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Everything posted by Helan

  1. Sound like you are describing glass surfing which is causing by stress of some kind. Do they only do so when you are present?
  2. His belly looked normal, he actually looks like his usual self just not as chirpy. I feed him bloodworms and soaked pellets
  3. Some java moss on the tree and anubias nana on the rock and maybe some duckweed if you like floaters
  4. Haven’t tried it but Java fern has super strong roots so it could possibly stay rooted
  5. My Cory had similar symptoms when I removed it’s body , could it have been red blotch?. What’s the difference between an injury and red blotch?
  6. My betta has some bad appetite a few days ago but today he seems to be himself Again. Is there something bad at play?, should I be worried?
  7. I would try having floaters, I recommend water spangles
  8. How do I attach a bunch of java moss to a log?, it’s super messy
  9. It really depends for beauty I will choose nerite snails,for practicality I would choose nerite snails
  10. Probably little to no maintenance, mostly likely going into anubias and stuff
  11. Exactly, it’s quite confusing actually some of the methods conflict,like to use soil or not
  12. Oh my god yes!, this happened to one of my anubias and a java fern too
  13. How would I do something like this?.plan to give it away as a gift
  14. You might want to remove those plastic plants they are notorious for cutting bettas fins, and I use sponge filters for bettas almost no flow
  15. Interesting but I am not getting snails so shouldn’t be a problem
  16. I am using it for a freshwater planted tank but yes I have heard mostly praises but does the magnesium weaken after a while?
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