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How to cool aquarium

Dwayne Brown

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Hi all I live in the seattle area, its really starting to heat up here I dont have AC and cant find any. I have a 29 gallon that is my main concern. All of my fish in there are tropical but the temperature is around that 79-82 mark throughout the day. I have covered the aquarium turned off the led light and removed the heater it seems to be helping some. But my main concern is that for the last several days the temp outside has been below 92 but today its supposed to get up to 104. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks

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I've been waiting for this post.  I'm surprised no one posted sooner.


I'm in the same boat(east side 108).  I have a computer fan blowing over the top of mine.  That's good for 3-4 f in my tank.  I'm also topping off with refrigerated RO water.  If you don't have an air stone and can add one then you should def do that.  My understanding is they'll suffocate before overheating.


I'm at the point of floating frozen water bottles now too.


I also have some wcmm in a 5g upstairs at almost 90f with my cull shrimp.  They're low priority for me but seem to be the same as always.

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Thanks @ARMYVET @GameCzar @CT_ for the info I do have a sponge filter with an airstone in it so no problem there. I would take the lid off but I have a Rainbow Goby and a lot  people that have them say to never leave the lid off or they will climb out, so I dont think thats an option. The aquarium is in the shade and covered with a dark blanket. I would do frozen water but my freezer is jamed full of frozen items. I'll probably try doing some water changes with cold water.

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My bedroom has my biggest 20 gallon aquarium, and my air conditioner. I’m getting Apex alerts about temperature going past 80F. I removed a second light that I had running to drop the heat. I will be removing the lid for my 16 gallon downstairs and adding a fan. Vermont is feeling the heat today too!

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On 6/28/2021 at 1:32 PM, lefty o said:

even a bottle of water out of the refridgerator will cool.  most peoples fridges are about 40degr. thats a big difference from 80+ the tank is, it will cool.

Indeed!  If it's a last resort and your fish are gasping at the top you can always get creative with a bag of frozen peas or something


On 6/28/2021 at 10:13 AM, ARMYVET said:

I am dealing with this exact problem in my outdoor pond and putting the pond on my patio in the shade and leaving the ceiling fans on has helped tremendously

I put a shade over my tub and have been doing small water changes  every day at the peak heat and am still 83f in there when it's 109 now.  It's amazing how much heat water can absorb.  I've also been wetting the wood of the tub to make it "sweat".  I don't think it would last a week of this heat but the 2-3 days it's survived remarkably well.

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On 6/28/2021 at 10:10 AM, CT_ said:

I've been waiting for this post.  I'm surprised no one posted sooner.


I'm in the same boat(east side 108).  I have a computer fan blowing over the top of mine.  That's good for 3-4 f in my tank.  I'm also topping off with refrigerated RO water.  If you don't have an air stone and can add one then you should def do that.  My understanding is they'll suffocate before overheating.


I'm at the point of floating frozen water bottles now too.


I also have some wcmm in a 5g upstairs at almost 90f with my cull shrimp.  They're low priority for me but seem to be the same as always.

The asian restaurant around here uses frozen water bottles during the summer to keep their tanks cool. Their tanks are food fish though

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