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  1. I’m planning on setting up a fish tank by the end of this year as a small side hustle, with the main fish being sterbai corydoras. I’ve done a ton of research on breeding/selling for profit, and have heard that diversifying what I can sell would be a good thing to do. With that being said, I’ve been looking into possible tankmates that could breed in the same 20g setup with the same water parameters, and I’m just looking for some advice. From my research it seems that sterbais like temps from 73 to 78 and pH from 6 to 7.8. I’ve gone on PlanetCatfish and have seen people be successful with a wide range of pH but most breed them under slightly acidic conditions. Also I’ve read that the sterbs need some amount of water flow, but I’ve had trouble finding like a specific amount or a good filter that would be good for them. My first idea for tankmates were magenta mystery snails and gold dust mollies, but more research on the mollies told me that they’d need a bigger tank than my 20g plan, and also the LFS’s sell them dirt cheap already so i wouldn’t really make anything from them. For the mystery snails, it seems that the temp req has some overlap, but I’m getting differing opinions about pH, some websites saying 6.5-7.5, others saying 7.6 and up so I’m not sure. I also was thinking of, instead of the gold dust mollies, opting for something like black moscow guppies which would seem to work well with the requirements of sterbs (and be a bit more lucrative), but again i’ve seen conflicting reports of if the amount of flow would be an issue for them. So I guess I’m reaching out to get other fishkeepers’ opinions on my idea; if those tankmates would/could thrive and reproduce in the same parameters as the sterbai; what a good option for a filter to provide enough flow for a 20g would be; and IF the tankmates I chose are poor choices, what tankmates WOULD be good choices? Tysm 😄
  2. I am looking for some aquarium plants that are easy to propagate for profit. Currently thinking about Pearlweed Amazon Frogbit A rotala species most likely Rotala Rotundifolia 'Red' Ludwigia sp. "Super Red Mini" scarlet temple mini I am looking for mostly stem plants that aren't fluffy or feathery ex. wisiteria and water sprite as I am trying to breed CPDS using a catch cup.
  3. I am trying to grow Java moss for profit is sunlight mason jars. I decided to put a rams horn snail in one to see if that helps. This could be a terrible idea and end up in a mess of algae, but I decided to give it a try. Let me know your thoughts about this please. I will try to give weekly updates. Merry Christmas!
  4. I'm lucky enough not to have to pay for rent/utilities, so I've set up two for-profit tanks to pay for the hobby, or even possibly a little bit of my car/school. Old pic. I can't remember why the water level was so low, lmao. Plants: Crypts, anubias (which will be moving to the goldfish tank), frogbit, vallisneria, red root floaters, java moss, and amazon sword. Stocking: 7x Daisy's ricefish, 5x bronze corys. Post-qt, one of the ricefish is very skinny and listless so I'm not sure if it'll make it. Treating with paracleanse again. The corys have gotten MASSIVE since I purchased them two weeks ago, and from what I've read, the ricefish are a month or so away from being large enough to breed. If you look at the large white ricefish, they have been moved to a neighbor's tank and just started breeding today! I'd like to upgrade this to a 20g in order to give the corys more room and add more plants, and turn this tank into a grow out tank. There's a sale going on at a LFS this weekend, so I'll see if I can pick one up. Stocking: 5x orange ricefish. I estimate they're a couple weeks away from being large enough to breed. They don't look great against the orange/red substrate unfortunately 😞 Plants: Java fern (also going to the goldfish tank, but the petsmart lace variant has begun propagating, so the babies will stay in here), vallisneria (half of which is going in the goldfish tank), spring onion, microsword, hairgrass, crypts, melon sword, monte carlo, frogbit, red root floaters, pearlweed, and possibly dwarf sag. If you couldn't tell, I love plants and I'd also like to sell cuttings for profit 🙂 I should, however, figure out which plant is which. Plants are my ultimate impulse purchase. This weekend I'm gonna cut glass for the lid and actually pull the plants that are going in the goldfish rescape tank. I'm also gonna replant the pearlweed,
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