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This started out as an idea to have an exploding wall with painted blocks for a black light to illuminate. When doing research and getting different opinions on “artistic design” aquariums I was directed to @TheCzarista’s thread “ Wonder Woman Themyscira 14g cube “ and I was so inspired and I changed my design, concept (well added to), and lighting.

Hulks Escape! Is telling a story, I’m hoping with design, lighting, and decorations the essence of the story is conveyed. An underwater fortress escape, with Gen. Thaddeus E. “Thunderbolt” Ross In close pursuit!!! As Hulk wreaks havoc on this nuclear facility in a desperate attempt to once again foil the trap set by his arch nemesis.

Ok let’s start with the build, first off was a back lighting test.AA41AA9E-1705-412A-9EDB-553329651A77.jpeg.3d561510c5a989cc1f84fb11b76d79c8.jpegB06F94E2-5821-424C-AF0B-30E54A47F8B1.jpeg.2b02d52d401e7a46b61811a3456d800e.jpeg17D32062-6F09-4B03-97B7-2C90A960C59F.jpeg.66af82e9dae5fa742660b8ee13c2ce7e.jpeg

I found basically where he would be placed and placed the light to direct attention as much as possible to that spot. With any other lights on it becomes muted which is exactly what I was looking for. Just a hint of light to give direction not be a focal point.

The back wall is made of a fairly dense matten filter pad. I cut grout lines with a knife and then back cut to create depth. I knew I would have an exploding wall so I would have to have blocks of the wall flying through the scene. I came up with egg create that I strapped to my polycarbonate lid after everything was hung. Fishing line down to tooth picks inserted into the blocks.  I also skewered a couple pieces with kabob sticks and “planted” them into the substrate. I added fishing weights to all blocks to help keep in their desired location.B67E8938-FAD3-466A-814C-74F1632D8E3E.jpeg.729124a719710e53c7448612448e58f9.jpeg51E265FA-83E6-48F0-B6D1-DF23AE92D7E6.jpeg.71deeb246b50d4199e04717da97fbc36.jpeg





Interior decorations and equipment. 
i used crushed coral for substrate thinking it would reflect as much light as possible (and it’s what I had 😁). I flanked the side with heaters to make it symmetrical, I’m only using 1 of them. The sponge filters/ terracotta pots are to represent nuclear power stations with the center one being destroyed by Hulk smashing through. It is flung to the foreground and now leaking radio active material into the sea. The underwater light and air stone coming from the pot should display this well. The submarine in the background is of course what Gen. Thunderbolt is using for his pursuit. The nuclear symbols in the center is one aspect I’m not happy with. I was expecting something different and they are just paper stickers. They will be replaced ASAP. 







The signs and a few other small adjustments need to be done. Overall I’m happy how it turned out. I’ve never done this type of aquascaping before and would have done a couple things different. The process was fun and challenging in some spots.

As for stocking I plan on getting a strong cycle the filters and pots already are seeded with BB so I will add a couple snails and shrimp. After a few days add a couple small fish. I’m also thinking of plants (suggestions?). My original plan was to use my guppies I already have, that changed to buying new guppies. The thing with that is I only want blue guppies and I don’t think it would go well. I’m fairly confident my final decision is some White Clouds. Maybe start with a 10 pack from aquahuna.

Hope you enjoyed. Brian from Indiana 

Edited by Atitagain
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#1. This is awesome! 
#2. I think that mattenfilter material is begging for a moss wall! Maybe covering the terracotta pots with moss would look good as well. If this is going to be a shrimp tank they’d love all the sponge and moss! 
#3. I love how you’ve reinvigorated your hobby after the decision to scale back! 
#4. Crinum could look cool on one or both side to kind of hide the filters and heaters but still let you appreciate the fine details as you could see through the leaves also a Doc Oc look to it to keep the Marvel theme. Crypts maybe smaller ones like parvaC. willisii and pygmaea could be great for the foreground as they won’t cover your decorations. Dwarf sag could be a choice as well. 

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@Beardedbillygoat1975 moss wall and pots is a terrific idea. I’m also liking the Crinum for both sides. All your plant ideas are great but those two I believe are a must for sure Thank you

@OnlyGenusCaps and @xXInkedPhoenixX

This is what I was calling a themed style tank. But after our conversations I will call them artistic design tanks. 

