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Going Fish Shopping!!


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Tomorrow is the day-I need some algae eater/bottom clean up type fish and a LFS somewhat close to me is reopening after they had to move. I'm not sure what all they will have in stock. If they don't have anything on my list, I can go to another fish store but it is farther away and it's cold outside 🙂 I have my quarantine tank ready to go and I have a list of potential candidates. I tried some shrimp but they became a smorgasbord for my rainbow fish. I have 3 nerite snails who keep my glass nice and clean and a pleco who isn't really all that neat-he just seems to poop a lot. My list includes dwarf/pygmy/panda Corydoras, kuhli loaches, otocinclus catfish (really my first choice), or dwarf chain loaches (I know they eat snails, but my snails are pretty good sized-would they be safe?) I'm planning to get a group of 6 of whatever I can find (just one variety). Any other suggestions?  Any precautions about the medication trio with any of these fish?  Thank you for any suggestions or little bits of information you can share with me. I forgot to add that my tank is a well cycled 60 gal planted aquarium with a gravel bottom.


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Panda Cory. They clean up well even after messy guppies and a BN pleco who whooshes her food everywhere with her tail and well they are adorable clowns that will use the whole tank and be crazy entertaining as well as useful. They are also very hardy. I can’t give med recommendation I don’t preemptively use medications just qt and watch. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 1/6/2022 at 11:07 AM, Guppysnail said:

I don’t preemptively use medications just qt and watch. 

I might go that route, as well. Years ago I had an ick breakout due to some new fish (mail order) I didn't quarantine. It was a disaster and between the ick and the meds I got to that it I lost almost all the fish including a big group of clown loaches. I know a lot more now but it makes me really nervous to put the meds in there. How long do you usually quarantine? I'm thinking 4 weeks?

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On 1/6/2022 at 12:41 PM, dmurray407 said:

I might go that route, as well. Years ago I had an ick breakout due to some new fish (mail order) I didn't quarantine. It was a disaster and between the ick and the meds I got to that it I lost almost all the fish including a big group of clown loaches. I know a lot more now but it makes me really nervous to put the meds in there. How long do you usually quarantine? I'm thinking 4 weeks?

3 weeks but I’m retired so watch their every behavior. 4 weeks should be fine. Here is why I don’t preemptively medicate.  It is against the grain so I know a lot of folks will disagree and that is fine. I’m not saying I’m right just right for me.
Fish in the wild are designed to handle bacteria and small amounts of parasites. Weak or stress weakened fish get sick. Transport is stressful. Fish stores are stressful being moved to a permanent tank is stressful. Stressing them by withholding food for water quality, causing water issues, medications alone are stressful weakening fish. Putting them through meds now they are “sterilized” but stress weakened.  Now they are most likely to pick up bacterial infection, ick, parasites that may be in my tank from being weak and stressed.  There are bad bacteria and parasites in our tanks no matter how hard we try. I am also now introducing bacteria into my tank that has resistance built up to whatever med I used.  I colony manage my tanks. When I have a sick fish which is so very rare outside of physical injury I can’t remember (except guppies 😕) the last time I needed meds but I have them in case. If I have an I’ll fish it is removed from my colony immediately and never reintroduced even upon recovery. I know their immune system is susceptible to something in that tank so they live separate because if they are reinfected it gives bad bacteria a breeding ground to overpopulate and hit my other fish. 
If my qt fish I have even a tiny doubt about I use sentinel fish.  I don’t hear that spoken of anymore but it used to be very common many years ago among folks I knew. I use young juvenile guppies and place them in with the qt fish after 3 weeks. If there is anything it will present in very young guppies within 2 weeks. 
If I were a business where time is money and I could not watch each fish for weeks you better believe I would medicate each and every fish prior to introducing to my system. 

Oh my goodness I just went to reread this and realized I went on a tangent. I’m sorry I did not mean to it just started flowing 🤣🤣🤣 Anyway if you don’t find any of it useful or interesting just ignore it 🤣

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I have Kuhli Loaches and while I like them...I like being able to see my fish during the day and they really only come out at night. That being said my favorite bottom feeder/dweller has to be cories. I am partial to albinos (simply because they have a lot of contrast on black substrate) but pandas are good too. They are very active in my tanks and the more you have the cooler the schooling action. Otos would be a solid choice too, but if I was choosing one from your list: Panda cories all the way.

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On 1/6/2022 at 12:09 PM, Guppysnail said:

Oh my goodness I just went to reread this and realized I went on a tangent. I’m sorry I did not mean to it just started flowing 🤣🤣🤣

No, I appreciate every bit of it!  And, actually, I feel the same way.  I was a nurse for many years and the issue of antibiotic resistance caused by the overprescribing of  antibiotic medications has been drilled into my head. It has created a whole new set of problems. Like you, I am retired and I can watch my fish  and treat any issues that come up. (and not feeding them just seems kind of mean....)Thank you for your great explanation! 

OK, my plan is for a combination of Corys and Oto cats. I'll see what they actually have in stock and go from there. Thank you all for the great advice!!!


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On 1/6/2022 at 2:13 PM, dmurray407 said:

No, I appreciate every bit of it!  And, actually, I feel the same way.  I was a nurse for many years and the issue of antibiotic resistance caused by the overprescribing of  antibiotic medications has been drilled into my head. It has created a whole new set of problems. Like you, I am retired and I can watch my fish  and treat any issues that come up. (and not feeding them just seems kind of mean....)Thank you for your great explanation! 

OK, my plan is for a combination of Corys and Oto cats. I'll see what they actually have in stock and go from there. Thank you all for the great advice!!!


Out of reactions 😍

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Dang it!  I'm all set, but it's -23 (F) out so I'm going to have to postpone my fish trip until it warms up (not supposed to be above 0 until this evening sometime). It's a 45 min drive to the fish store and I'm just worried about keeping the fish warm enough on the way home or if I have car trouble (knock on wood-my car is pretty reliable but you never know...).  I might try tomorrow, if not,  I'll have to wait until one day next week. It was supposed to be warmer than this today🥶

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On 1/7/2022 at 8:50 AM, Guppysnail said:

I fill a hard plastic cooler with ziplock baggies of warm water

I do something similar, but I just worry that my car might break down or something unexpected, so I'll just wait until it's above 0 (which, in reality really isn't that much warmer...)

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On 1/7/2022 at 8:01 AM, dmurray407 said:

I do something similar, but I just worry that my car might break down or something unexpected, so I'll just wait until it's above 0 (which, in reality really isn't that much warmer...)

Do you buy the Co-op heat packs?

I'm used to having to move fish in sub-freezing weather because that was consistently when masonry work had to stop and we'd be relocated. Back then I used the heat packs skiers and ski patrol would put in our boots and mittens to prevent frost bite

Wrap one in a hand towel and throw in the bottom of the cooler. Lay 2 x 2liter bottles of warm water on top, and then bags of fish on top of that. Cover with a towel and close the cooler. With thermometers that are available today, I would add a thermometer under the fish, to ensure that they don't get too warm. Probably the same thermometer I used to cook our Christmas dinner, lol. Battery operated and a long wire, along with LED display would make it easy to monitor the fish temp in the car.

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Well, that was a wasted trip to the new fish store. They had mostly zebra danios and all the fish were so tiny you almost needed a magnifying glass-and nothing was labeled. It was clean and the staff was great and I got some new fish food because I want to support them so they stay in business. There were lots of customers and a few even mentioned that they watch Cory's videos on YouTube 🙂 I'm sure they are really just getting set up so I'm not going to be too hard on them and will definitely go back. I'll try another store in Minneapolis next week.

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