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Hello !

As I've said in my presentation topic, I am a total beginner in the hobby and my current goal is to get a 29 gallon tank going with the following fishes :

- 1 Pearl Gourami
- 10 Celestial Pearl Danio
- 7 Black Phantom Tetra

- 4 Emerald Green Cory

Right now I'm gathering as much information as I can while trying to understand all the subtlety of getting a tank ready to welcome my future fishes !

Here's the current list of questions that I'm trying to find an answer to :

- Should I buy a "all in one" tank with a filter, a thermometer and all the part that I need or should I get just the tank and buy all the part separately to know better the tools and the pieces that I'm going to use.

On this question, I'm currently leaning a bit more toward the "empty" tank and buying all the other part apart just because I like to know what I'm using and I think it'll be reassuring if anything broke or have any kind of dysfunction but also because I can't really find any good recommandation on a "all-in-one" tank but if you have some recommandation for that, I'll glady take them.

- Are the fishes that I've picked gonna do well together ? 

That's one of my main interrogation, I'm pretty much terrified to wake up one morning to find that some fishs as been injured or killed by others. After researching a lot on that subject, I've come to the conclusion that they should be all alright and happy together but if you have any knowledge on that, let me know

- Cycling, live plants, water parameters 

This is one of the big question too, I've read and looked at a lot of video about this subject but it seems that there is tons of "techniques" and "methods" to get the tank cycled and at this time I'm not really sure which one to pick and how to do it rightly. As for the live plant, my choice are currently leaning towards some species such as : Amazon Sword Plant, Marimo Ball, Java Fern and Anacharis but there's a lot to learn on that subject for me as for the substract choice per exemple or if I need to get special lights to grow the plants.

- Once everything is set-up, what's the best way to introduce the fishes to their new home ?

On this question, my thinking is leaning to think that I should add them by their species, like : adding the Gourami then waiting few weeks and adding the CPD and waiting few weeks to add the cory cats then waiting few weeks to add the Tetras but I'm not sure at all that its the best way to do it.


Thanks for reading all of these, I hope its making sense (and I hope my english is not too shabby haha)


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most of the all in 1 tank kits are ok, but you will more than likely be happier buying the exact components you want. as for cycling, pick a direction. there are people that will go ape nuts if you dont cycle your tank the way they do. in the end, they all work. some faster than others, and some with more stress on you, but it is a personal decision as they will all get you to the same place. as for adding fish, it is a good idea to spread out the addition of new fish, this allows your bacteria in the tank ( this is what the "cycle" is all about) to adjust gradually to the new bio load vs just making a huge adjustment if you dump a pile of fish in at once. good luck, and dont hesitate to ask questions as the need arises. tons of knowledge available here, and there is no one right way to do things.

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Sounds like you've got this figured out. Plants that I find easiest are Anubis and most of the cheap bunches of stem plants . The stem plants make good fillers while the slower plants establish. I'm still learning which plants are happy in my aquarium.

On 11/11/2021 at 4:49 PM, FrQise said:

Should I buy a "all in one" tank with a filter, a thermometer and all the part that I need or should I get just the tank and buy all the part separately to know better the tools and the pieces that I'm going to use.

Let the wallet decide, my large tank was a fluval all in one set up and it has been fine.

On 11/11/2021 at 4:49 PM, FrQise said:

I should add them by their species, like : adding the Gourami then waiting few weeks and adding the CPD and waiting few weeks to add the cory cats then waiting few weeks to add the Tetras but I'm not sure at all that its the best way to do

Perfect plan to my mind. Slowly helps the cycle keep up with them and gives you time to get to know each type.


And as @lefty o says just pick the method of cycling that makes sense to you. Until you try it's impossible to give much advise aside from don't do fish in cycles unless you have to they are far more work and take much longer because you have to protect the fish from spikes.


Hope that helps looking forward to seeing this come together

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:49 AM, FrQise said:

Should I buy a "all in one" tank

I like the all in one then upgrade over time especially for a beginner. If you go trying to buy all the different components it can get daunting. But it is a lil more costly when you start to upgrade. I say learn first then upgrade later. One thing I would suggest is glass lids look for combos with them or make that one Of your first upgrades. My choice of combos is marineland a lil more expensive than the others but the HOB is far superior IMO.


On 11/11/2021 at 11:49 AM, FrQise said:

Are the fishes that I've picked gonna do well together ? 

I don’t see any problems, maybe make it 6 corys that’s the general consensus on min for Cory shoals

With the cycling process you’ll need to research a few different options and find the one that suits your needs or that your most comfortable with. Your plan with adding the fish sounds good, even the order you have. Take your time add slowly so the tank can adjust between each set of additions.

sounds like you’ve done good research so far keep up the hard work and understand everyone makes mistakes, just learn from them.

good luck mate

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Judging from the thoughtful way you’re approaching the project I think you’re going to do well. 
In the hobby all in one tanks are usually ones like the Fluval that @Flumpweeselmentioned above. They have a internal sump filter glued into the back or side. Is that what you’re looking for as an alternative to a tank and separate equipment? 

