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Beardedbillygoat’s Fish & Shrimp Tank Journal

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I'm sorry you are struggling with the blackworm culture.

I suspect the biggest secret to my success with them, is making sure I have a strong colony replicating in the tank before the fish go in. Can I keep them alive in the fridge?


But the success is primarily due to how much slower their metabolism drops so they live longer. I don't get much replication in the fridge.

Much easier to seed tanks with them, for me.

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The fish room has been coming along. I’ve added a 20 long and I’m down to 2 tubs from too numerous to count.

I moved some adult blue Hawaiian Moscows and teacup platys to a 20 long along with some green shrimp with the goal of creating another breeding for profit setup. 

An exciting development the other day was finding my silver lame ricefish we’re carrying eggs - 1 male and 2 females of the silvers. I put the 2 females in a breeder box and let them drop their eggs and then put them back in the tank. 

I worked on their permanent home - at least when they’re not outside - and it was a success. I did discolor the pvc but managed to bend it and get it to approximate what Dean made. 0E126FD3-6C82-4937-B93C-8956D26461F1.jpeg.3c5693e2f98ae51bf0c07e2225dde106.jpeg0E521943-827C-498D-8123-CA9E2530914F.jpeg.b161370770e40fec17d43f681ad2249a.jpeg

After I finished this project yesterday I couldn’t stop shaking the feeling like something was wrong. My wife’s birthday is today so I’d been busy making her a cake trying to get the kids to work on this or cards for her. Anyway by 8 pm last night I had a 103 fever and rapid home test was positive for COVID. Bummer. Supposed to be on hospital service tomorrow so had to make some calls last night. Obviously the pond is still dry. 

Managed to water change my sons 2 tanks before passing out for a couple hours today. I need to finish up the columnaris treatment in the 45g and I’m sure the fishroom tanks Would appreciate the attention as well. 

I have a 5 day paid furlough due to COVID-19 so if I have energy I’ll do some of my projects. Just not right now. I have livebearers coming in this week and some alien betta females to breed with DJ Turbo. I got a really nice tank and light for the wabi kusa freeing up that container for a new project. I also need to reset the 15 g tower. A8DCDFC2-6327-4473-88D8-02A01B0BB65D.jpeg.304b0685532d6d8a9818174c5c76d3f9.jpeg


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@Patrick_GOh pretty awful really. I managed to change water on some tanks and eat some food but otherwise was so exhausted I’ve really not left my bed much. The Sad Bowl has been keeping me company along with the Opae ulae shrimp. However, the tragedy that is the 15 g tower tank looms over me. I keep thinking of ordering substrate via door dash and getting that tank done. 

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On 2/27/2022 at 10:35 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Patrick_GOh pretty awful really. I managed to change water on some tanks and eat some food but otherwise was so exhausted I’ve really not left my bed much. The Sad Bowl has been keeping me company along with the Opae ulae shrimp. However, the tragedy that is the 15 g tower tank looms over me. I keep thinking of ordering substrate via door dash and getting that tank done. 

Sorry you’re sick!  If you’re like me, I was cold-like for 24 hours, horrible flu-like for 24 hours, then “getting over a cold” for about 5 days.

On 2/27/2022 at 11:02 PM, Patrick_G said:

😆 Two quarts of pedialyte and a bag of aquasoil! 

This sounds perfect!

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On 2/27/2022 at 7:08 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

The fish room has been coming along. I’ve added a 20 long and I’m down to 2 tubs from too numerous to count.

I moved some adult blue Hawaiian Moscows and teacup platys to a 20 long along with some green shrimp with the goal of creating another breeding for profit setup. 

An exciting development the other day was finding my silver lame ricefish we’re carrying eggs - 1 male and 2 females of the silvers. I put the 2 females in a breeder box and let them drop their eggs and then put them back in the tank. 

I worked on their permanent home - at least when they’re not outside - and it was a success. I did discolor the pvc but managed to bend it and get it to approximate what Dean made. 0E126FD3-6C82-4937-B93C-8956D26461F1.jpeg.3c5693e2f98ae51bf0c07e2225dde106.jpeg0E521943-827C-498D-8123-CA9E2530914F.jpeg.b161370770e40fec17d43f681ad2249a.jpeg

After I finished this project yesterday I couldn’t stop shaking the feeling like something was wrong. My wife’s birthday is today so I’d been busy making her a cake trying to get the kids to work on this or cards for her. Anyway by 8 pm last night I had a 103 fever and rapid home test was positive for COVID. Bummer. Supposed to be on hospital service tomorrow so had to make some calls last night. Obviously the pond is still dry. 

