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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Horticultural Award Program
  2. Probably mosquitofish, although those are pretty plain looking. Zebra danios are very hardy and small, but, b/c they are an active schooling fish, I don't recommend them for a ten gallon. White clouds are quite hardy. Guppies are beautiful and easy to keep as long as ph and hardness are high. Bettas get well over an inch but one would do great in your tank. Bettas rarely have diseases since they are kept isolated.
  3. I would add fish. You tank is done cycling by the sounds of it. Add only a few fish at first and continue testing the water.
  4. Probably not a noticable difference but it will make the nitrate levels fluctuate less significantly which is good.
  5. Yes, plants consume nitrates.
  6. Be careful with the anacharis. Its banned in AL, AK, CT, ID, IL, IN, LA, MA, ME, MI, MS, MT, NE, NH, NY, OH, OR, SC, VT, WA, and WI.
  7. Almost all common aquarium fish will do well in hard water. A lot of rainbow fish and barbs come from hard water.
  8. Aqueon lights are pretty bad. They're basically ebay lights but twice the price.
  9. I dont think its overstoxked but the more fish species, the harder it will be to breed them.
  10. I think its normal. It might be bc that specific spy has higher or lower flow than the rest of the tank. I like the one rasbora pretending to be a tetra.
  11. 1 tsp=5 ml=5g=5000mg Heres some tiny spoons Orange (big end) - 0.02mLRed - 0.01mLOrange (small end) - 0.005mLBlack - 0.005mL
  12. Also guppies and mollies seem like less foracious fry eaters than platies and swordtails. I saw one female platy swimming in circles eating her own fry as they came out of her.
  13. I have a 5.5 gallon tank that I use as a nursery tank. I have multiple tanks with all 4 of the common livebearer species so I'm usually adding adding a few dozen fry every week. So, this tank has various livebearers of various ages and sizes. So, my question is at what size will the fish be able to start gobbling up newborns and I need to move the to thw display tanks? I get that fish will eat anything that'll fit in their mouth, but it's hard to tell if a fry will fit in its mouth if they're not right next yo eachother. At that point, it's already to late. Assuming mouth size correlates to fish length, at what length are the fish's mouths big enough to fit a newborn fry into?
  14. "You've had that fish for how long?" "Is there something wrong with that one?" "Is that one stuck?" "Is that one dead?" Person: "Whats that fish?" Me: "A swordtail." Person: *points at female swordtail* "and whats that fish?" Me: "another swordtail." Person: "but where's its sword?" Female swordtail: 😢 Jokie jokes aside, it's is usually positive, like "I've never seen a tank with such clear water," or "I can't believe it doesn't smell."
  15. Not saying you shouldn't try to cool the tank, but 30° is safe. It'll increase their metabilism but it won't kill them. It's definetely on the higher end of the safe spectrum, but it's not an emergency, especially knowing it'll be cooler once fall & winter comes.
  16. Probably just a bad spawn. Guppies take a quantity over quality approach to procreating.
  17. Doubt either will do that well if the temp regularly drops below 50°F, they come from very warm regions. You'd probably have a lot more success with a dwarf pond lily instead.
  18. If its for live bearers, water lettuce works really well. Fry can also hide is the substrate, so consider a substrate of smooth river stones.
  19. The amount of salt needed to kill a disease (9ppt) id much more than the amount that will kill most plants and is enough to kill most snails as well. When to use the med trio vs salt depends on the fish. For example, Meds are much harsher on livebearers than salt is, but the opposite is true for catfish.
  20. It is because of the deworming medication. If the fish is passing a particularly large worm, they may not be able to digest food. If they were to eat food at this time, they could die.
  21. Here's an Article of feral guppies in a mountain spring. Water density doesn't vary with altitude, no liquid does. Liquids have a fixed volume regardless of outside pressure. Dissolved gases will, but with an airstone this can be remidied easily. David Clapsaddle's old farm was in/near santa fe, nm, which is at 7200'. Whatever the issue is, it is not altitude.
  22. That is a little low for growing plants. You'll probably see more success if you changed less water or changed water less often. If not you could try root feeders and use root tabs. A bulb plant like dwarf aquarium lily would work best since the bulb already contains tons of neutrients.
  23. Sounds like there isn't enough neutrients in the water, so few plants will thrive. Do you have a test kit? What are your nitrate levels?
  24. My bad. When i say mix in, i just mean some days i feed flake, some days i feed repashy, etc.i don't literally mix them.
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