemonade dispenser gathering dust in our basement because Winter. It's probably at least 4 gallons. My dwarf lily split awhile back, I have a ton of sand, gravel, rock from old tanks and lots more moss....

What about paladariums? I saved some salamanders from freezing yesterday when our storm drain clogged during the night...

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On 2/5/2022 at 2:04 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

Now you guys have me thinking about the glass lemonade dispenser gathering dust in our basement because Winter. It's probably at least 4 gallons. My dwarf lily split awhile back, I have a ton of sand, gravel, rock from old tanks and lots more moss....

What about paladariums? I saved some salamanders from freezing yesterday when our storm drain clogged during the night...

I would say that a paludarium would be in the TOUS/ROUS category - Tanks Of Unusual Size or Retrofitted, Old, Unused Scrap category.  No one can decide on the official name of this unofficial category in the unofficial contest with no winners and no prizes, but there’s voting, soooooo. . . . . . . .  😆 😂 🤣  Please, please enter your lemonade dispenser paludarium and I can’t wait to see what you do with it!  This is my favorite unofficial category already!

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On 2/5/2022 at 3:14 PM, Odd Duck said:

I would say that a paludarium would be in the TOUS/ROUS category - Tanks Of Unusual Size or Retrofitted, Old, Unused Scrap category.  No one can decide on the official name of this unofficial category in the unofficial contest with no winners and no prizes, but there’s voting, soooooo. . . . . . . .  😆 😂 🤣  Please, please enter your lemonade dispenser paludarium and I can’t wait to see what you do with it!  This is my favorite unofficial category already!

You are really tempting me! I've never kept amphibians and the learning curve is a bit concerning before April 1. Perhaps however I could set it up for the endler or shrimp breeding projects we're starting. My neocaradinas are breeding like mad and some interesting outcomes have happened (like almost black shrimp). We really should separate some of them out, and I had been researching Walstad jars last week. The person I got my endler fry from also sent me a dwarf crayfish that we're really enjoying and would probably like an above water area.... decisions, decisions!

And of course we were planning the side by side 55 SA project for spring.... 🤯

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