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Fish room within the attached garage

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On 1/29/2022 at 11:57 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Using a pump to move that water to tanks in the garage makes a lot of sense. I’d like to kind of adapt what MD Fishtanks does which is he uses essentially a KASA plug to turn on and off the pump which I could do as well.

I haven't seen what MD tanks has done, but this is essentially where this all started for me. My water-change system was born out of me trying to figure out how to more easily change water in a 125g in my home. This all started with the brute can in the basement, a wifi plug, and that long run of drain pipe.

Basically I wanted to be able to trigger a large water change from my phone, pump water from my basement up to the first floor, and then have the waste water flow back down to the basement and into the utility sink. I think I documented that system somewhere on this forum.

I used to fill the brute can with RO water, and remineralize that for use with my display tank. But making RO got expensive as I was burning through too much resin. All of this was just to remove nitrates from my well water. So took some time to do some research and figured out how to rig up those de-nitrate filters and make a DIY solar-salt recharge system so I could recharge and run the same resin for years without having to replace it (and without having to by an expensive commercial unit).

That was what got me first tinkering with all the stuff. 

Once I knew how to filter/treat my water in a more cost effective manner, and to easy water changes I thought . . . .. hmmmm now what i need is MORE TANKS!!!!  The I built off the original system I set up accommodate for the breeding rack setup.

At this point, I think I'm going to take a lot of the lessons learned from V1.0 of all of this, and move onto v2.0. This next iteration is going to be less low-budget but its going to be as DIY as I can make it, because I'm not sure what I enjoy more, the fish or the tinkering and building. 

I'd really like to build and utilize a single sump system for an entire wall of tanks, and have the waste water cycle through a trickle tower setup that empties into a semi-attractive-looking sump/basin/mini-pond kind of thing filled with tons of floating plants and cherry shrimp. (Kind of like a giant refugium). Auto-water changes will happen via the sump/pond, instead of going into each tank.

Anyway, the idea is floating around in my head. I'll just have to spend some months thinking through it and then start building. 

My goals with v2.0 are to continue down to an easier, self-maintaining system. And to make everything a little more photo-worth and less crazy-old-man making a rube-goldberg-machine in his basement. I want to show it to non-fish people and have them say "Wow, this is nice" rather than "My god, what is that contraption!" 

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On 1/29/2022 at 7:42 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I feel like I just hijacked this thread, so unless you all want more details, i'll end here.

This was amazing!  Tusind tak!!!  (Many thanks.)  I will be attempting to replicate this as I do a little expansion.  I hope it is okay if I DM you with questions at some point.  I had been using drip lines, but wanted a different system moving forward.  I watched Cory's old vids on his install using PVC, but the valves are always sold out.  I think this is my solution!  I have to start from a garden hose attachment, but I don't think that's insurmountable.

On 1/30/2022 at 12:14 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Absolutely, I salivate when I see utility sinks in peoples garages! Oh and basements what I would do for a good ol’ fashioned midwestern basement!

Your build is very inspiring!  I am currently expanding by space for tanks, but I must admit it driven by a bit of opportunism.  In my boiler room in my basement, there is waste heat that brings the space up to fish room temperature for half the year, there is a concrete floor with a floor drain, and a utility sink.  Plus, I have access to all the source plumbing - i.e. the well tank through the filtration of various sorts and the water heater, so I can tap into water at whatever stage I want to.  This in not meant to induce jealousy (although I suspect I am at least as jealous of where you live compared with where I do, so that might balance out 🤪) as much as to support my assertion that I am impressed with your dedication.  I don't think i would have gone to such efforts, I just had an easy opportunity.  Your fish room comes from a force of will.  It's really cool!

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On 1/30/2022 at 4:41 AM, tolstoy21 said:

My goals with v2.0 are to continue down to an easier, self-maintaining system. And to make everything a little more photo-worth and less crazy-old-man making a rube-goldberg-machine in his basement. I want to show it to non-fish people and have them say "Wow, this is nice" rather than "My god, what is that contraption!" 

I agree. If I set up a multi tank rack it’ll have to be in our basement family room so it’ll have to be guest friendly. Cory sets a high bar with the systems at his various fishrooms and his store. I’d like something along those lines. 

@Beardedbillygoat1975 your fire pit is really cool!

