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Hello from TN


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I've been an off and on fish keeper. I've recently set up a 10 gallon tank for my nephew and it has sparked my interest even more. Looking forward to learning here and probably going to set up my own tank soon. I'm looking to try new things. Most of my fish keeping has just been learning. I've made mistakes and kept fish in the past that I know now I shouldn't have. I've learned that local fish stores, at least here, only worried about selling fish and now that I've been learning more I think I will be a better and more successful fish keeper.

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On 10/15/2021 at 9:26 AM, mtnmonster said:

I've been an off and on fish keeper. I've recently set up a 10 gallon tank for my nephew and it has sparked my interest even more. Looking forward to learning here and probably going to set up my own tank soon. I'm looking to try new things. Most of my fish keeping has just been learning. I've made mistakes and kept fish in the past that I know now I shouldn't have. I've learned that local fish stores, at least here, only worried about selling fish and now that I've been learning more I think I will be a better and more successful fish keeper.

Welcome from your GA neighbor (go dawgs!) One many great things about this hobby is how deep it is - always more to learn, a fish you haven't kept yet, breeding, types of tanks, etc. Lots of really knowledgeable people here and you'll see there are interesting subsets of aquarists. I loved the activity and colors of the African cichlids years ago (and watching mouthbrooders hatch eggs in their mouths!). Have always loved catfish, loaches and other bottom dwellers. Oddball fish too! Hope you find lots of inspiration and ideas here.

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On 10/17/2021 at 6:32 PM, lindabee53 said:

Welcome!  Everyone here is so helpful.

I may be in TX right now, but my heart is still in the mountains of NC.  Go Tarheels!

I may be a Hokie, but close family is all in NC - many hours on I77 over the years. Still live within an hour of the Smokies 🙂

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On 10/18/2021 at 12:51 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

I may be a Hokie, but close family is all in NC - many hours on I77 over the years. Still live within an hour of the Smokies 🙂

My youngest kid - #6, son - did a year at Virginia Tech before transferring to UNC-CH.  Blame the Navy, because he loved the VA mountains.  And I'm so jealous of where you are.

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