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On 7/3/2024 at 1:35 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

Java Fern Sp. Indica. I’ve never seen it anywhere and according to @gjcarew, is 100 percent a CO2 required plant and has been incredibly challenging to get to this point. I believe I’m just shy of 1 year to get this plant to grow.

Wow, a java fern that needs co2, never thought I’d here that lol. Cool

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Glad you're liking it! I remember you were talking about tossing it when I first sent it to you because it was in such poor shape. 

@Whitecloud09 maybe I'm just no good at no-CO2 tanks, but it would always slowly die without CO2 wherever I put it. 

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On 7/3/2024 at 11:50 AM, gjcarew said:

Glad you're liking it! I remember you were talking about tossing it when I first sent it to you because it was in such poor shape. 

@Whitecloud09 maybe I'm just no good at no-CO2 tanks, but it would always slowly die without CO2 wherever I put it. 

The absolute most temperamental plant in the tank. 100% requires stability and attention.

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Today went long. Not even sure it’s better. Swapped the main street (left side) to H. Serpyllum and it will take a few weeks to get going. I’m not digging the Micrantha or the Blyxa Japanica positions but I’ll let them ride for now. The Hygrophila and 53b are questionable but damn I love them. Maybe I’m going too hard on background plants? Anyway, always open for good criticism. The left side has new entries and the Natans is on the chopping block. I’ll let it fill in first.


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On 7/9/2024 at 4:45 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

I’m getting nowhere 


Nonsense!  It’s gorgeous!  I think I can see why you’re frustrated, though.  It seems like you might have some clumps of colors but you have enough difference in texture that nearly all of it still works.  I can’t quite put my finger on what isn’t working or what to do about it.  Maybe swap the Nymphea with the clump to its left to put some bright green between the row of reds?  That fine texture should be enough contrast with the tall, broad, wavy Aponogeton.  Plus the round Nymphea contrasted to spike temple plant (?) [you know I’m bad with stems]

I think that right end just needs more time to mature.  Seems like it’s lagging behind a bit but maybe you’ve just moved things too recently and my brain is too tired to sort it out and remember the previous iteration enough (I didn’t sleep well last night).

You should sleep on it (tell yourself 3 times you’ll dream the solution - the brain is still a weird and mysterious place), try not to look at the plants, only focus on the fish this week.  Then come back at it with fresh eyes next week.

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On 7/10/2024 at 10:02 PM, Odd Duck said:

Nonsense!  It’s gorgeous!  I think I can see why you’re frustrated, though.  It seems like you might have some clumps of colors but you have enough difference in texture that nearly all of it still works.  I can’t quite put my finger on what isn’t working or what to do about it.  Maybe swap the Nymphea with the clump to its left to put some bright green between the row of reds?  That fine texture should be enough contrast with the tall, broad, wavy Aponogeton.  Plus the round Nymphea contrasted to spike temple plant (?) [you know I’m bad with stems]

I think that right end just needs more time to mature.  Seems like it’s lagging behind a bit but maybe you’ve just moved things too recently and my brain is too tired to sort it out and remember the previous iteration enough (I didn’t sleep well last night).

You should sleep on it (tell yourself 3 times you’ll dream the solution - the brain is still a weird and mysterious place), try not to look at the plants, only focus on the fish this week.  Then come back at it with fresh eyes next week.

Let me show you what the real problem is/was. So in pure Dutch, symmetry is seriously the hardest part to overcome. It's the biggest PITA and I fall victim every time. At the core, I'm a novice at Dutch tanks and I imagine it will take years to overcome my tendency to repeat this same mistake. 

Edit (1).jpg

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See!  Already better before you got my tired, weak-brained suggestions.  😆 😉  It looks, hmm, crisper?  Which I like.  The Blyxa needs more separation between it and the plant over its right shoulder (I’m weak on stems, remember?).  Everything else has good to great contrast to my eye, but that seems like a weak point if anything in there could be called that.

7/11: Hah!  Got home from work and found this still open on my tablet from last night.  Sending now.

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On 7/11/2024 at 12:24 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

Let me show you what the real problem is/was. So in pure Dutch, symmetry is seriously the hardest part to overcome. It's the biggest PITA and I fall victim every time. At the core, I'm a novice at Dutch tanks and I imagine it will take years to overcome my tendency to repeat this same mistake. 

Edit (1).jpg

Yes, it was a bit en bloc in the back row.  Better now but I can see how it would be hard not to do a wall of tall plants at the back since it’s a natural tendency to “fill the space” and show off as many beautiful plants as possible.  I think it’s better now with a bit more “room” in back with more negative space.

