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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. How much are you dosing and how many gallons is the tank.
  2. I also like 3:1 and 4:1. 2:1 just didn't quite seem right. Can't explain it though.
  3. You probably met a different Miller, I have never been to Seattle. However, I look forward to meeting you in person one day! 😁
  4. If you are dosing the water column with fertilizer, there's no need to use root tabs.
  5. Twinstar. UNS Titan 1. Chihiros Vivid 2 or wRGB2 and Chihiros has a new light and improved light out now.
  6. Have you been able to get a PAR measure with your new light?
  7. Finnex Planted+ 24/7 ALC Aquarium LED Light, Automatic Sunrise and Sunset, 660nm Deep Red LEDs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LY9G2YH/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_R3NDS8G0Z6T272X4PSFF?psc=1
  8. I can tell you I have no idea. He's the plant guy for sure. I thought I had Hygrophila Siamensis 53b and he pointed out it wasn't!
  9. I'm very tempted to try it on my 40 gallon. I just doubled the plant load in it and put a bigger filter on it too. I might try lowering co² and running a siesta there.
  10. I would try spot treating with 15ml hydrogen peroxide per 10 gallons. Turn off all your filters for 10 minutes, then paint the infected area with the hydrogen peroxide (using a syringe) and wait 20 minutes. You will see lots of bubbles during that 20-minute period time. Once the 20 minutes expires, turn your filters back on and you should be good to go. You can repeat this process every 24 hours.
  11. Nice, they both look really good! I've completely given up on catching fish. If it wasn't for my wife, I'd be in real trouble!
  12. I'll have to be home to show you my settings. I will post it tonight. I'm just using my phone for now, but I do have a DSLR that I should be practicing with. You know, just in case this tank was used for a competition...
  13. I'm not sure. Its by accident I even have it. I was looking for a low tech carpeting plant and happened to see it advertised on a shady website. I said "heck with it", it's only money if it never arrives. Sure enough, it arrived and now that site has been taken down. There's not too much information, that I can find, about it. There's some interesting research going on about cold tanks with soft water growing plants that require CO2, yet no additional CO2 is being used. Might be why you are having success with it. I wouldn't believe it without seeing your picture. Amazing work! What's the pH of this tank?
  14. What temperature do you keep this tank at?
  15. Flourish is not a comprehensive fertilizer and the plants are deteriorating. This allows a multitude of algae to take advantage of favorable conditions. I would look for a comprehensive fertilizer and dose per directions. Give the tank a good cleaning and watch the new growth for any problems.
  16. Here's what Hygrophila Serpyllum looks like.
  17. Hygrophila Serpyllum Marsilea Hirsuta is an interesting carpet too.
  18. The tank is looking fantastic. Hopefully the carpet stayed dry too!
  19. You just download it in from your app store and create an account. Then they have a for sale section. Just list the fish for re-home. Craiglist is the same.
  20. I would say a good 6 months. Around this time frame, the tank starts to get pretty stable and the tank starts to become more algae resistant. I'm not talking ammonia levels that would show up on your test kits. I like to call them micro bursts. A young tank doesn't quite clear ammonia as quickly as a well established tank. This will give certain algae an opportunity to thrive. Do your best to only feed what they eat and not hit the substrate. Double check filter turnover and maintain a clean filter. Don't turbo clean it, just make sure it doesn't have major build up. Spot treating Excel wrecks staghorn. When I had it, I would spot treat and as the tank matured, it never came back. Keep up on water changes too.
  21. I don't think you can. There's a nextdoor app that I've used to re-home fish as well as craigslist.
  22. Ammonia causes staghorn. If it's a new tank with a developing biofilter, you can get these short periods of excess ammonia. Over feeding will cause little spikes in ammonia too.
  23. How long will it take for a new canister filter to be seeded, with BB, on an established tank? I have a fully cycled tank and the original canister running side by side with the new more powerful canister. I will eventually remove the smaller canister to another tank. Thank you for any insight.
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