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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. Yep, it does the same ramp on/off on a timer. I have mine on a Kasa. There was one size they didn't initially have in stock, which might have been the 24"? I think Cory mentioned something on the order of a month or so for the next shipment? It was on a live stream. Source: I own a 48" ACO light and also my memory.
  2. In my discus tank - 90% daily. In my fry boxes take about 75% of the water daily to clean up excess food on the bottoms. About every other day swap boxes for a good scrub down. In all of my other tanks I now average one change about every two weeks. Roughly 50%, typically. Everything gets aged and preheated water to refill because of a big pH shift between tap and aged water.
  3. Within a couple degrees. I up'd the temp on the reservoir tank a few degrees to compensate.
  4. I bought a culture from Fish Guy's Place and followed his instructions. 50/50 ACV/water. 5 or 6 apple slices. They multiply quickly in my limited experience. I have two going, going to set up another one here shortly in a quart deli cup. I suck them out with a pipette, put them in a coffee strainer, rinse, and then rinse them into wherever I am feeding. They are a bit of a pain to feed.
  5. I think there's plenty of good suggestions above. If I were doing this personally, I would rehome everything and restart at the new place. Unless you've got strong attachments or things you're breeding or something very rare. Don't take that as a suggestion of what I think you should do, but an option. Sometimes we get lost in the fact that we can do something when it might be easier another way. Otherwise treating it like shipping a fish isn't a bad idea. This is done all the time, including the dead of winter.
  6. I don't have experience with those apistos, my not quite full sized kerri tetras will kill and eat a full sized cherry shrimp without issue. So I would think apistos could eat them just fine. That said, tanks has tons of hiding places. They won't exterminate them, but they'll probably keep the population down. As long as it's an established colony.
  7. Agree with Inked, hang on breeder boxes just like this.
  8. The breeding pair did their thing pretty early today, it's like they're more comfortable so they get down to business a little faster than they did before. There's quite a few more not in the picture off to the left. I'm not sure how many... 40 or 50, I'm thinking. Female seems a bit stressed after the spawn so even if she still had more to go, I moved them back over. I'm not planning on handling this set at all other than to take the ones off the moss. Also not going to do any methylene blue. There's of course a bit of debris, which I'm not a big fan of. But I'm worried I screwed up the last batch. So will let these ride with some water flow through them for a few days. Here's a cruddy video of the fry eating:
  9. In my experience the "classics" are called that because most people wouldn't call them "goods". 🤣
  10. Big development today! There's at least a few fry munching on baby brine shrimp. And I was just watching them chew on them which is kind of funny to watch. Hard to see them eat vinegar eels, but their bellies are big and clear so I am guessing they have been eating those too. Still feeding fry powder, vinegar eels, and now will out in a tiny bit of BBS a couple times a day.
  11. Another whirl tomorrow. I should be home most of the day.
  12. Nope, and not a single tiny spike in ammonia either, which I tested immediately. There's a lot of shrimp and I guess they made quick work. The other theory I had was it jumped out and the cat ate it. But that's two fairly unlikely events in my opinion.
  13. I had a betta disappear without a trace as well. It happens. I'm sure it died and was consumed. It was only about a 24-36 hour span between seeing and realizing he was gone.
  14. I was doing about 50% in my 36 or 37 or whatever it is every week. I've gone to every other or every third. I struggle mightily with keeping the dosing up because it's not near any of the other tanks (back in my daughter's room). So I have to make a conscious effort to go back and observe. The other tanks I kind of get a feel more/less by looking at them as to if they need some fertilizer or not. And their plants are better for it. I've thought about moving the tank from her room for that particular reason, actually.
  15. It's like most wild animals. If you need 10 to survive, make 10,000.
  16. A couple updated pictures. Can see some growth.
  17. I have, as of... Basically right now... Nearly convinced myself that the female from this pair is a sleeper male. Bottom one in the pic. I think that would explain a lot. On the right here. Of particular note are the flushing red scales near the back of "her" belly. I haven't noticed those displayed yet. Seems a little weird that the male still... Dances and displays for "her", but I don't have a frame of reference to know if that's what dominant males do... That said, I think I remember the dark cheek slash being a female characteristic.
  18. I don't think I'd be worried about it from a beneficial bacteria standpoint. You'll still have a BB colony in the existing filters, and all of the other decor/sides/etc. I'd be more worried about them rooting around in all that waste and stirring it up. To be honest, though, you're kind of asking to stop a fish from doing what it does... I'm not sure how to make that happen. If you've got substrate they can fit in their mouth, they're going to move it. Could you maybe put some bigger gravel on the bottom that they wouldn't be able to move so easily? Or some sort of mesh barrier that would still allow waste and water to settle through it, but not allow the fish to dig in it? Just spitballing. That might create even more issues.
  19. I agree, those temps don't seem outrageous for them to live through. Though it could have been a contributing factor if something else was already stressing them... could have pushed them over the edge.
  20. I don't think it's hair algae, unless marimo is a type of hair algae. I actually like this type, it has good structure and is not anywhere near as invastive as hair algae. I will say that some of it has kind of overtaken my java moss. But that's because I struggle mightily with plants in the tank to begin with. I like the way it looks on your wood there, very natural, IMO!
  21. I had one that was nipping its own tail and the mirror seemed to help with that when used once-in-awhile. Usually my daughter asked to do it so she'd let him flare at it for a couple minutes (if that, usually he wouldn't go after it for longer than... 30 seconds, maybe?) and then take it back out. Maybe... a couple times a week? Unfortunately, he didn't last too long. I don't think that had anything to do with the mirror, though!
  22. Depends. I've got tanks in the upper 70s in my basement which is in the low 60s this time of year. And a discus tank at 85 on the main floor and we only keep the house at 64. So, yes, a heater out for a few days can really have a detrimental outcome for fish. The extent depends on what the tank normal temperature is vs what ambient is... as well as the type and overall health of the fish to begin with.
  23. Weird, but I kind of have a 37 in the same situation. It's like it's cursed. 😄 But it's also a very deep tank, which has kind of been what I have leaned on as a possible cause. Truthfully, I hate everything about the tank's footprint and am perplexed what stocking would make sense in it. Dumb move to have bought it, but... it is what it is at this point! 😄 I've given up on getting the dang things to thrive, I still can't keep nitrates in the tank though.
  24. How hard is your water, @Tanked? I've got a goodly number of plants that just plain don't seem to want to grow and I'm increasingly convincing myself that my super hard water is playing a bigger role than I would expect it to play. Just curious. I just try a bunch of stuff and hope some of it works. 😄
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