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Everything posted by 813aquatics

  1. Could you PM that Venice club info? Bit far but worth it for key events like you said. I had wanted to go to that plant sale but missed it 🥲
  2. Thanks, I wasn’t sure if I could refrigerate them, that’s probably what I’ll do. Also yes, I was in Tampa since 2010 until a few weeks ago, now down in Bradenton (the Tampa housing crisis is insane). Been meaning to join TBAS now that covid is largely minimalized here. No clubs this side of the Skyway (Sarasota club is defunct from what I can tell). A suuuuper nice retail store just opened up here though (removed store name for forum rules) which also maintains a massive farm out in Ruskin.
  3. Chilis are rather small and in my experience they are very chill. I’d keep an eye on your shrimplet population but I’d be pretty shocked if they went for mature shrimp.
  4. Hey Nerms, I recently picked up a baby brine shrimp hatchery (San Fran brand) since baby brine is *incredible*. However, I don’t have a ton of tanks (7) due to apartment life at the moment. I have seen Cory’s videos on hatching but my question is, once hatched how long can I keep the hatched bb alive before they will die? Can I put the live baby brine that I don’t use in the fridge and keep them for a few days? Or is the more logical option just to use less eggs per hatching? I am thinking I won’t need an entire egg pack worth of baby brine to feed my tanks for a single day but I’m new to hatching live so any advice is appreciated. My goal is to make it as cost effective as I can and reduce waste as much as possible. Any other helpful tips are much appreciated! Thanks!
  5. I’ve always wondered why so many M American species don’t get a lot of love. We have native killis, flagfish, shiners, gambusi, sailfins, etc that are all great fish but only specialists seem to keep them.
  6. Have you considered using a preset aquarium heater? Part of the problem you may be having is just due to the heaters constantly going on and off. The preset heater, while less customizable, may be safer and more efficient. No chance for leaks or moving parts.
  7. There was a popular post on dissecting the nano pumps the other day, it may have some useful info
  8. Welcome to the addiction..err hobby! And what an awesome first tank. Sounds like you've already gone down the coop youtube rabbit hole and know about cycling and getting started with plants. You can't go wrong with some colorful livebearers of choice in a first tank. They will introduce you to fish breeding whether you want them to or not though. A decent sized school of small tetras with some small bottom dwellers could be another option, and would create diversity at different tank levels. Enjoy all the hours of content and learning available while your tank grow 🙂
  9. Yeah I’m referring to the gold variant. The shop I got mine from owns their own farm to breed them in Ruskin, FL apparently.
  10. So yesterday I picked up a bunch of gold neon tetras on a whim mostly because I’d never seen that variation in retail, why not right? Anyways I work graveyard shift and have the day off so naturally here I am at 2:27am deep google searching any documented process on the origin of this color variant. I couldn’t find any specific stuff on selective gold breeding BUT I did come across an excellent scientific article on Red Color Coverage genetic breeding for neons. I think the background info highlighting specifically where the farms are (yay maps), the breeding techniques, and diet/habitat are all pretty interesting, RCC genetic mumbojumbo aside. Here’s a link: http://ejournal-balitbang.kkp.go.id/index.php/iaj/article/download/9106/7268
  11. Tropica has some nice wall art for aquatic plants.
  12. He’s really beautiful, sorry he is hurt. Maracyn would be the choice to treat dropsy, bacterial infections, etc so I could definitely see why that would be recommended. The raised scales around the sore area is something I’d keep an eye on and see if they receed as inflammation goes down or not. Did the sore show up overnight or develop gradually? Have you considered a low dose of salt as a treatment? My understanding is the salt encourages the fish to increase slime coat production in addition to providing some anti-bacterial/fungal treatment. I have used salt to great effect on several of my fish species. Do know that any salt would negatively impact your plants so consider doing treatment in quarantine if that is a problem. Indian Almond Leaves are also an all around great addition to betta tanks especiallly when they’re under the weather. They appreciate the health benefits of tannins. Please look to additional sources for medical treatment of bettas as well I’m not a fish doc by any means.
  13. Well there goes the rest of my week. And here I thought CIV was addicting…
  14. Unrelated but I need like 20 kuhli stickers to complete my vision 😂
  15. The little white worms are most likely detritus worms. The other possibility is planaria, which are easily distinguishable from detritus worm because planaria have a semi-triangular head. Neither are necessarily "bad", detritus worms exist probably in every single aquarium as they live in your substrate and feed off waste. They typically don't show up when there's lots of fish around because they are quite yummy (to fish). I have only ever had them show up en masse like that when I had a snail and plant only tank with tons and tons of wood and mulm. If their growth is explosive trying vacuum graveling more and feed a little less. I believe the little flea looking guys are scuds which I don't know much about them, but I don't believe they pose much of a risk. Planaria are a threat to shrimp if you have any.
  16. Those tanks are going to be very heavy with substrate in it. Even empty they are heavy. I just moved two weeks ago myself and completely emptied everything out. My biggest thing would be to keep all your filter media and sponges completely submerged in tank water. This will save your BB colony and having to re-cycle. Also I threw as many stem plants as I could into my fish bins, my theory being this helped reduce their stress/waste damage. I was able to transport hundreds of two-week-old molly fry and every other fish without loss.
  17. Still trying to decide this for myself. Right now I think I’m going to add them the back of an iPad I have. It never got a lot of use until I started keeping it next to my tanks. Now I use it as my daily tank log/journal for tracking parameters, tank photos, and for looking up fishtube/google searches.
  18. Apistos/kribs/rams pairs are all perfect for a 20L, couldn’t agree more. The struggle is choosing which one is the best for you, they’re all such characters
  19. I almosted walked right past because at first glance I thought they were albino which I’m not crazy about lookswise, glad I didn’t. Was between these and ember tetras for a new nano group. Problem is I already want 20 more lol.
  20. I picked up 20 gold neon tetras today and added them to my plant grow out tank before I move them to a 20L display. At least as juveniles, they have a beautiful opal/pearl color along with the definitive neon blue lateral strip and slight red hues. As the grow up the gold should get a little deeper. Very happy with them, I think they look beautiful schooling around and I had never seen them in a retail shop. These were bred in a farm owned by the shop that sold them to me in FL. Also shoutout to coop folk the shop owners name dropped your videos on breeding
  21. I have mystery snails but have not experienced this. I did a few cursory google searches and there are a lot of posts of people describing similar periods of "lethargy" but not a ton of clear guidance. My gut reaction would be to think they are responding to some kind of stress but your parameters all seem ideal for them and something like additional calcium isn't likely to be what triggers a huge health swing. I will say they are super tough little creatures though - just today I had one climb out of a 37g (tall-ish) somehow land outside the tank and by the time I found him he was dry. I was certain he'd die but after being back in the water an hour his siphon poked out and off he went.
  22. Once the snails start it's a pretty hard thing to kick, because once you start seeing the eggs you know you have dozens/hundreds. I just learned to embrace the diversity and use them as a good tank barometer. Another thing you can add is assassin snails but I'm not sure if it's just me but my two assassins haven't made much of a dent in the small bladder snails I see in the tank. Could just be me missing their work though.
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