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 Thanks a lot for all your answers ! 

On 11/11/2021 at 5:55 PM, lefty o said:

most of the all in 1 tank kits are ok, but you will more than likely be happier buying the exact components you want. 

Yeah, that's absolutly what I was thinking about the tank but also I feel that a all-in-one tank might be a little more reassuring and easy to set-up as a beginner


On 11/11/2021 at 5:55 PM, lefty o said:

as for cycling, pick a direction. there are people that will go ape nuts if you dont cycle your tank the way they do. in the end, they all work. some faster than others, and some with more stress on you, but it is a personal decision as they will all get you to the same place.

On 11/12/2021 at 12:05 AM, Flumpweesel said:

And as @lefty o says just pick the method of cycling that makes sense to you. Until you try it's impossible to give much advise aside from don't do fish in cycles unless you have to they are far more work and take much longer because you have to protect the fish from spikes.

On 11/12/2021 at 12:48 AM, Atitagain said:

With the cycling process you’ll need to research a few different options and find the one that suits your needs or that your most comfortable with. 

You seems to all agree on that, I'll research the different types of cycling techniques and choose one of them ! Good to know that there is no "perfect way" to do it ! 


On 11/12/2021 at 1:01 AM, Patrick_G said:

Judging from the thoughtful way you’re approaching the project I think you’re going to do well. 
In the hobby all in one tanks are usually ones like the Fluval that @Flumpweeselmentioned above. They have a internal sump filter glued into the back or side.

On 11/12/2021 at 12:48 AM, Atitagain said:

I like the all in one then upgrade over time especially for a beginner. If you go trying to buy all the different components it can get daunting. But it is a lil more costly when you start to upgrade. I say learn first then upgrade later. One thing I would suggest is glass lids look for combos with them or make that one Of your first upgrades. My choice of combos is marineland a lil more expensive than the others but the HOB is far superior IMO.

On 11/12/2021 at 12:05 AM, Flumpweesel said:

Let the wallet decide, my large tank was a fluval all in one set up and it has been fine.

Fluval was the first "all-in-one" tank I've checked on internet but they don't seems to sell in France sadly, I'll keep an eye open for other "all-in-one" tank that fit the size of a 29 gallon.

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On 11/12/2021 at 6:39 PM, Flumpweesel said:

How odd, I picked mine up in store maybe some different options if you have some shops nearby 

Yeah, on their website it look like they sell in USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Germany but not in France, but I'll take a look at my locals stores.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey, it's been a long time !

5 months later I'm back with great news and some more questions !

I've been hesitating on buying a tank for the last 5 months but money doesn't grow on tree and I wanted to buy, setup and take care of my tank and fishes without having to think about how much it'll cost me and just do the best I can !
And last week I've stumbled upon an ad for a woman selling a tank (50 gallons) with the stand, filter, light and heater for a very good price. So I've made the decision to buy it and to finally get into the hobby !

So now, here I am, with a soon-to-be-mine 50 gallons tank, a little bigger than what I had planned and I am now trying my best to "redo" the stocking a bit to fit the new size.

My "new" (it's mostly the same, just a bit more of them) fishes list is the following :

- 3 Pearl Gourami (Before it was only 1, now it seems that I have the possibility to have 3 of them, I would go for one male and two female)
- 20 Celestal Pearl Danio (Just more of them, they're beautiful and I'm happy to be able to keep more of those little guys)
- 10 Black Phantom Tetra (Same as the CPD, just a bit more)
- 5-6 Emerald Green Cory (Somebody here told me that 6 was the usual number of corys to keep, if I can I'll try to follow this advice)
- 5 Amano Shrimp (I think they're a cute little addition to my tank, not sure about the number to be honest but 5 looked like a good start)

As always I'm happy to read your advices and suggestions !

I'm really glad to finally being able to start this project ! (and again, sorry for my shabby use of the english langage ahah !)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello !

It's finally here ! I've bought the aquarium tank yesterday !

It came with a few things : 
- The stand
- A heater : the Tetra HT 300 
- An external filter : the JBL CRISTALPROFI e1502
- Some decorations
- Some tools for cleaning

I have pretty much no idea if the heater and the pump will suit my need so I'll try to gather information on them and see if they fit well with my project.

As for the next step, it'll be time to move the tank to the right room (damn its so HEAVY), and start setting it up.

I've spend the last days looking for what substrate and what plant to put in the tank, for the substrate I think I'll go for the Seachem Flourite Black Sand, I don't know much about substrate but the review I've read about this substrate were great and the colors seems right for my futur fishes.

As always, let me know if you have advices or any comment !

Thanks for ready !




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