Edited by Patrick_G
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@OnlyGenusCapsas I sealed up the roof today I’ve started to plan out the door and I tried to talk with my wife about a plan for the plumbing but she’s got a migraine after a debacle at the Verizon store so things may carry over into next week im off Wednesday and the weekend. My water heater is in the garage so I’m hoping I can figure out something not too expensive so I can keep everything in the garage and not have to go to the inside sink. 

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Just an idea if you haven’t figured a way to make doors from the insulated board. First hang all board then, Find where you want door , make level lines, cut door out (preferably one solid piece no seems on door) attach a 1x4 the length of the door from the back with caped/ washers screws. Then do same to corresponding wall at door cut out. Now you have wood to attach hinges to. Same thing can be done at other side for a latch.

could even do 1x4s screwed around doorway and install a storm door or even a lightweight swinging interior door.🤷🏻‍♂️

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On 1/29/2022 at 8:44 PM, Atitagain said:

IME You can almost say it’s all pex. They used to stub copper on at hook ups, where it comes out from the wall/ floor. But now it’s all pex after it comes in from outside.

im not a Plummer but I work in new residential construction every day and this is what I see.

Chicago building code still requires all copper. It is super annoying because we did a remodel a few years back and it all had to be copper. Costs a fortune. The building code also requires all rigid metal conduit for electrical unless the run is 3 ft or less (could be 6 feet I can’t remember). So that’s the annoyance I have run in to. We have a roughed in bathroom in our unfinished basement. Basically just wood studs framing a room. I am building a fish room in this area. There is a sump pit without a sump pump near by I am going to use as drainage and am working on doing the plumbing for it as well. I will have a water source close as the hot water heater is right next to the room. I just finished the electrical rough in and am working toward insulation. I have the estimates for the room costing $750-$1000

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@Atitagainwell I was thinking of just using a moving blanket as a curtain door with mylar space blankets on the back of that to start. Thanks for giving me somewhere to go after that, 

@GoosedubSound like an optimal spot for your fish room. I need to figure out the plumbing off the water heater but have otherwise solved the other issues. Best of luck. 

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I’ve been dealing with an awful infection in my 15 g tower tank. I’m just glad it hasn’t spread. 

In happier news I’ve started to set up a couple tanks in the new fishroom - started with the 40 g breeder with a plan to house my ricefish that are coming in and my BN plecos.EBD6C45E-D68E-4C0C-9D9A-2C2FDF81A28A.jpeg.3025fb8a59ca9f4885b32c88c676a14c.jpeg

Next up is my Blue Hawaiian Guppy/Blue Dream Neo tub. It’s booming again and I put that to putting in a pond planter to help the fry survival. 7FD00A6A-B6A7-4F28-A80E-7BF9922A92B2.jpeg.3f642a52da1487083835c6e2bd4a1b47.jpeg
Next time I do a count on the livestock I’ll post some Pics of the residents. 

These pics come from my plant growout which houses a colony of Blue Dreams and a single Amoeca splendens male who I got at Fishtoberfest and he lost his partner. He’s kind of the mascot for the fishroom he’s a total survivor. Favorite orphan fish in a long time.  

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hahaha I’m so out of it I thought this was my journal!!!
Yeah @Levi_Aquaticsi keep focusing on things that are not related to that tank. Rescaping my 45 g, getting ready for summer tubbing, getting the power and door worked out in the fishroom, creating the corys mansion. Anything but deal with this tank as everything in a dependent on the post which has been terribly unreliable. 
Im counting my blessings though. I split off a dominant male and a group of adolescents in the sad bowl this fall and so I have a nice group of 1-2 males and 4 females with some fry that I can’t sex out yet. So far the ricefish in there I’ve lost 4 early on but the remaining 4 look great. Really at this point all I can do is water change, add ACCR to keep the ammonia at bay, add salt and wait for the nitrofurazone. 
I spent my day caring for my boys so I’m exhausted. Think an Escape to the Country, a cup of tea and a melatonin are in order. Here’s to better days ahead, and have fun hoping to get there again soon. 

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Well this will be a picture dump but here goes. 

I’ve finished most of the construction. Only thing left is a room light I’ll hang between now and next Sunday. F87BE5BB-55BB-4945-97C9-10E7F213BC83.jpeg.b24572b373c295e4ef6bd6f78493c7d9.jpeg

I think I may get a flooring system to put down eventually but otherwise it’s just building out and stocking. 

