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Hello from Southern California!


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Hi! I'm a 31 year old farm worker from Cali, I grew up with fish all the time but unfortunately a lot of the people I lived with saw them the way far too many do - as disposable - and did a lot of things that make me cringe to think of now, like keeping goldfish in a tiny plastic bowl or bettas in a vase with a flower on it and no heat source. I'm still learning how to properly care for and maintain a tank - I now have a 20 gallon tall that I'm still sort of setting up with live plants and whatnot, but I have a few mollies, a kuhuli loach and two stripey fish that were given to me, not entirely sure what they are, they're bottom feeders though. Kind of like plecos but not, their pattern is really neat and they seem to get along fine with everyone though. I also have some mystery snails, but they keep laying so many egg sacs that I keep having to take out because I don't want a million of them!

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I couldn't get a pic - they love to hide - but I looked them up and they're called yoyo loaches I think. I have two of them - they look like this, but mine are bigger and their stripes are more..I dunno, wiggly?Ā  They have more shapes to them, not just a repeated pattern.


Edited by Moonstruck
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