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  1. I need a light for my 22-g long. It's 36x12x12. I'm planning a heavily planted, low-tech pea puffer tank. Which light should I buy. If I want 24-hour programability (rather than just on/off), two popular choices are 1. Fluval Plant 3.0 LED Light 2. hygger Aquarium Programmable LED Light (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086STZG4Z/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AVCC5D32ELY5X&psc=1) They seem similar, except I understand that the hygger is way harder to program and the fluval is waaay more expensive. I'm fine with hard to program. Other than that, which is better? Is there another option I should be considering? The options are pretty daunting. (I'd consider the coop light, but I don't I'm patient enough. :-)
  2. Hi friends! I'm in the planning phases for my new 75g tank. I have settled on an Amazonian river biotope blackwater theme for this tank! My plans for stocking are: Angelfish, Rummynose tetra school, Hatchetfish school, and a school of Corydoras. As for plants I am currently only really eyeing: Amazon sword, jungle valisineria, Scarlet temple, s. repens, dwarf chain sword, and Amazon frogbit. (I am open to more plant suggestions if anyone has any!) My question is about lighting this tank... I don't think I can justify spending $250+ on a single fluval 3.0 when the tank/stand combo cost me only $200! I have a 3.0 on my densely planted 29g and while it's cool, it's definitely overkill and I run it at 30%-40% brightness at most. I get the impression that deeper tanks like my 75 are a different ball game w/ PAR levels. Could I get away with a single 48" finnex stingray? Should I use 2 due to the width of the tank? Alternatively, I've heard of great success from people improvising lighting by just using 6500k floodlights rathet than planted aquarium-specific lights. Have any of you tried improvised low-tech lighting alternatives? What was your experience?
  3. Hello all, So this is something that has crossed my mind as I have started to plan out my low tech 40g breeder aquarium. I was wondering what low tech plants everyone has success with and has not had success with and what your water parameters are (pH, gH, kh, temp). If there is anything else you wish to provide that you do like water change percentage, dosing fertilizer's, root tabs, etc, please feel free to included it. I believe this would help others make a better educated buying decision in the future as it seems some plants grow better for others. I figured it would be nice to have an ongoing thread that people could go to and see what others had success with growing in there water parameters and get an idea compared to their own water. I will start. Plants I have succeeded with- Crypt Wendetti 'Green' Crypt Undulatus 'Red' Anubias Golden Nana Buce green wavy Buce Brownie ghost (not the 2011 variant) Subwassertang Giant Duckweed Duckweed Jungle Val Red Tiger Lotus Plants that have not done well- Hornwort Amazon Frogbit Dwarf Sagittaria Parameters pH - 8.0 gH - 22 kH - 14 Temperature - ~80F Dosing and WC No real schedule for either of these, WC usually every 2 weeks and dose easy green, easy iron when I remember, same with root tabs.
  4. Hello everybody! I've been a pressurised CO2 user ever since I picked up the hobby. Lately, I've been playing with the idea of setting up a highly dense low tech jungle style aquarium. The idea of not having to trim loads of plants during every maintenance is very appealing. 🙂 With my high tech, I can clearly tell when the plant mass is too much for the available amount of CO2 and it's time to trim or up the injection rate. Obviously, with low tech I wouldn't be able to adjust the rate. My question is - given enough surface agitation and decent flow, how dense can a low tech be? Please feel free to share your jungle pictures with me. Let's make this a competition. I'm going on holiday for a week but when I'm back, I'll pick my favourite picture. The winner will win bragging rights, everyone else will win my gratitude for participation. Thank you!
  5. Love this plant! 1/3rd dose of easy green 3X a week, GLA EDTA Micromix 3X a week. Finnex planted clip on. Looks like I have found my volunteer for tissue cultures!
  6. Dr.rex

    Dropsy I think

    She had a white somewhat fluffy spot on her head and I treated it with maracyn first then on day 2 adding the other two of the trio and it went away but this is 4 days after treating with medicine and all her scales are like puffed out, badly tattered fins and that white fluffy spot went away and turned into like a red patch, real veiny and red all-over but like 10 minutes after these photos she laid on her side and passed, I would just like to know what could have done this, cuz she got sick in a community tank and I put her in the hospital tank to treat and welp 1 less sadly 10gl ,ph 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 50ish, GH 300+, kh 40-0 (working on it) light 100w led soft white, 18/6 cycle, Caribbean sea aragonite in a filter bag, 2 old whisper filters and the med trio running, picture of the 20gl long community tank she originated in added
  7. I wish I could find the post that inspired me. Some clever nerm had set up a beautiful 10g (I think) full of plants and moss for their desk, no heater, no filter, just a good light on a timer and a small school of white cloud minnows. And it was mwah, perfect. I keep thinking about the challenges of a low-tech, but still low-maintenance tank and how fun it would be to set up, smaller or larger, community or display. How would you set up your ideal low-tech tank?
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