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  1. I know this is a super stupid question but, when ordering new bulkheads for the tank I am refurbishing. I measure the size of the hole and that is the size I order correct? So I have four holes total in the bottom of the tank. Two for out on each side and two for in on each side. Outs are 1 3/4 ins are 1 1/2. So that is the size I order correct? I ask because the 1 3/4 size doesn't seem that common when U am trying to find them online to order,
  2. Hello everyone I took advantage of the dollar per gallon sale at Petco for my new rack I’m putting together. I’ve decided to do a row of 10 gallons and was about to buy bulk heads when I realized idk what size I should get!?! I was going to go with 1/2 inch but then realized that way to small. Does anyone have any experience with them and want to give some advice itll be greatly appreciated! I then was thinking maybe 1 inch then I saw a bunch of people online do 3/4. 😑 lol
  3. Hi all. So, I've been battling a leaking bulkhead that is the only thing standing between me and my beautiful new tank. The fish are in QT, and it has been cycled (though I am sure it's not helping taking it down all the time to rework this 😡 bulkhead!). I've tried tighter, looser, I've added grease, I'd used different bulkheads. At this point I am considering cleaning everything up, and gluing the bulkhead in place using the GE 100% silicone for plastic sheeting (same stuff that Dean uses) to fill the hole from the outside. I know this will bond to my acrylic, the rubber gasket, and the PVC. If it works, it will likely never leak. My fear is that if it doesn't it will be an awful mess to clean up and I'll be back at square one with no ideas of what to do next. So my question to all of you is this: just how bad of an idea is gluing this bulkhead in place? Thanks in advance for the input!
  4. The tanks drilled by people in Youtube videos seem to use a 1" bulkhead on drilled aquariums. I'm wondering if the diamond hole saw drill bit should also be 1" or if it needs to be larger. They're expensive so I don't want to buy the wrong ones! Does anyone know what size Cory uses in the old video where he's drilling 20 gallon tanks for his fish room?
  5. This is the process I used for drilling my next display tank. Its a 90 gallon tank with 1/4" inch thick glass. I'm drilling to install bulkheads to attach a canister filter too. Drilling a tank isn't as scary as you think if you've never done it before. You just have to go slow and have confidence, once you start there is no going back. It is more difficult and more likely to break on thinner glass, 1/8" or less. The tools I used were: Power drill. I think a two speed drill is best. Used on the lowest setting so you can't go too fast. Drill guide. I like this one with the suction cup. It held really well and has a port to attach a water line too. Squeeze bottle & aquarium airline. The bottle is from Dollar Tree, while not water tight, a thick wrapping of Teflon tape around the threads solves that. I found the Marina blue airline fit onto the nipple of the drill guide the easiest and onto the squeeze bottle. Some flat scrapes of wood and toolbox drawer liner Glass drill bit (obviously). I used a 35mm bit for a 3/4" bulkhead. I didn't want to do it outside with a hose because it was cold and snowing out at the time. I drilled it in my kitchen without making a mess at all. I used the flat scrapes of wood to wedge inside the tank as a brace when drilling. It helps contain everything once you get through the glass and maybe helps prevent some chip out. I used the liner against the glass to prevent the wood from slipping and wedged the piece between them to hold it tight. Go time. I wrapped a towel around the guide to contain the glass dust slurry. I had someone help by squeezing the bottle at a steady rate while I was drilling. I used the lowest speed and set the drill's clutch to the drill setting. Use both hands to hold the drill and keep it as straight as possible. Don't push too hard, especially on thinner glass, hold the drill tight and push down lightly, let the drill bit do the work. It takes time to get through thick glass, just go slow. You'll feel less resistance as you get closer to punching through, ease up on the pressure at that point until you're all the way through. Once you're through the hard part is over, except getting the plug of glass out the bit. Prying with a screwdriver in the slots gets it out. Removing the guide I found very little mess. Easy clean up. You can see the toolbox liner twisted and caught the bit as it punched through. I think that is actually beneficial, like a soft stop/landing for the process. I re-positioned the setup exactly the same and drilled a second hole, also successful.
  6. Howdy Nerms! I have grown into a fish room and breeding and would like to start a auto water top off or change system soon, maybe. Do you have any pitfalls or suggestions to consider as I research/plan? I have 25 tanks currently with city water. What are thoughts on drip lines verses sumps filter? Is it ok with DIY overflows or should you really have bulkheads. I really don't want to get ahead of myself just looking for some wisdom to center my thoughts. Many thanks, Tedrock.
  7. Anyone ever over tighten a bulkhead to itself before actually fitting it to the aquarium? Playing with this bulkhead as it’s the first time I’m plumbing a tank and can’t get it loose again to actually put it on the tank.
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