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So Bummed


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For various medical reasons, I haven't been able to go inside a fish store for about 6 years. Last time I went, I bought my 1 angelfish, and he had to be my only fish for at least 4 years. 

Maybe a year ago, I ordered endlers online. A few months ago, I ordered platies. They've all been sanity savers. 

For the last week, I thought I was going to be able to go into a great lfs, hand off a lot of endlers, and buy a few more species I've been wanting for a long time. I put in a lot of work to do it. I emailed with the owner about the endlers, watched videos of the inside of the store, and looked up online posts about the place and people. I knew that I'd need to prioritize, get the fish I wanted in priority order, and just get out. But still, I was going to get to buy fishies, in person, all on one day. At least, surely, the one I wanted most. I was so excited.

But it wasn't long ago that I moved. I've been doing all my shopping as delivery or curbside pickup, so I hadn't realized that the new state I live in doesn't require everyone to keep their masks on in public places. Unfortunately, I'm among the people for whom mask mandates are in place. So after years of wanting to, and a week of thinking I'd get to and planning ahead carefully, and being so excited, I didn't get to go in.

An employee came out to take my extra endlers. Then I waited in the parking lot for the store owner to come out. I spent that time carefully not looking in the store's open door because the one glance I gave made me want to cry. The owner came out and gave me a card stating that I have store credit for X dollars... that I can't even use.

I'm guessing a lot of you can sympathize with how disappointing this is.

I'd been afraid something might go wrong, so I'd had in mind that if it did, I'd order fish online when I got home (at least the one I want most), and it'd arrive near my birthday. Turns out that because of the time of year, nobody's shipping fish until well after my birthday. Rightly so, but it's so disheartening.

I guess this is similar to a "my main tank broke" post. I just wanted to share my sadness with people who understand how big of a deal it is. Thanks for caring, guys. This is a good group.


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On 12/30/2021 at 2:14 PM, GameCzar said:

I know there have been a few times I couldn't be with @TheCzarista when she was shopping for fish, and she video chatted me so I could look.  Maybe you have someone who could go in and let you be there virtually?  

I don't understand the cold area question.

But no, I don't have anyone. I thought of that, but after that person were to go in and potentially be exposed, I couldn't be around them for about 10 days. So that's not really a viable option.

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If the owner was kind enough to help you in the way they did, is there any reason you can't have them help you pick out new fish? Like take pictures and show you?  You might be able to explain your vulnerabilities. Maybe they'd even let you in a few minutes before the store officially opens? 

I got guppies this week and I actually just let the employee bag the first they catch. I feel like this method has never gone wrong for me- and I'm standing right there. 🙂 It's similar to ordering online anyway!

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
1 more thing.
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Yea maybe they can let you in either before open or after close some day. It's a shame that people in general are so selfish these days. In my area many refuse to wear a mask just so they can hopefully get in a confrontation about it. But that's West Virginia in a nutshell for ya. I better be quiet now or I'll get in trouble lol.

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On 12/30/2021 at 2:34 PM, CalmedByFish said:

I don't understand the cold area question.

But no, I don't have anyone. I thought of that, but after that person were to go in and potentially be exposed, I couldn't be around them for about 10 days. So that's not really a viable option.

I just wondered if you living in a colder area is why you can't get fish shipped. 

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@CalmedByFish; I'm not really sure of what @GameCzarmeant by a "cold area" either, it could mean that being in a cold area is about the air temp where you are. 

Years ago, I bought several insulated cooler bags from Wally World so that if I bought something frozen or just cold, I could put the item(s) in the cooler bags, so things don't thaw out or melt as I bring them home. These things work just as well for keeping the fish I may buy at my LFS warm in the water I bought them in, as well as keeping the fish in a dark enclosure hopefully so they'll stay calm. 

I'm fully vaccinated with the booster, and I wear a mask everywhere I go. Just like @sudofish, I live in WV where it seems as if I'm the only person that wears a mask, I know others do wear masks, but they are few and far between. Though I'm fully vaccinated with the booster and the VA Hospitals know it, they're the ones that gave the shots, and that info is in the VA Medical Systems Nationwide Data Base, masks are still mandatory at each and every VA Hospital I go to.

I started to buy fish online this morning, I was told that they will not ship them to my location because it's winter, and it has been in the 60's for several weeks here.

Good luck, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Edited by Gator
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On 12/30/2021 at 2:54 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

If the owner was kind enough to help you in the way they did, is there any reason you can't have them help you pick out new fish?

Particularly since I know exactly what I want, this might work. I'll roll the idea around. Thanks.

On 12/30/2021 at 3:01 PM, sudofish said:

Yea maybe they can let you in either before open or after close some day. It's a shame that people in general are so selfish these days. In my area many refuse to wear a mask just so they can hopefully get in a confrontation about it. But that's West Virginia in a nutshell for ya. I better be quiet now or I'll get in trouble lol.

For lack of more forum-appropriate words, I'll just tell you that I hear you. 

