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  1. Hey yall, So I've been on the baby brine shrimp hype train for several years now. I haven't hatched it out every day or anything, but I've had a hatchery around for a long time. I find that it keeps my fish kind of next level happy. I've used vinegar eels twice - once, when I was raising some Pseudomugil Cyanodorsalis fry, and I set up a culture recently to use with ricefish. I'm finding them to be an essentially 0 maintenance food culture that teeny tiny fry LOVE, and while their size makes the use cases limited... I'm wondering why I don't see more breeders raving about them. As long as you have more than one culture, theyre constantly available (as opposed to BBS, where you really need more than one hatchery or container to keep them around 24/7) and you can keep them in a closet for months with no maintenance. Is there a downside? Do fish that eat them end up with 3 heads or something? Lol! Here's a picture of my largest culture - an old vodka bottle with apple cider vinegar and bits of an apple I put in back in January. Definitely time to reboot it with new feed, but still!
  2. On the Live Food Cultures Facebook group there has been a lot of people talking about making vinegar eel culture in a way that's more similar to microworms (with an oatmeal medium). These are the instructions I used as a basis: https://thekillifish.net/vinegar_eel_culture/ http://fishguysplace.com/livefood.html#hdve The sandpaper was from something I read in a book that roughing up the edges makes it easier for worms to climb. I'm using ACO dense poly pads ripped on half for the air hole. Now that I'm posting this is clear to see that the container is not clear which may be annoying for trying to see them climb up. Something else to try may be to get two identical containers and do vinegar in one and oats in the other.
  3. I'm thinking about giving vinegar eels a try but the infusoria culture made the house smell and "Honey, I want to try breeding tiny worms to feed to the fish. By the way the pantry will small like rancid vinegar now." Seems like a hard sell. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/vinegar-eels
  4. Hi guys! I'm currently getting more and more into live food culturing (other than hatching baby brine shrimp which I also do of course) for my fish and fry (infusoria, green water, moina, vinegar eels etc) and I've recently discovered a new method for culturing vinegar eels and I was wondering if anyone else had heard or tried it? So I have my vinegar eels in the usual raw cider vinegar/water and apple slices mix that all the guides suggest. The method I've seen recently is more like the typical micro/banana/walter culturing, done in a wet oats or mash potato medium only instead of using water you use the cider vinegar/water mix that we normally use for vinegar eels. The results I've seen pictures of seems good, much much higher culture density than the usual method and they start crawling up the sides just like the other worms making it really easy to harvest. Now I know it loses some of the advantages of the usual method - it's more maintenance, more prone to crashing, maybe more smell etc however the main reason I like vinegar eels is because of their size and the way they congregate at the surface of the water (for my ricefish fry) and the fact they can live a fairly long time in an aquarium so it's harder to overfeed and pollute the water. Has anyone else tried this method? If so what I'd love to know is do the vinegar eels, once fed to a tank, still swim near the surface of the water and most importantly - do they still survive a long time? Slightly concerned that using this method could mean the vinegar eels are acclimated to 'terrestial' life and won't survive long in the water thus losing their main benefit (for me anyway). Obviously I'm no biologist and have no idea if it even works that way or if I'm worried for no reason. Anyone have any thoughts or insight? Edit: pic for reference
  5. I want a vinegar eel starter culture. I have seen a few reasonably priced on amazon/ebay Anyone have a good recommendation reasonably priced im on a retirement budget. When i order stuff like this its a 50/50 hit or miss. Was hoping someone knows a hit. 😁and possibly any huge misses that i can avoid. thanks
  6. My snow white corydoras recently spawned and some eggs started hatching. I have a couple foods for baby fish but will vinegar eels work for the small baby corys or should I try something even smaller?
  7. Finally I was able to get some wigglers and in a week or so will be getting ready to feed. Does anyone have Vinegar Eels so I can get a culture going? I live in Bothell/Mill Creek but willing to drive and meet up.
  8. I am starting to try out some live foods and I heard that vinegar eels are easy to care for so I got a small culture to start off and I set it up it a glass bottle. I rinsed the bottle thoroughly and put in half apple cider vinegar and half RO water. I put in 3 small apple slices. I started to notice that most of the worms were all at the top. The apple slices are at the top so maybe they are feeding on it? Does anybody know why the vinegar eels are all near the surface? If it is something wrong, what should I do? Thank you
  9. Greetings! I saw Cory’s trick to put some floss in the neck of a bottle and pour water. But I am paranoid that I may push it too far, that the vinegar solution will affect my fry. Plus it worked for some times, and now no more worms are coming up. I am kinda panicking because I hace clown killifish fry currently hatching. I bought a new worn culture but until then, what can I do? The fish don’t seem to want to eat the Hikari first bite.
  10. On @Fish Folk’s recommendation, I got myself a vinegar eel culture to help feed my tiny tiny honey gourami fry. I thought this was a great plan! They’re super easy to keep and definitely tiny. The problem is I’ve never seen one of the fry eat them. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m 95% sure the fry are big enough that they could eat them, but they seem to be put off. They don’t even try to go after them, though they will turn and watch it for a bit when one goes by. I’m not sure if the worms are too wiggly for them? Is that even possible? The other possibility is that the fry perceive the eels as too long to fit in their mouths. “Too long” isn’t a category that seem to exist for my tetras, who I’ve seen down mosquito larvae and VibraBites half the length of their bodies. But I know (and continue to learn) that honey fry are super picky. Is there any way I can test at least the first of these theories by slowing down the eels? If I put them in the fridge, I’m afraid they’ll just perk up as soon as they hit the warm water. What if I let them sit in tap water overnight? Would they half-die and slow down? Just spitballing here. Any ideas are appreciated!
  11. Quick, hopefully easy question . . . . This is my first foray into vinegar eels (up till now, I've been a microworm guy!) so I need some advice. When you harvest them by putting water in the neck of the bottle and then siphoning the eels out, how long do you let that water sit and collect eels? Few minutes? Few hours? Overnight?
  12. Is there a way to start vinegar eels without a starter culture?
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