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Everything posted by ShySnail

  1. I had them in a big mixed school with regular tiger barbs years ago when I had larger tanks and I adored them. They are gorgeous and so, so active. I kept them with tank mates they wouldn't annoy too much: zebra danios and a BN pleco. If I can talk my husband into getting larger tanks in the future, I'll definitely include them in my plans.
  2. I have my fancies in a hundred gallon stock tank in southern Missouri. I run a 300 watt heater if it is going to be in the mid-thirties or colder, just to keep a section open at the top. Otherwise, I don’t do anything for heat or insulation. This will be their fifth or sixth winter and they’ve always done well.
  3. I'm really curious to see what everyone's answers will be. I typically don't wash my hands prior to going into the tank unless I've just handled something dirty - in which case I'd wash my hands regardless of the aquarium! 🙂 I just use my regular hand soap.
  4. I’m in Missouri and have had good luck with Aquatic Arts. I’m currently waiting on an order to ship from Flip Aquatics, so nothing to report on that one yet.
  5. I have a 16 gallon with guppies, endlers, and a mystery snail. I absolutely love it! The fish are small, colorful, and they're constantly exploring and interacting with each other. I plan on adding more snails and some shrimp to the mix soon.
  6. I've seen a lot online about how great the Fluval E series, but man is that price hard to swallow! It seems like there are a range of decent alternatives out there. Maybe a better question would have been: are there any brands or models to stay away from?
  7. Smoke?! I bet that was an exciting day! Thanks for the recommendation - I'll definitely check them out.
  8. I just realized this morning that my heater has given up the ghost, so I'm looking for any recommendations you all have. I've been reading reviews, and I've gotten a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices out there.
  9. When I had BNs years ago they would munch on the swords from time to time, but they never caused any significant damage. Plus, they're more than cute enough to make up for any damage they might cause! Congrats on your new BN - and the galaxy rasbora fry!
  10. Hello! I'm Michelle from Missouri. I really miss the older style forums, so I was very happy to hear Cory talk about CARE on one of his live streams. I've had a fancy goldfish aquaponics set up for the past 5 or 6 years and just got a guppy & endler fraternity tank started inside. The Frat replaced our TV when it broke and we're never going back!
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