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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. From what I've seen, you want something like a wall of stems plants (they lay on underside of leaves) and something where it's large enough for them to get under the leaf. Something like PSO won't work but will grow like a weed. Heavily planted stems tank would be what they want. Repashy / Sera spirulina tabs work well in my view for otos if the tank isn't seasoned enough yet.
  2. Can you take a photo please. What kind of sand was used for the substrate? Did you rinse it? How often do you gravel vac it?
  3. Mine eat the hikari or sera spirulina tabs. Not the Xtreme ones.
  4. Looks right to me, it's a little pale and has some burn on the leaves. Potentially was from an outdoor pond or something? Here's a video that might be a helpful one. It should start halfway through when they show the water lettuce.
  5. Had another idea. Odessa Barbs from Greg Sage with other fish would work as well. There's some fish that prefer to have a stack of rocks to lay in, tiger barbs and a few others. I have never done it myself, but they make boxes for the eggs to be laid in and then take those and move them to the fry tanks. It's a pretty nifty way to handle it and still keep the community tank setup.
  6. Not at all. When my tanks are bad (high particulate from a big clean), I'll add floss and usually 3-4 days later I pull it and don't run it after that.
  7. They will sink. some will stay up for the tetras some will slowly sink, and there will be some that goes right to the bottom. Here's a clip of someone feeding. Cory has some of vibra bites or I can record one if you want to see it. In the video Cory says rams didn't eat it. Not sure if that's bolivian or German blue or both. Maybe someone who has some can clarify.
  8. Very much so, very underappreciated. Imagine a world where bettas don't suffer the way they do and we all have little 10G ram tanks. I'd be fine with it.
  9. She looks good. Hopefully some of the pink, red, orange, yellow, and light blue hues come in soon for you with the feeding adjustments. I miss having my ram. These are the ones I was talking about. Some fish just don't like them, so I've switched to using vibra bites. https://www.hikariusa.com/tropical_folder/micro_pellets.html These I've used before too to target feed bottom fish. https://www.hikariusa.com/tropical_folder/sinking_wafers.html To give you an idea those say mini size and it's 3.0-3.4mm The biggest I comfortably want to use for any of my fish is 1.0mm (1.5mm was too big for barbs)
  10. Snails help out with the algae for sure. I would think that they might have a spike in some parameters just in general, meaning something like clean water will help the fish out. Maybe @Guppysnailhas some advice or experience here that would be beneficial. I would just try to keep nitrates below 20 and see how much they rise week to week. If you're spiking really high, it might be a sign of too much bioload. As for any other fish, do they seem healthy? Plants doing ok?
  11. I have to do it for coffee stuff. I just use my hand or a cup in the sink or something and run hot water through the pump. No biggie. It will dissolve the solids and then you can get clean water through the system.
  12. Awesome to hear. I can't believe we've gotten this deep in the thread and you haven't shown off the ram! Next time you're at the shop see if you can find some of the hikari sinking (I think they just call it micro pellets) or vibra bites I highly recommend. Vibra bites is a lot like the xtreme krill flakes but they sink. Very small size and very easy for just about everything to eat.
  13. Try testing it out of the tank. Just from the tap, before and after adding prime. Yes. Test water from the tap (I usually add prime) Then aerate for 24 hours and retest. That's what the water actually is after off-gassing. Then you compare that to your tank.
  14. Clean the pump head out really good with warm water. Something in there already hardened will trigger it to keep happening. Then if that doesn't work, switch to measuring.
  15. I'm assuming it was food, but it could've been just a simple acclimation issue. Difficult to know. I usually try to go off of their gill colors to keep track of stress on them. I have one I can't find at all but was doing just fine for a few months. The other 4 have no issues. Any spikes on ammonia or nitrites?
  16. Could be. Did the oto usually hang out on the glass or where? It's pretty difficult to feed otos and have snails always scaring them off. Having rocks for them to graze on, back glass, and then feeding should keep them happy. I wouldn't suggest to just dump food in, but if you have more otos in there try to get an idea for how full they look.
  17. Mine had odessa barbs. I think adding another school of barbs helps that situation also.
  18. I can share my methods if you think it will help! lol. Always fun to see them adjusting and getting used to the new surroundings. Would you ever consider adding a window film on one side of the tank to give them a bit of "cover" from external stimuli that might stress them out?
  19. Definitely makes sense. The difficult part, and I think one of my biggest issues was just not knowing enough, and not setting things up for success. The frustration being that when you fix those issues it's not like the algae just disappears overnight. I've taken hardscape and plants and stuff and directly treated with Hydrogen peroxide and it didn't make a dent. I look forward to when it does make sense for me to try the RR method, but I am hoping that this is it! It's been a journey and watching the algae latch on to melt, not having new growth, it's just so frustrating as a hobbyist when you know you're 80 or 90% of the way there.
  20. I will say, I don't think you have enough information right now to decide! A. Take a sample from the tap and measure PH, KH, GH, Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates. B. Aerate the same sample with an airstone for 24 hours, retest. C. Compare these results to your tank and determine what the difference is between B and C. This is going to be the swings you're working with when you change water. I like this idea. Good point! Do you have a method to precondition water ahead of time? A storage container for tank water you can use to mix RODI with your tap water?
  21. you can get the ACO dosing glass and use that! It's pretty cool and you can help verify you're dosing the right amount. Spray it into the shot glass / dosing glass and then you'll have a measure for what is actually coming out of the pump. Dose x mL and then you have a very good consistent routine.
  22. Is it possible it was difficult for the oto to eat heavily or internal parasites? Was the belly usually full?
  23. Planted everything today. Officially closing my chapter (whether it's happening or not) on the "I can't grow plants this year" phase of my hobby. Worst case the CO2 shows back up, but it's been a journey and I'm excited to have some moss again. Photos are in the journal, but here's the "beauty shot".
  24. *gets popcorn ready, stares at algae ridden tank* Alright.... I can take it. What am I doing wrong!
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