Are there limits on how many plant species you can have or more a personal taste?  It’s been a hot minute since I read the Dutch rules / guidelines.  I read them again when you posted them last but that’s probably been a year?  I tend to try to lean towards bigger blocks of fewer species myself, but they may be mostly because I got soooo many species in my 100 G nanofish tank that it looked very cluttered.  I’ve grown more fond of simpler tanks since they tend to be more restful.

I know you’re trying to strike that perfect balance between dynamic / interesting / engaging and still soothing / restful, but maybe you could just take out a couple species and do bigger blocks of your favorites / best contrasts?  Maybe do the Aponogeton instead of the jungle Val on the right?  Maybe more Val on the left going right back through that back corner instead of the stems that I can barely see back there that have a similar leaf shape to that lucious, deep red where you would never want to lose contrast from that one to its neighbor.

I’m not crazy about the long-leaved stems behind and right to the Blixa.  I wonder what a big, red sword would look like in its place (but push it to the left so you don’t have too much “matching” red compared to the deep red on the left).  Let the wisteria grow further left (it’s so pretty grown fully submerse!) into a bigger clump.  The short red sword (is that Red Pearl?) could be the beginning of a “red sword” street angling back and left.

Last thought (I seem to be full of them tonight 😝 😆) is the very short, pale pink-kissed plant at right front just left of the jungle Val.  I don’t know what it is but I LIKE it!  Very different looking, looks almost fuzzy in that light (pic makes it look a bit like terrestrial lamb’s ear plant Stachys byzantia but that’s probably an trick of the light and color) and it has a nice contrast to everything around it.

As usual, feel free to scoff at and discard any suggestions made.  😂 🤣 You won’t hurt my feelings at all!  😉  It is YOUR tank and only YOU have to like it.  I happen to love it as is, but offer suggestions only because when I “turn on” my artist’s eye, I can see things that might be helpful if you like the ideas and I know you aren’t quite loving how it looks right now.  It is gorgeous, but if any of these thoughts help you reach your goal of a win, I can live vicariously through your victory.  😆 😜 

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On 7/11/2024 at 7:22 PM, Odd Duck said:

Yes, it was a bit en bloc in the back row.  Better now but I can see how it would be hard not to do a wall of tall plants at the back since it’s a natural tendency to “fill the space” and show off as many beautiful plants as possible.  I think it’s better now with a bit more “room” in back with more negative space.

Are there limits on how many plant species you can have or more a personal taste?  It’s been a hot minute since I read the Dutch rules / guidelines.  I read them again when you posted them last but that’s probably been a year?  I tend to try to lean towards bigger blocks of fewer species myself, but they may be mostly because I got soooo many species in my 100 G nanofish tank that it looked very cluttered.  I’ve grown more fond of simpler tanks since they tend to be more restful.

I know you’re trying to strike that perfect balance between dynamic / interesting / engaging and still soothing / restful, but maybe you could just take out a couple species and do bigger blocks of your favorites / best contrasts?  Maybe do the Aponogeton instead of the jungle Val on the right?  Maybe more Val on the left going right back through that back corner instead of the stems that I can barely see back there that have a similar leaf shape to that lucious, deep red where you would never want to lose contrast from that one to its neighbor.

I’m not crazy about the long-leaved stems behind and right to the Blixa.  I wonder what a big, red sword would look like in its place (but push it to the left so you don’t have too much “matching” red compared to the deep red on the left).  Let the wisteria grow further left (it’s so pretty grown fully submerse!) into a bigger clump.  The short red sword (is that Red Pearl?) could be the beginning of a “red sword” street angling back and left.

Last thought (I seem to be full of them tonight 😝 😆) is the very short, pale pink-kissed plant at right front just left of the jungle Val.  I don’t know what it is but I LIKE it!  Very different looking, looks almost fuzzy in that light (pic makes it look a bit like terrestrial lamb’s ear plant Stachys byzantia but that’s probably an trick of the light and color) and it has a nice contrast to everything around it.

As usual, feel free to scoff at and discard any suggestions made.  😂 🤣 You won’t hurt my feelings at all!  😉  It is YOUR tank and only YOU have to like it.  I happen to love it as is, but offer suggestions only because when I “turn on” my artist’s eye, I can see things that might be helpful if you like the ideas and I know you aren’t quite loving how it looks right now.  It is gorgeous, but if any of these thoughts help you reach your goal of a win, I can live vicariously through your victory.  😆 😜 

I embrace the critique. Thank you. One of the issues is the depth of this tank. Hard as heck to plant with just 18.2 inches front to back. The rules are about 3 plants per foot so either 17 or 18 species total.

