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Hannah Parker

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Everything posted by Hannah Parker

  1. Thank you! I ended up searching around on YouTube as well, it's always easier to actually see a video of the product. I liked Prime Time Aquatic's video, it was just a concise list of basic pros and cons. It also helped me realize how big this thing is! Not too obtrusive for 75 gallons and up I'd imagine.
  2. Thank you so much! It definitely gives me a good idea 🙂 I definitely need more research, as I recently learned the difference between fine and coarse sponges even 🤣
  3. Is it stuck to the glass or swimming around? It looks like a baby fish (fry). Ever had any livebearers in the 10 gallon?
  4. That makes sense! I think I need more education on customizing filter media and the different types, etc., because for all my fishkeeping years I've only ever used sponge filters! I have been reading up all day, and I think my powerhead can still get the job done pretty well for now. I'm going to buy and add Fluval Zeo-Carb to the inside of the basket, along with the 2-sided filter floss I've been using. I think eventually I will try and add something, maybe a HOB with an intake-extender to reach the debris on the bottom more. I really like the looks of this Marineland, but I think it takes up too much space and has too high of a flow for my goldfish. I think it could be a really cool main filter for a cichlid tank or a high-flow river tank.
  5. Very fair point. I'm definitely still undecided because it does take up a lot of room, which all my other filters already do. What makes me still curious about it is a lot of people really love this filter, and call it a powerhouse. I know my goldfish need something to take their filtration to the next level, their tank can get really dirty easily.
  6. Has anyone ever used the Marineland Internal Canister Filter? I've been on the hunt for an additional filter for my 60 gallon goldfish tank; I currently use 2 large sponge filters with 2 small ones stacked on them, and an AquaClear powerhead with a filter basket attached. I was browsing Petco today and saw this: It seems to be advertised as doing the same thing as a canister filter, which was highly recommended to me for a goldfish tank by many members of this forum. I haven't been able to have a canister filter because of the nature of my set-up (a double tank stand, so with another tank on the bottom part of the stand instead of shelving where an external canister filter could go). Has anyone ever used this filter before? Is it a good filter? Thanks in advance 🙂
  7. Hi All, Update from your resident Amazon addict: Pretty good deal on a Fluval Canister filter for Prime Day 🙂
  8. That's definitely possible, especially with a community tank with energetic eaters! I have golden zebra loaches who could absolutely do this kind of damage during feeding time. Either himself or a cory, a fish probably did this. Fin nipping is more common with the tails, but when I've had dumbos and they came across tears like this, it happened overnight and he really was the only one that could've done it to himself. I'm not sure how he was able to reach his pectoral fin but I'm almost positive mine did it to himself, and it looked like a rip just like yours. I remember coming to this conclusion because his only tankmates were pygmy corydoras and chili rasboras, and no way they could rip it like that. It also happened more than once. Mine was a plakat dumbo, so his pectoral fins were the only long fins and I guess he was determined to bite them. If this happens again with your Pumpkin (knock on wood), it's probably safe to assume he's doing it to himself. It's really hard to tell unless you catch them in the act though, and they always seem to do it when you're not looking! You sound like you're totally on the right track and are very attentive to this tank, so I think he will be just fine and heal up nicely! 🙂
  9. I'm glad you and your pups are okay, and that you are receiving the support you need by those in your life 🙂 I'm sorry this happened, I can't imagine how uprooted you must feel. Sending good vibes your way ❤️
  10. If he is eating and acting normally that's a good sign, and this shouldn't be life threatening at all. Even though he seems to have shorter fins everywhere else, his pectoral fins are quite large because he is a dumbo. He most likely did this to himself. I would make sure that you have sponge filters and carefully monitor the flow of any other filters you may have so he doesn't feel hampered in being able to swim by his fins. For the future, you can add leaf hammocks and floating logs as resting places up top for him. I don't see anything in your tank that could be stressing him out and he has everything he needs to be comfortable like plenty of room, live plants and plenty of hiding places, so you might have just ended up with a betta with the tendency to fin-nip. Sometimes you can do everything right and they still tear their own fins just because they don't like how big/heavy they are. For treatment, I wouldn't jump to medicine quite yet as too much medicine can compromise his immune system. I would do frequent water changes, at least every other day but even once a day if you feel it's necessary, and maybe dose the tank with Seachem Stress Guard. That will help him feel better in general and has antibacterial properties. I would also recommend getting some indian almond leaves, boiling them on the stove, then letting that water cool and treat it with water conditioner and put it in the tank. That will create indian almond leaf tea, which also has antibacterial properties. Feeding him high-quality food like frozen baby brine shrimp will also help. You can do as little or all of the things listed above, depending on how worried you are and how bad he seems. All these things will help him along, but he should be able to mostly heal on his own. The key is very clean water so that he doesn't develop an infection in the wound.
  11. I'm really glad Cory made this decision as well. As well as supporting the debt-economy, I feel like this could definitely increase the amount of impulse fish purchases if it was implemented, which is bad for the fish as well. Credit cards freak me out and I hate that you need them for a good credit score. Luckily I have a fiancé who is extremely smart with money and who I share an Amazon credit card with as an authorized user, which has helped my credit score! I buy $25-100 of stuff a month and pay it off by the deadline next month and that's plenty of credit card use for me! I use it for the little stuff I regularly get off Amazon like cat/dog treats, toiletries, etc.
