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Everything posted by lmhicks101

  1. I just got them a week ago and several look a bit chunky. Just wondering if they are or I fed them to much. Sorry for the bad pics. They don’t hold still.
  2. @Dwayne Brown my man concern is them eating my live plants or bothering the fish. If all they do Is eat waste then they can stay.
  3. @Dwayne Brown are they okay in the tank or should I get rid of them?
  4. These guys came in on a plant as eggs. If they’re harmless I’ll keep them but I now have about 15 in here.
  5. @Guppy Guy I appreciate that. My khulis are still going crazy. I think I'm going to do a 50% water change when I get off work and see if that helps.
  6. Sorry for the long post but there's been a lot. If you just want to know the details of right now it's the last paragraph. I started this tank 3 weeks ago and probably tried to many things at once. Sorry fist tank. I started with a few plants and added frits ammonia and frits 700 to seed the tank. I also used some koi tank filter sponge water in my HOB. I then went on a trip for several days and dropped a couple small pieces of raw chicken in there to hold the ammonia. Came back and the tank was at 6 ammonia so got them out and did a change. After that I added some fish food and kept it around 2-3 ammonia. A week later I ended up getting a few nerite snails and since it was my sons birthday I got 6 cardinals and kept dosing with prime every 24-36 hours in small amounts for the tank. I did a 50% water change a week later and this whole time I never saw any nitrites. After talking with some people they suggested getting more bioload and use stability instead so I added the cardinals and betta and I've been dosing stability and prime. The day they got in I also did the med trio per the article below and everyone did fine and I fed them a little here and there. Well 2 days ago I decided to get the rest of my fish as its been 3 weeks and the LFS has been holding them for me but they don't have alot of space. I got them in and fed them the next day a little pinch of food and some betta bites. Everyone was fine. Last night I fed them bloodworms to build up some strength before having to fast again during being medicated again. I also did a 50% water change last night and while the water was low trimmed some plants back and added a banana plant and duck weed. SO I'm sure they're stressed. I also turned the lights out and left them alone the rest of the night. The water change did leave a ton of oxygen in the tank. Everything was coated in small bubbles so I left the air filter off for about an hour and it cleared up eventually. Just dosed the med trio again this morning and just now saw my khulis are all out and swimming like crazy and have a few white spots. They never come out in a group and if they do they're all hiding under a plant. My betta is acting stressed too but that might be because the khulis are all in his spot and going crazy. I also found my Hillstream loach dead. He must have been dead a couple days and died in the house where the khulis list as he was stripped of skin and all his fins were chewed off. I honestly thought he was a rock at first since he was all white. My question is, is this really ich and is that why my khulis are swimming around like crazy? Tank - 29 gallon Chemicals and meds used Stability - 10 mls as I just changed the water Prime - dosed for 20 gallons Flourish dosed for 30 gallons so half a cap Ich-X - 15 mls Fritz Paracleanse - 3 packs Mardel Maracyn - 3 packs Dosed per - How to Treat Sick Aquarium Fish (Even If You’re Not Sure What’s Wrong) – Aquarium Co-Op (aquariumcoop.com) Water pH - 6.8 GH - 6-7 Kh - 1-2 ammonia - 1.5 nitrites - 0 nitrates - 5 Temp - 78 Fish Cardinals - 18 Harlequins - 6 Pygmy Corries - 8 Khuli loaches - 6 Betta - 1 Snails - 6ish
  7. @Torrey yeah I found a store that had duckweed and I regret that so bad. This stuff is aquarium glitter and gets every where.