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Toss that idea around about using some different varieties / species of red sword as a street angling right front to back left.  You might need to lose that long-leaved stem but you could gain 2 species there with one block of red shades that would be a different enough shape as a block to not be overly symmetric with your luscious red on the left.  Swords would not have the same shades of red, either.  Plus you’d gain more contrast with the surrounding fine-leafed greens and the fine Blixa texture would stand out more, too.

OK, I just spent several minutes looking at your newest pic and just letting my eyes wander to see what grabs me to see if that gives me hints to see if I could figure out why the right side isn’t quite working and why I keep wanting there to be a street over there.  I’d look away, then look again.  Let myself relax and not think.  Look away, look back.

There isn’t a direction of flow on the right.  On the left my eye keeps going to the bright green first, then to that stunning red, flows to the Val, then across the low plants in front, back to the green, etc.  After looking my fill, it eventually ambles over to the right, checks in with the Nymphea and the Cabomba(?), drifts further right, floats across the Blyxa, clocks on the red sword, then finds the wisteria, finally drifts around a bit randomly.  There’s nothing that grabs me and pulls my eye through the composition as strongly as on the left side even though there are similar colors, shapes, textures, etc.  You might even be able to use 3 single swords (one being that lovely little guy up front) in a rough line sort of aiming back behind the Cabomba and keep some of the long-leaved plant behind the red swords (beside the tallest species) because it would contrast much better with swords than it does the Blixa.  Just some more random thoughts.  You inspire me!

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On 7/11/2024 at 9:09 PM, Odd Duck said:

Toss that idea around about using some different varieties / species of red sword as a street angling right front to back left.  You might need to lose that long-leaved stem but you could gain 2 species there with one block of red shades that would be a different enough shape as a block to not be overly symmetric with your luscious red on the left.  Swords would not have the same shades of red, either.  Plus you’d gain more contrast with the surrounding fine-leafed greens and the fine Blixa texture would stand out more, too.

OK, I just spent several minutes looking at your newest pic and just letting my eyes wander to see what grabs me to see if that gives me hints to see if I could figure out why the right side isn’t quite working and why I keep wanting there to be a street over there.  I’d look away, then look again.  Let myself relax and not think.  Look away, look back.

There isn’t a direction of flow on the right.  On the left my eye keeps going to the bright green first, then to that stunning red, flows to the Val, then across the low plants in front, back to the green, etc.  After looking my fill, it eventually ambles over to the right, checks in with the Nymphea and the Cabomba(?), drifts further right, floats across the Blyxa, clocks on the red sword, then finds the wisteria, finally drifts around a bit randomly.  There’s nothing that grabs me and pulls my eye through the composition as strongly as on the left side even though there are similar colors, shapes, textures, etc.  You might even be able to use 3 single swords (one being that lovely little guy up front) in a rough line sort of aiming back behind the Cabomba and keep some of the long-leaved plant behind the red swords (beside the tallest species) because it would contrast much better with swords than it does the Blixa.  Just some more random thoughts.  You inspire me!

Yeah, it’s just meh. I will let the left side grown in and think about what’s next. You have a good eye for Dutch!

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I’ve come to a decision, I’m abandoning the 120 for the AGA. The issue is it’s impossible to win with it. Too many fish I’m unwilling to move and the 18.2 inch depth is growing more and more irritating. Also, the defect prevents me from doing the big water changes in one go. If I miss the AGA, so be it but I figure I’ll have about 6 weeks. Another notable issue is the Netlea AT6’s have ruined the visual appeal of the WA P’s. 

The 120 will become the farm tank and the fish retirement home. I will continue practicing Joe’s fertilizer regiment there and return to front loading with the 150. 

Here’s the new canvas as of today. I have a ridiculous amount of work ahead of me.


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On 7/11/2024 at 2:26 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

Nymphaea micrantha


I get this green shit in exactly the same spot, between the sub and the glass!

I've been stressing over it lately, but maybe it's nothing much to worry about? 

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On 7/13/2024 at 10:42 PM, Aussie Bloke said:

I get this green shit in exactly the same spot, between the sub and the glass!

I've been stressing over it lately, but maybe it's nothing much to worry about? 

Yes, pretty common. To resolve it, inject some H2O2 along the front glass.

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I did what I could with the few hours I had. The recent news slowed me down but it’s cleared out and some plants are back in. I just need to get some reds in and get her cleaned up. Lots of water changes in my future.


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On 7/14/2024 at 9:36 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

I did what I could with the few hours I had. The recent news slowed me down but it’s cleared out and some plants are back in. I just need to get some reds in and get her cleaned up. Lots of water changes in my future.


Still looking good, love the updates @Mmiller2001.

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