For the door I kept it simple just using another sheet of foam. It fits tightly under the lip of the roof. Who knew my laziness with the length of the roof would pay off?! 

I’ve started the process of plugging up areas where light is seeping through and using more thermal tape to cover the edges. 

It’s a nice space to work in. Not cramped at all. We figured out that the outlet I was struggling with was off at the box along with another - they were for a home vac system and a hot tub that’s not there anymore. So I’ve got power for both racks. 

Looking forward I can see myself putting in a linear piston air pump eventually and depending on my breeding interests can convert to 10 and 20 h. 

Hilariously my wife has plans to put up wall paper on the outside. I’ll post a pic. 

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On 2/6/2022 at 11:45 PM, lefty o said:

cant blame the wife. wall paper or paint would go a long way towards making it look a bit nicer.

Paint and foam can be a problem. The wrong paint can melt the foam. Definitely something you'd want to test on a scrap piece before trying to paint it. A test of the wallpaper paste on some scrap foam might be wise also.

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Seems the temp in there has stabilized between 66-68. You can feel very mild humidity when you enter its not oppressive but there. I think the next step is making lids for everyone which I think could help the humidity and the evaporation. I have those panels of greenhouse material that I will start working with this weekend. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updates since my last post. 

Grabbed another 20 g long (mismarketed as a 33 L man was I not pleased after driving 20 minutes out of my way!) and got my Dean pond running. 

I’m starting to run out of outlets both air and electric. I keep considering bringing in more tanks but in my mind I’d need to consider the number of outlets, heaters and other items in order to do this. Examples include a 40 or 60 breeder for a special pleco project. 

I’m finding tanks on the middle and upper racks will stay consistently above 70 so I’m only heating for species that need it. If I was to expand tanks to the bottom racks 40s or 60s on both I’d concentrate my heaters there then they’d heat the racks above. Putting tops on the tanks has done wonders for conservation of heat as well. So I think I can solve the heat problem - put some decent size tanks on bottom rack and heat those then I could potentially free up outlets from the heaters above. 

That leaves me with air. I’ve got 2 Danner four outlets pumps and 2 lithium ion battery 2 outlet pumps running the rest of the room. That’s 4 outlets. I’m starting to see the light of a linear air pump like the coops and just seeing if anyone has an idea of when I should pull the trigger. I’m thinking any expansion from my present footprint is going to require this. I think I know everyone’s going to say “Do it!” But maybe I’m looking for more nuanced/reasoned arguments then that as my spouse will have something to say about another capital investment. 

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On 3/5/2022 at 4:30 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

That leaves me with air. I’ve got 2 Danner four outlets pumps and 2 lithium ion battery 2 outlet pumps running the rest of the room. That’s 4 outlets. I’m starting to see the light of a linear air pump like the coops and just seeing if anyone has an idea of when I should pull the trigger. I’m thinking any expansion from my present footprint is going to require this. I think I know everyone’s going to say “Do it!” But maybe I’m looking for more nuanced/reasoned arguments then that as my spouse will have something to say about another capital investment.

If I am counting correctly from your text, it sounds like you have a dozen air outlets you are running now, yes?  To me, I'd say the pump upgrade is worth it anything after 12.  I've told others that as a basic benchmark, but in your case it would also only use one outlet, freeing up others.  That would have a secondary advantage I'd guess. The other thing is that the linear piston pump can really crank some power.  I've found that for a couple of my species I've been able to get powerhead like flow with just my jet tubes.  Some of the fish have really loved that!  Now, you do have to keep the jet tubes clean, but with that caveat, it's so easy to dial in the flow you want.  In your case, you could even plumb it so the pump is outside of the room and somewhere else in the garage (not that it's too loud - my little, cheapy, diaphragm-pumps are louder).  I think from a very pragmatic standpoint, you are at a stage where it makes sense if you have any expansion plans.  My 2¢.

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Thanks everyone- @OnlyGenusCapsand @Patrick_G appreciate the replies. Looking at other Nitto pumps since it sure seems like ACO will never get them back in stock! Interestingly septic air pumps are what these were originally designed for. 
Does anyone know if there are particular upsides and downsides between the linear and diaphragm pumps? I’m seeing some interesting diaphragm pumps from Japan that are more energy efficient, quieter and higher output for less money. 

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