  12. My community tank is so interesting because it almost has many bosses. At feeding time everyone gets out of the way for my adult golden zebra loach on the bottom and my betta on the top level. I have these 2 ancient cherry barbs that are leftover from downsizing old schools that have died off, and they each guard a little cave in the bottom section of the tank. For a while my platies were all on the same playing field, but since my new addition hi-fin male has become comfortable in the tank, he has established himself as the alpha breeding male of the bunch.
  13. Little update on this gorgeous tank, everyone is still doing great and I've had no deaths 🙂 I think my 2 smaller goldfish might be growing a little slowly, but they're very active and happy so I'm not overly concerned. I feed them once a day so I know they're getting enough to eat. They all get along swimmingly lol, and have good dynamics with no bullying. In the past week or so the biggest goldfish is laying down on the substrate for a while each day, but she always perks up when I come check on her and seems to be able to swim fine. I don't see any sores or injuries on her belly from laying on the substrate so I'm just going to continue to monitor for now and hope it's just want she's wanting to do and not a health issue.
  14. Of course! And I hope you and your wife do too, hopefully you guys can snag something really cool someday (once this crazy market calms down 🙃) I don't think we will be going this time, but I will definitely remember 😳 that's crazy how that's happening, I honestly wonder if the buffalo are becoming neurotic from the crazy weather that's happening 😥
  15. Poor guy 😭 I'm sure he's so much happier! I knew he looked familiar, I believe they were kept in our huge 125gal tanks at the LFS I used to work at. I think there were oscars, silver dollars, arrowanas, gars and other monster fish with them. Also common plecos. But you know how fish stores are, the tanks were certainly overstocked so I'm not sure what would work for a long-term home environment. I think your instinct on getting something that can hold it's own is a great idea.
  16. He's beautiful! How long has it been since he's had tankmates?? I'm wondering if he possibly mellowed out with age lol. I don't keep big fish, but I know any decor change can help when adding new fish, if you have any decor. Hope you can find something that works with him!
  17. Can't wait to see pictures of the tiny discus!!
  18. Thank you so much for your input, and no I'm not offended at all! 🙂 I totally understand what you're saying and in hindsight, it really does make sense. I think we had we had a bit of "rose-tinged glasses" on with this idea, and thought everyone would want to go as badly as we did. It doesn't help that my side of the family was planning a family vacation next year anyways, so were naturally more excited and willing than his side. I think we maybe should have either decided to elope to Yellowstone and do a reception locally, or asked everyone how they felt about the idea before "pitching" it and officially deciding and inviting everyone. Initially, when we decided to do this we had both said we would be okay if anyone decided they couldn't come because of how big of a commitment it was. Then, as things started actually progressing and it seemed like a majority of his family couldn't/didn't want to come, we realized we actually weren't okay with some members of the family not being there and we really wanted them there. I think they could have been more polite about saying it, but I think we could have as well. I think doing a small, private ceremony locally like we initially wanted to is best and I really am glad it worked out the way it did. I think we would've missed having a lot of his family there if we had decided to go anyways.
  19. It might be a bit unnecessary, but when I've done a substrate change from pebbles/gravel, I've always put a few handfuls of the old substrate in a mesh bag to save, and put that bag back in the tank for 2-4 weeks. That way I figure you can still have a portion of that beneficial bacteria from the old substrate in the tank until a new colony grows on your new substrate. It's ugly sitting in the tank, but only temporary.
  20. That's how I started out before we bought the house or added the cat, I could impulse set up a little betta tank easy. So much fun. Now I only have a tropical community tank that had a male king betta as a centerpiece, and once he died I said I wasn't getting anymore bettas because they had been so sickly and I was having really bad luck with their longevity. However, because I had the room in the community tank again I did end up impulse buying another beautiful male who seems extremely active and healthy, so I'm hoping it will continue to work out 🙂
  21. That's so cool! I had a platy who changed from female to male a while back. But he messed up my ratio doing that! There were other males and really no need, but he just felt like it I guess. Very cool thing to get to see
  22. He's gorgeous. I love bettas, they were what got me started in the aquarium hobby. Personally I love keeping them in community tanks because they are so curious, love to see them interact with their surroundings/tankmates
  23. Yeah! At least all of mine do. My local fish store will give store credit, but the chain stores like Petco and Petsmart will only take them for free. I don't think they would take a fish that is obviously sick though, they always give them a look.
  24. I love your decorative rocks on the substrate, they are so pretty. I also have a mis-matched community tank, from combining tanks and not replacing some fish in schools that had died off. But I think it's better to keep them than give them back to the pet store because they don't have a full school, and give them a good home for the rest of their life. That's awesome that you took them for your friend 🙂 I also have white clouds, love them!
  25. It doesn't hold a candle to your amount of tanks (that's insanely impressive!) but for me 5 community tanks was too many. I think it definitely depends on the person. With seasonal depression kicking my butt, going to school full-time and working almost full-time, and having just bought a house with my fiancé I just couldn't keep up with their maintenance. They were all 20 gallons and under as well so they needed weekly water changes. And one of them were pea puffers that needed fed live food every day, not to mention the special food and training I was having to do with my dog and making my dog and cat's food from scratch. So I had to combine community tanks and rehome the pea puffers, and now I have 2 larger community tanks and am finding the maintenance to be almost the same as having 1 tank and being much more manageable. It definitely went from work to an enjoyable hobby for me again 😊
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