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Everything posted by lmhicks101

  1. Much appreciated and I bet your tanks are nice and pretty too lol
  2. Thank you @lefty o & @xXInkedPhoenixX I don’t use softener on anything. I was wondering because I’ve been using old rags and towels and just now got some microfiber ones only for the tank and thought about it.
  3. What do you guys use to clean your rags you use on your tanks? I have gain original for my laundry detergent. Should I be using something else?
  4. If this pans out, where do you guys recommend buying some good healthy guppies and endlers and should I get male endlers and female guppies or vise versa?
  5. You guys win. I went and got some assorted guppies from the LFS. They’re not the prettiest but hey it’s a test run to see if they can live in my tank with the betta and other fish.
  6. @Manny They bedazzled him. @Grizzly Did you bother removing them or do they eventually rot off?
  7. My nerites are really rude to my mystery’s. Anyone else have this happen?
  8. Where are some good places to get guppies? That’s my next project. I’m thinking of buying some males from one breaded and females from another to reduce inbreeding. My LF doesn’t have any good ones and never has any luck and I really hate getting fish from Petco.
  9. These 2 images seem to say the opposite. So which is true? Here are some pics of mine if you guys could help me sex them. I know there’s females and males as they were breading not long ago. I’m wondering because I wanna get 3 more to make 10 so need to know what to get. I have 7 right now.
  10. I know for the most part they’re harmless but just wondering everyone’s opinion. I have about 6-7 on my front glass and they’re bright green and about the length of a grain of rice the the width of a hair. I do feed frozen brine shrimp and I hear that’s what brings them out.
  11. Have fun with the tank herpies. I thought I’d love it until it came time for water changes and my HOB filter eats it. I got rid of all but like 10 pieces and got frog bit and red root. Never been happier. So much easier for maintaining.
  12. Just checking for someone and I wanted to be sure if this is guppy grass that’s just leggy.
  13. Thank you everyone. I was worried it was similar to those tongue eaters or gill invaders over in Saltwater.
  14. Was vacuuming my substrate and it popped up. Is it safe? Reminded me of a sea louse.
  15. @Guppysnail & @tolstoy21I appreciate the advise. Thank you
  16. So I’ve been looking for a female to eventually breed with my male betta but I can’t find a black female. Are they rare or something? I’m wanting to find one with similar markings to him.
  17. @Guppysnail So just making sure I got that right, So cut my Scarlets so the base still has about 3 leaves and then take the clippings and suction cup them to the tank side to grow some roots and them replant them?
  18. So serveral if my plants like my scarlet temples, hornwart, and mayaca Vandelli are a bit bare at the bottom and kinda okay at the top. My lobelia cardinal is starting to sprout roots from the top and is also a little stretched out. I know this is due to lighting issues and I’ve gotten the fluval 3.0 and replaced my fluorescent hood light. So the question is should I trim the top and just replant that and get rid of the bottom or keep both?
  19. @Phantom240 I’m about to get a couple rams so I’m hoping mine doesn’t eat them too bad. He can keep the bladders down all he wants.
  20. Well they like the snails. I looked in the tank and I have like half the amount. So either they’re all hiding or someone’s eating them.
  21. @Beardedbillygoat1975 well turns out everything in my tank loves crushed snails including my betta who is now searching everywhere for more.
  22. Would anyone know if Kuhlis would eat crushed bladder snails? I’ve got an infestation on my hands and I know I can just lower food and that’ll take care of them but if I can just crush a few and let the Kuhlis get a free meal I’m okay with that.
  23. that would be awesome @David Olszewski well I know what I want next.
  24. Are you meaning where the iron gets transformed into the no sulable kind?
  25. I just wanted to make sure since thrive C is supposed to have something in it to help with plants not getting Co2 it wouldn’t affect it.
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