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Incase anyone is interested, was in a thread not long ago. Wish I could remember who started it or the name of it…but it was something like how do you design a tank? Or process for aquascaping sorry I can’t remember. They were asking do you just collect material and start putting it together randomly, meticulously move pieces around, draw a sketch, or ect.. I rough draw out mine sometimes.

I started with the idea of a jeep and a helicopter being part of the destruction.C9EE43AD-0C61-4E03-BB2F-4422B6A2D2D2.jpeg.54e4ce41723096441ff69092c2eec031.jpeg

but didn’t like that it had no realism. Those are the artistic design tanks I don’t like. A carnival, Route 66, lighthouse all underwater. I ultimately decided it had to be an underwater scene that was realistic-ish.1AD68C15-C33E-4C70-8B7E-DA3006E21213.jpeg.c373df276ef7f5cc5c83852fc3cfdecb.jpeg

my second sketch and I flowed off of it.

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On 11/8/2021 at 8:56 PM, Patrick_G said:

You have way to much fun with your aquariums! 😀 

I think it would look great with Green Kubotai Rasboras! 

You always seem to be able to pick the perfect fish! Those would look amazing in there. Lil pricey tho (from a quick search) and I didn’t even to the shipping part. Maybe I can hit up the boss (wife) with these, if she says yes great. If not I can be like “well these white clouds are half the price”

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I love it! I can hardly wait to see what you do with this! Bubbles (plants near bubbles, I meant) could make it really come to life with whatever plants, too. Lots of possibilities!


Edited by Minanora
Re-read my comment and saw that I left half my thought in my head. And I still can't figure out how to fix it...
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I can't figure out how to put the words together with what I was trying to say about the bubbles and plants. Just... Bubbles near plants do cool things depending on the leaf textures... Different types of action/emotion. Sometimes I don't make sense... Forgive me. 🤦‍♀️

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@Atitagain Look what I just found!  


Is that something that would fit your vision?

Great idea, by the way, and looking good!  I agree with jungle Val or another Val along the sides.  Also some Crypt parva for foreground.  And Kubotais would be perfect for this tank.  That neon green flashing around!

Edited by Odd Duck
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On 11/9/2021 at 11:11 AM, Odd Duck said:

Is that something that would fit your vision?

Yes I believe it would, I don’t see why not. And I agree the kubotais are a must have aquahuna has them fairly well priced.

thank you for all the suggestions, much appreciated 

On 11/9/2021 at 11:43 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@Atitagain my very first thought when I saw the initial set up was Val, I think it would look awesome in that tank. 

Yes val will definitely be in there, I’m thinking down the sides now like @Odd Duck said I don’t think I can put any background plants in the back would cover to much.

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Ooh, or maybe some Pogostemon helferi as foreground.  It’s got that very neon green color that would fit your theme and stays short.  Grows faster than Crypt parva (which is glacially slow for me).

You could do some Anubias nana ‘Golden’ or ‘Petite Golden’ in judicious spots also.  Great bright lime green.  Not really gold, just brighter yellowy green than other Anubias.

Edited by Odd Duck
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Fish update, none of the danios made it. All 5 were gathered huddled up at the front of the tank. 3FBE5145-07BE-4F7B-91DC-BA43F2467F40.jpeg.3e093f4999b83b176d38b01c0d91f7a0.jpegSeemed really odd to me thought maybe there was way too much current plus the recent move had them stressed. I have the two small sponge filters going and the 4” air stone in the center, all were adjusted fairly high. So I turned the sponges down a good amount and the center air stone I slowed to a trickle. (I like the look of this better) Then I can check on them in the morning, 3 were floating by then and the other 2 passed later before noon-ish. I spotted 4 shrimp and all 5 snails all are fine. Water parameters all good temp was colder than their old tank by 4* 

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This is the first I've seen this.  First off, I am sorry to hear you lost your danios.  That's a bummer for sure.

But, I am gobsmacked by this build!  If someone had described it to me I would have said all sorts of things that I would have had to later take back.  I'm still not saying this is my type of build, but I will say this is a work of art!  The thought, the detail, the composition that went into this is astounding.  I'm always saying that people don't use lighting to great effect in most tanks, especially as we have so many options now.  Well, you, sir, have taken that to another level!   

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@OnlyGenusCaps thank you. The original idea was just an exploding wall with a glowing background and a black light . But I found my way to the thread Wonder Woman Themyscira 14g cube by @TheCzarista and the rest was inspired by that build. 
I can’t wait to get it planted and stocked. I think it will add more depth. Thanks again it was a fun build.

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