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Everything posted by FishPlanet

  1. That's so cool. Best of luck. πŸ˜€
  2. Awww! We hatched chicks a few years ago. It was a fun experience. πŸ™‚
  3. Pancakes, sausage, and fruit. 😍
  4. Yummy, yummy! I don't have strawberries but I can try blueberries! 😍
  5. Well, yesterday I got tanks cleaned and pond plants taken inside.
  6. Hi all! I just wanted you all to meet a few of my many fish and inverts!
  7. Do you have any algae eaters in the tank? I find that my shrimp and snails clean the plants of algae very well. My Malaysian trumpet snails do a good job. You can also get a nerite snail. Or, you can lightly scrub the plants with a toothbrush to get rid of the algae.
  8. I'm thinking about the fish joke: What's the scariest day for a fish? Fry-day
  9. It depends on what kind of song I'm in the mood to listen too. πŸ˜…
  10. I love that! That is so creative! 😍
  11. Hi all! So I just wanted to share Tinty, our betta's, journey. October 8: She got stuck in a hideout. I did not have much hope for her (Picture 1). October 9: She was laying on the ground and did not have much energy. October 10: She developed fungus and I moved her to a medicated tank. October 12: Developed this weird thing on her back (Picture 2 and 3). October 15: Fungus gone. October 12-16: Starting to eat and get her personality back. October 16: The raised thing on her back fell off. October 17-now: Her wound is getting smaller and she is re-growing her fins. πŸ™‚
  12. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I don't have access to KanaPlex or Focus here. πŸ˜”
  13. Hi, I just joined. I am a fish lover, with several different kinds of fish, 3 tanks, 2 QT/hospital tanks, and a pond outside. I have learned a lot about fish but I am still learning every day! I am already loving this forum! FishPlanet
  14. I can't get a pic right now but she is starting to pinecone. I have snails and shrimp in all of my tanks so I don't really have another extra tank for her. She is in a tank with a few shrimp and bladder snails right now and the only other tank I have without anything in it is occupied by a betta that got stuck in a hideout. And I just did a water change today in her tank so the water parameters are pretty low. Chlorine: 0 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 1 or so Ph: 7.6-8.4 (I don't do anything to try to lower the Ph) Hardness: 300 Alkalinity: 180
  15. Hi all, I'm new here. My guppy, Chamomile, has what I believe to be early stages of dropsy. I was wondering if there is anything I can do for her so she can have a chance. πŸ˜” I love her. TIA
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