Managed to water change my sons 2 tanks before passing out for a couple hours today. I need to finish up the columnaris treatment in the 45g and I’m sure the fishroom tanks Would appreciate the attention as well. 

I have a 5 day paid furlough due to COVID-19 so if I have energy I’ll do some of my projects. Just not right now. I have livebearers coming in this week and some alien betta females to breed with DJ Turbo. I got a really nice tank and light for the wabi kusa freeing up that container for a new project. I also need to reset the 15 g tower. A8DCDFC2-6327-4473-88D8-02A01B0BB65D.jpeg.304b0685532d6d8a9818174c5c76d3f9.jpeg


I've survived 3 bouts with covid. Onions are a godsend... spouse and I literally went through 5 lb bags of onions the second time we got covid.  The MAST protocol is really helpful to mitigate long covid symprtoms. The dizziness/fatigue is the biggest problem, and apparently is a reminder to take it easy... easier said than done when the kids get covid with you. Take care of yourself, you work in healthcare and hopefully they have been keeping you up to date on the research. My older sister in TN works at the hospital, and got more research information from me (from my doc) than her team had, so I know longer take it for granted healthcare folx have all the info.

If your team has any info on how to get rid of the covid rash... that would be cool. My doc thought the MAST protocol would do the trick. Yes, it's reduced the itching and lowered my pulse to under 100BPM... rash is still there though.

At least omicron doesn't hit the lungs as bad... I hope you feel better quickly. 

I don't wish this on anyone...

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#1. I’ve always believed my patients that COVID sucks but 3 nights without sleep has been awful. Tonight as those old calgon adds said or should have said “Codeine take me away….”

#2. Managed to get the wabi kusa setup. My wife did some things with positioning it and I think it looks great. 05385D89-DA9B-47D6-A769-77FAAED4E04B.jpeg.60a9fadbe0a3b51f1b00414c88accf9f.jpeg6F6F45BA-591A-430A-9F06-EA6899ABDFBA.jpeg.a1a546295e20446645e2664b933fb275.jpeg9DA68CA5-7DF7-4939-BC0A-6D9C60932498.jpeg.0ab1e26ad2f54285a64e578c52b9891c.jpeg9DA68CA5-7DF7-4939-BC0A-6D9C60932498.jpeg.0ab1e26ad2f54285a64e578c52b9891c.jpeg1AD49510-B78F-40DC-8072-557AC749D580.jpeg.de7238b17b26692005abc1e158926657.jpegD347D393-082C-443D-A393-AE18B11638D9.jpeg.94c864c95f08f4dbb4f16e490ddd807d.jpeg

Some laterite leaked from the ball in moving it but I’ll water change it and it’ll look better. 

#3. For all my livebearer fans I’ve got 3 new ones coming, I’ve mentioned 2 but I guess I’m leaving the 3rd for a surprise, in this codeine haze can’t remember if I’ve mentioned the 3rd. 

#4. The boys decided that they wanted to breed bettas. So I’ve got 3 alien females arriving Friday. I’ve got my breeding tank nearly ready about as black water as you can get. We’ll see how that project goes. Just found out that DJ Turbo has been storing snail carcasses in his betta log, midnight snack or homicidal maniac, I’ll let y’all choose.  

#5. my buddy at work is determined to start a fish breeding business with him being the silent but active partner and me being the breeder. We already have the ricefish - I collected eggs! He wants to do blackwater ancistrus like L183s. I think we could do it but not sure if its worth the money, I’ve been leaning more toward L397s as they’re a wood eater and will still eat some algae vs hypancistrus which around here not sure there’s a sophistication for zebras and their carnivorous needs. 

#6. I messed up my Dean pond, need a new part and I can remedy it. More to come as I need to get the ricefish out of the 40 b so I can get the plecos in their forever home. Did I mention I got eggs!



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On 3/1/2022 at 11:37 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

2. Managed to get the wabi kusa setup. My wife did some things with positioning it and I think it looks great. 

Show off! 😆 You have a great touch, it looks spectacular. I need to invest in one of those cool lights. Is that a dooa container? 

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@Patrick_GCouldn’t afford the dooa so did HIRO aquatics. Look for their specials with the stand and light combo it’s worth it. Thanks for the compliment I’ll share with my wife who styled it!

@Minanoraits exciting to spend your convalescence pining over fish and having some come through is exciting. Nothing like the joy of opening a well packed order of fish. Well maybe some really exciting plants. Well anything is exciting I just got substrate- thank you Door Dash!