On 12/30/2021 at 3:02 PM, GameCzar said:

I just wondered if you living in a colder area is why you can't get fish shipped. 

I think the issue is unpredictability of mailing during holidays. 

On 12/30/2021 at 3:21 PM, Gator said:

I'm fully vaccinated with the booster, and I wear a mask everywhere I go.

masks are still mandatory at each and every VA Hospital I go to.

Good luck, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I sincerely thank you. Good for them! And HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

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In the end let us not focus on the things around us that we cannot change and make this into a complaint fest. To me this takes away from this post. 

What I saw in @CalmedByFish's post was a deep sadness not just by the current situation but an ONGOING issue for the last 6 years and I'm very sorry you have had to go through this. Which is why I focused on a solution- I'm hoping the LFS owner can help you. That would bring some faith back to the human race for you I hope. *virtual hugs* I truly empathize with your situation- I cross my fingers that you are able to come up with a happy solution that will get more fish and joy back in your life. 

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Roughly, where do you live? Maybe there is a forum member that could send you cell phone photos of fish at the fish store, and you could do a curb side pick up purchase. You wouldn't need to meet the forum person face to face. 

I know someone who has a great deal of health problems when she is around perfume. The person wearing the perfume might have left, but the invisible perfume cloud is still there. It makes it very hard for her to go out in public. She can not see if there is a perfume cloud, until she walks into it. 

Best of luck. I hope you can enjoy new fish very soon.

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After everything this year threw at you sorry you didn't get this win. Disappointment can be so hard to deal with it is such a crushing emotion. 

At least they worked with you to sort the enders so when things have calmed down after the holiday period I am sure they will find ways to work with you in the lets face it you could be a customer worth keeping. 

As mentioned above ask about going in early or late if you have a list ready ( yes you want a browse but let them get the dry goods ready so they know there is a sale at the end).  And make sure they have that number 1 fish in stock.  When you feel up to it see what they can do. 

That reminds me I really want to know what the number 1 fish is can you tell or are you working on a surprise tank reveal down the line?


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I, for one, would be absolutely willing to go to a local store and do a video walk around for someone.  I’ve been fully vaccinated and boostered and still wear a mask anywhere in public.  I’d bet that we could find someone to do that for you!  The fish store owner or employees might even do that for you.

It would be safe to disinfect the outside of the fish bags, then leave them at your front door in an insulated box (or do curbside pick up).  Plus you could wear gloves while handling the fish bags and a mask when opening them to be extra safe.

I can’t remember if you’ve posted where you moved to, but surely we can find a forum member that could help you.

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You guys are magnificent.  It looks like it was 2 days ago now that I suddenly couldn't take any more interaction, and stepped away from the forum. I'm really not sure whether or not it was good that I did!

On one hand, if I'd seen all these comments, I might've pursued some arrangement with the lfs owner, and gotten everything I wanted for a pretty low price.

On the other hand, I instead in these last 2 days ordered the fish online. If they do arrive healthy, then I suppose I've got my solution. But if they don't, I'm really going to wish I'd been on here and tried the lfs idea. Fingers crossed.

Know that I appreciate each of you for stepping up to try to figure this out for me. Sorry I cut out for a couple days - I'd really lost my ability to even.

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On 1/1/2022 at 7:20 PM, CalmedByFish said:

You guys are magnificent.  It looks like it was 2 days ago now that I suddenly couldn't take any more interaction, and stepped away from the forum. I'm really not sure whether or not it was good that I did!

On one hand, if I'd seen all these comments, I might've pursued some arrangement with the lfs owner, and gotten everything I wanted for a pretty low price.

On the other hand, I instead in these last 2 days ordered the fish online. If they do arrive healthy, then I suppose I've got my solution. But if they don't, I'm really going to wish I'd been on here and tried the lfs idea. Fingers crossed.

Know that I appreciate each of you for stepping up to try to figure this out for me. Sorry I cut out for a couple days - I'd really lost my ability to even.

sometimes you just need to step away. nothing wrong with that, we all do it in our own way.

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On 12/31/2021 at 4:26 AM, Flumpweesel said:

That reminds me I really want to know what the number 1 fish is 

I just remembered seeing this. I've wanted a blue fish for years (my fav color of fish), who can also gulp fry (omg endlers).

I ordered a male powder blue gourami. Then I saw @Irene's video this morning with a beautiful powder blue gourami! Seeing her beautiful fishy, I think I made the right choice. 

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On 1/2/2022 at 8:05 AM, Flumpweesel said:

I've been thinking about adding some blue to my community

🙂 I'd been looking for years, and there's not a ton of options. Limitations for me were water parameters, tank size, tank mates, and whether I would still enjoy the blue if there were a lot of other colors. Deciding I very much preferred solid blue limited me to a powder blue gourami, or a solid blue betta. Of the 2, only the gourami could be found online. 

If you'd enjoy the blue even though it's just on a bit of the fishy, there are a lot more options. 

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