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Jim b

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  1. I would just like to know if the fish are farm raised ,wild or locally raised. At least it would give us the option. I believe Cory at his store does signify the origins of the fish he sells!
  2. Obviously there are always 2 sides to every story but if you believe the experts and These fish are trapped and will die anyways then I’m all in for buying wild! After all our very hobby began in the amazon region. I think even Cory has changed in his thinking that buying wild does have a place! I’m think that we should be able to find out where the fish we buy are from.
  3. I also think it would be nice if the retail stores could let you know if the fish are farm or wild .
  4. Thanks for the feedback on this topic! It is definitely a complex subject . I guess a good mix of both is the answer! The recent documentary online was a eye opener, according to them most of these areas the fish are taken from dry up anyways. It’s a renewable resource?! The 2 part series is titled Wild Caught aquarium fish trade of the amazon
  5. Thanks for the information! You are obviously very well schooled on this topic! Thanks for the information.
  6. After watching several documentaries on this I’m starting to think buying wild might be beneficial for everyone involved in the hobby! Any thoughts
  7. Place cotton ball on top of culture and slowly pour water to slightly higher than cotton ball. Eels will swim through cotton to get air. Takes 30 minutes or more. Use eye dropper to suck up eels in water to feed fry.
  8. Rams like soft slightly acidic water. 7ph and lower! High water temps are important also!84 to 86 TDS 150 to 300. I use water from a reservoir that is as close to rain water as I can get. I’m fortunate to live close to it.
  9. Large sponge filter in addition to your hang on back should work just fine.
  10. A quick update on my ram fry rearing . I now have eleven young rams! They are 2 months old and seem to be doing well!! It’s been a long road and have had many failures!! I think the key was obtaining water from the river that comes out of Quabbin which is Boston’s water supply!! TDS of 26! I also have a new batch of fry which is much larger est 75 to 100!!
  11. Remember there are no mirrors and fish really don’t know how big they are. I’ve caught many fish half the size of my lure proving this point. Wait.
  12. I think the biggest factor obviously is size, fish will eat anything they think they can eat even bigger! I would error on the side of caution and wait .
  13. 20 long is my all time favorite! Great breeding size! Put tank divider in for 2 breeding tanks.
  14. I’ve been using the aqua tech hang on on some of my tanks and have had no problems! I’ve altered the filtration thanks to Cory’s suggestions on how to modify your hang on back filter!
  15. Thanks for the advice. I think your right with the food issue?! I’m going to back off on the amount of food. I’ll keep you posted. The pair is do for another spawn!
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