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Everything posted by lmhicks101

  1. I appreciate all the help and advise. Have a goodnight.
  2. Good to know. I’ll grab some of that while I’m at it. I hope I can find the BiFuran tomorrow as I’ve never heard of jungle before and don’t trust it yet.
  3. Colu just responded back and I’m seeing what he has to say on that but I’m gonna sleep on that regardless and see how everything goes. I tossed some salt in the tank and lowered the tank temp to 72° for now. I hope I don’t lose anything but my biggest worry is my Kuhlis as they’re my favorite and hard to get right now where I’m at.
  4. @Colu do you think Jungle Fungus Clear Fizz Tabs at Walmart is a good alternative for nitrofurazone? They recommend one tab per 10 gallons? My biggest thing now is I just set up a quarantine tank and pulled my sponge filter from this infected tank before I realized it. Should I also dose this tank as well? It’s a 10 gallon with 6 Kuhlis, 4 ottos, and 2 pygmy corries. Or should I just toss them in the 29 gallon this is happening to and treat them as well?
  5. Gotcha. I was looking up tetra lifeguard and damn that’s some strong stuff. I wonder if it would be safe for Kuhlis. Technically Kuhlis have scales but they’re just small as hell yet most consider them scaleless for medications sake.
  6. That’s a good point. I think I’m gonna run to the store later today to get these meds and keep checking on the fish to see if anything changes with them and go from there. I don’t like doing the trio off the bat unless they show signs of anything. I’m on the boat of medicating for no other reason then to medicate breads medication resistance but now that I have the possibility of something happening I might.
  7. Well that sucks. I appreciate that. What’s the differences between some of the meds like super ick vs ich-x or paracleanse vs paraguard vs expel-P and is general cure worth it?
  8. Well this sucks. I guess I might as well just toss the new fish in the 29 gallon and treat the whole tank. I don’t think the 10 can handle all the fish I have. This way I can toss the snails in the quarantine tank. 29 gallon 16 cardinal tetras 10 harlequins 7 Pygmy corries 6 kuhli loaches 2 mysteries 3 nerites rams and bladders 10 gallon 6 kuhlis 2 pygmy corries 4 ottos
  9. I just found out I have a break out of Columnaris in my tank. Unfortunately all I have is salt, Maracyn 1, paracleanse, and ich-x. I’m running to the store to get the garlic stuff for taste, KanaPlex, Maracyn-2, and Furan-2 tomorrow. Is there anything else I need to get?
  10. Do you mean the little jello bio things that says it’s BB? I was thinking about swapping out my filter sponges for new ones except for just one but I’m worried that if I do that it’ll hold the stuff I’m trying to get rid of and bring it back. I took my old Sponge filter out and put it in my quarantine tank for my new fish before I knew what was happening. Is there a chance it brought over the crap to my new fish?
  11. I have a bunch of rams, nerites, and mysteries. So I should take them out too? Hopefully this gets my bladders under control. I was reading up on Furan and Seachems own site says it’ll mess up BB. Did you have this issue? Also multiple sources say KanaPlex is less effective in softer water. Do you know if that’s true?
  12. @xXInkedPhoenixX I put some guppies in from a source I thought I could trust and they all died except a few while I was away for work and no after looking up about it I can see my Kuhlis have white patches on them so I’m gonna double dip.
  13. @xXInkedPhoenixX I’m glad to hear they made it through. What did you do to fix it and how long did it take? I was going to grab Furan-2 and KanaPlex and dose per Colus thread on treatments.
  14. @xXInkedPhoenixX thank you. Do you keep your tanks at a low temp or high one? I’ve got an outbreak in my main of Columnaris and from what I’m reading I have to drop my temp to 72° or below. Should I do the same for my quarantine as a precaution as these fish came from the same supplier?
  15. This may seem silly but I’ve got a few questions about quarantine tanks. 1. When done with them do you just take them down or keep them running? 2. If you keep them running do you just add an ammonia source like bottles ammonia or drop so food in to decay? 3. Do you change the water after in between or after you take the fish out if nothings wrong with them or as long as the water quality is good you just leave it? 4. Do you let algae go crazy in there? 5. Do you let plants grow or just keep it bare bottom and fake decorations? I’m sure I’ll have more questions but these are the once im curious about now. Thank you
  16. @quikv6 my Gh is between 7-9. My taps 7 but with the booster it goes up to 9 sometimes. If I get the KH and gh up to hardness which will raise my ph above 7.2 would that affect my Kuhlis? I’ve been under the understanding that they need it a bit acidic like 6.8
  17. I dose with these weekly. What should the KH be and I guess I should dose until I maintain that level.
  18. @Taco Playz I do but it’s a heavily planted tank and I have Kuhlis in there. I have paracleanse, ichX, and Maracyn. If you guys have a good idea of what it is I’ll either stick it in a 5 gallon bucket or just dose the tank. It’s a 29 gallon tank with harlequins, Kuhlis, cardinal tetras, guppies, snails, and Pygmy corries.
  19. pH - 7 - 7.2 Nitrates - 5 Hardness - 8 Nitrite - 0 Ammonia - <.25 KH/Buffer - 2 Water Temperature - 77° All of my female guppies have been randomly dying. I just got them about 2 weeks ago. The males are all fine. These females range from just big enough to tell the sex to full grown. I had 8. This one and a really young one is all that’s left. These sores just popped up today but it started being lethargic yesterday and not eating to much. I put it in a breeder box to see what will happen as my quarantine tank is full with new Kuhlis. All other fish are fine and eating well.
  20. I didn’t know. Do you guys know where I could find one though? All I’ve found on it is that they’re called Albino Meyers Kuhlis.
  21. Paint the outside back and you’ll be just fine. Most people do that when they scape.
  22. Does anyone on here have some healthy albino Kuhlis they’re willing to trade?
  23. Disclaimer - obviously cat fish but I mean personality. I only have Kuhlis but from what I’ve heard it’s almost all loaches. I currently have 6 striped Kuhlis in my main tank and just got 6 more solid brown and black ones in my quarantine tank. A couple Pygmy corries and ottos are in there too going through. I put an old sponge intake filter in to add the bb and for the ottos and corries to have a little algae. This things like 2”x1” and has a hole that’s half that. A full grown otto would be hard pressed to fit in it. Yeah I just checked my tank and 5 of the 6 Kuhlis were trying to fit in there. “If it doesn’t fit it still tries to sit” should be all loaches mottos. Now I have to sit it upside down and wedge it with a rock so they don’t get their selves killed. Damn loaches but I love them.
  24. @eatyourpeas I don’t see any. I’ve also been gone a week. Here’s some more pics of it in a cup.
  25. Thought for a second it was a baby Kuhli but pretty sure it’s something else. about half and inch long and reminds me of a parasite. Found them during a water change and got them into a cup
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