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Last night I tucked in our newest residents. Man I’m showing my face must be COVID brain or I like everyone in here since that’s who watches my YTs - 

They’re doing well this AM. I remain concerned for the milk and ink platys. I think they were sent a week too early but we’ll see. He threw in 2 extras and that’s what I lost in transit. No bodies I can see. 
My ricefish are cranking out the eggs, I’ve collected 2 batches and I’ve let them deposit the rest around the tank. Eventually I’ll finish their pond - some silicone was placed today to help with leaks and we’ll have to do a leak test tomorrow. D8B6281C-125A-4C26-81EE-DD7755E3FD76.jpeg.afe0aa11aaad1ccff5a2a8232a15a74d.jpeg


I’ve been waiting on 4 alien betta females to arrive - seller threw in a 4th. They left St Paul, MN 2/28 and somehow made it to Delaware and Philly our USPS in action. DJ Turbo and I are definitely concerned. 

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Rough day as an aquarist. 

I’d ordered 3 alien betta females and he sent 4. That was nice. Sent in bags with lots of O2 and 72 hour heat pack. USPS priority from Minnesota to Oregon but they took a detour to Delaware, Philly then a West Coast swing landing today 6 days late. Well 3 were alive when I opened the box. When I went to plop and drop them the minute I popped the bags they died, didn’t even have a chance to use Prime or complete the plop and drop. Got a refund the seller was great about it still terribly distressing. 

They were going to go into my Gardneri fry growout tank. I had it divided. I worked on setting it up for rowdy female bettas - so many plants you couldn’t see through. I checked it this AM all was well, I keep it 78-80 and did a water parameters test all was well. After the bettas died I looked and I had Gardneri floaters - found my 3 breeding trios and their fry floating and dead. I started fishing them out and the temp was like bath water hot. Temp gun read 101. The heater broke and got stuck on heat. All the Gardneri fry were dead except 7 hardy souls. 6 months of work flushed down the drain depending on how these 7 do. Odds are in my favor I have at least one male fingers crossed 🤞  Dealt with so much duckweed trying to get the fry out and reset the tank, getting the bodies out, etc. I got a little red on my arms. The breeder box has the first surviving Gardneri.  I was ecstatic. 0AD18971-FD58-4FE3-816C-385492B22B6D.jpeg.d1b2016f956d6c6a3f0ec9f35391e04f.jpeg9C92F236-F50E-4713-830D-6BCDDB0EE48D.jpeg.3812a6dc47b00dc2a168a6d976214fba.jpeg

There’s a lot to be excited about though despite these debacles. I have longfin pandas, sterbai and L204s coming in this week. After my partner and I lost out on some Starlight plecos last week the importer mentioned these flash plecos and after some research they’re more work than hypancistrus (with their wood requirements they make a mess) but they also have way more young then the hypancistrus and are essentially vegetarian like the BNs. I water change 2-3 times a week anyway so I think the waste is less of an issue.

Next week Greg Sage’s LF albino green dragons will complete the pleco shopping for awhile. However, my partner really wants the L183s so we’re on the call list for those. I’d really like some Wabenmuster’s and I have some feelers out for those. I won’t be satisfied until I have a breeding group of plecos and corys in every tank.

I’m finally resetting the tower 15 at my bedside.  All my excitement is tempered by today’s cluster. I resealed the top seem that connects the glass to the plastic frame on the tower tank. My ricefish are officially in their Dean pond - the flow is not great I need to just bite the bullet and get a real coop prefilter. A couple other things are already in my basket.  

The biggest save was luckily I stayed up late last night and moved the bristle nose breeding group from their accommodations in the Gardneri fry tank to the 40 breeder otherwise they’d be dead. They seem very happy - I created a central set of condos, loads of woods - 3 different kinds. when i feed them tomorrow am I’ll get some pics. My lemon blue eye longfin is a man all of a sudden! 

If you’re still reading thanks. It was good to review the day as I was not myself and my wife noted it and was very supportive. Still some weird symptoms on and off throughout the day from my friend ‘Cron Vid - just had to lay down for a bit here and there. Back to work tomorrow, then off Wednesday, work Thursday/Friday, off for the weekend. 

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@Odd DuckI’m better, sleep is back to normal. Brain 🧠 fog comes and goes. Full outpatient schedule today so we’ll see what that looks like. @Guppysnailyeah the flow is already down to a trickle so I think my sponge I put on there is already clogged. I’d say just do what Dean did don’t try to improvise. Hahaha get myself in trouble 👿 the little cheap devil says oh you don’t need that prefilter sponge you’ve got sponge yadda yadda. 

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