  8. If I kept dosing the maintenance amount of stability daily, would that help?
  9. I have a planted tank I’ve been cycling for 14 days now and I’ve seen only one .25 nitrite spike after Dosing with stability then it was gone in the morning. My plants are growing great but I’m wondering if somethings happening and they’re eating all the ammonia as it’s made an bacteria can’t get it fast enough to cycle. I’ve cycled with Fritz zone 700, koi tank filter squeeze and left food and raw chicken in. Now doing a fish in with stability and prime. plants Lobelia Cardinalis x3 Narrow leaf Chain Sword x2 Spiralis x2 Java moss x2 Anacharis x2 Normal Amazon Sword Flame Amazon Sword Red Melon Sword Bronze Wendtii Green Wendtii Red Wendtii pothos leaf in a soap dish under the HOB Water Ammonia - 2 Nitrite - 0 Nitrates - 5 pH - 6.6 (steady) KH- 2 GH - 6-7 Fish Cardinal tetras - 18 Harlequin Rasbora - 6 Pygmy Corridors - 8 Khuli Loaches - 6 Hillstream Loach - 1 Betta male - 1 Snails
  10. @Colucan focus be used with expel p as well to bind it?
  11. @Stef get the need for it. I just didn’t get any because it said online that plants could be harmed. What’s the dosing for it? Thanks for the suggestion about the peas. My betta ate everything and looks like a ballon last night.
  12. @Mmiller2001 after researched all the water requirements for my fish and all day 4-8 KH. Cardinals, betta, harlequins, Pygmy cories, khulis, and a hillstream. Also plants suggested it as well. My ph - 6.6 steady, GH 6-7, KH - 1-2. I’m using gravel and fluval stratum. @Stef how do the peas work? How do I check for constipation? Just bloated for a long period of time? And I thought I couldn’t have aquarium salt because I have so many live plants and if it’s okay I heard 1 tsp per 3 gallons.
  13. @Colu @Mmiller2001 @Sunny thank you for the suggestions. My taps pH is 7-7.2 but my tank stays at 6.6 because of the fluval stratum. The ph up did nothing so I’m gonna return both of them. I wanna keep my pH low but raise my KH with coral. Will that also raise my pH? Also do you get your meds from Amazon or somewhere else? My local store and big box don’t carry a lot of the meds. They’re always out.
  14. @Beardedbillygoat1975 I took a peek in the tank a bit ago with the lights off and the Khulis are going crazy.
  15. So I currently have the following chemicals and meds. Is there anything else I should get and if there is what do they do or get used for? I have a 29 gallon freshwater planted tank with a betta, cardinals, harlequins, Pygmy cories, khulis, and a hillstream Seachem prime Seachem stability API ph up API ph down ich-x Maracyn ParaCleanse fritz fishless cycle ammonia fritz dyne 700 flourish
  16. @Guppysnail the store still has the little light brown ones. Is I go buy them and pop them in my tank will they improve? How would I check for the zebra mussels?
  17. @Zenzo where can I get some at? My local stores and box chains don’t have any floaters.
  18. So I’m a noob here with tanks. What’s the appeal of the balls besides being interesting? Is there a way to get anymore? My lfs had some small brown not so good looking ones. Also what about Franky?
  19. They’re a newer store that’s only been open 6 months so I wanna support them and did a lot of my buying there so they helped me out. I honestly might go buy a few more they have left since they got a bit more incase some of mine died and other people might want some. I was originally only going to get 3 but people on here told me to get more and I’m not regretting it.
  20. I’ve now ran out of space in my 29 gallon for plants if I wanna leave any room for the chains to carpet and others to grow. I’ve now decided to switch to floating plants. What’s some good suggestions or should I not get any? Here’s my current tank plants, parameters, and fish stock. I also run a fluorescent bulb that can’t be dimmed and is at medium light 12-14 hours a day. I’m dosing with prime and stability daily and will be doing water changes in a couple days when done with the med trio. Also running aqueon 30 HOB and a sponge. And dosing flourish once a week. When that runs out I’m switching to easy green and iron. plants Lobelia Cardinalis x3 Narrow leaf Chain Sword x2 Spiralis x2 Java moss x2 Anacharis x2 Normal Amazon Sword Flame Amazon Sword Red Melon Sword Bronze Wendtii Green Wendtii Red Wendtii pothos leaf in a soap dish under the HOB Water Ammonia - 2 Nitrite - 0 Nitrates - 5 pH - 6.6 (steady) KH- 2 GH - 6-7 Fish Cardinal tetras - 18 Harlequin Rasbora - 6 Pygmy Corridors - 8 Khuli Loaches - 6 Hillstream Loach - 1 Betta male - 1 Snails
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