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Everything posted by Chlo

  1. I think I'm already attached to my fish.....I already named each one lol. I've also always wanted corys, so I'm definitely getting those. Getting some tetras would be nice too, but if I don't have enough space it isn't the biggest deal.
  2. Ooh ok, I really like blue tetras, but I'm still scared to get them because everything says they can't go in harder water than 12 dH. Oh and also I'm thinking maybe black tetras, they are really pretty and my local petco has them so they will already be used to my water. Maybe I'll add one in the future, because there are a lot of things you have to buy to set one up and I don't think I have money to buy one yet.
  3. I would be willing to increase my water changes if I can get more fish (I find water changes really fun for some reason lol don't ask). I've never heard about crocodile tooth tetras, do you know if they go by any other name? Oh and also here is a picture of my tank, I know it's really bare and not the best looking or anything but I don't have money to buy more plants yet lol (and also ignore that floating java fern near the driftwood) Wow that's a lot! I have only females but I guess it is very possible some of them could still have babies, but if they do I was planning to either keep only a couple and give most if not all of them away. Oh and also I was told one of my platies was pregnant when I bought her, but I'm not sure how they knew.
  4. Ooh I like mollies, especially the balloon ones, they are kinda cute. The only thing is that I heard that they get very big and poop a LOT, even more than platies! I'm also thinking about a gourami, maybe a honey. I love having all different colors in my tank haha so each of my platies are different variations. I was also researching tetra species that can handle harder alkaline water, and I found pristella tetras. They are pretty cool but they get bigger than other tetras I think.
  5. It's a 20 gallon tall, and I've been doing 20-25% water changes every week. Also I'll definitely check out those videos, thanks!
  6. I have a new 20 gallon aquarium, right now only with 6 female platies. I'm getting 6 panda cories soon (maybe next week??) and was wondering what kind of fish you guys think I should add later, if there is space (aqadvisor says my tank would be 85% stocked with 6 platys and 6 cories). I kind of want more colorful fish or fish with interesting personalities/behaviors. I thought about getting kuhli loaches, but my water is definitely not good for them (pH is 8 and GH is about 17). I am thinking maybe a small school of tetras, like the ones that are supposed to be hardier like the glowlight?? I'm still kind of nervous about keeping tetras because of my water parameters. Any ideas? Thanks!
  7. Probably most of the funny moments I have had are when I do something disastrous that is funny when I look back 😄 Those things include: siphoning half my tank's water all over the floor without noticing, filling water into my tanks but accidentally missing and pouring water into an outlet instead (!!!), trying to pour out a heavy bucket of water into the shower, but instead managing to flood the bathroom...Yeah you get the idea😅 My mystery snail also tries to escape, and I've also seen (and heard!) him munching on my frogbit which is unfortunate but kind of funny to watch at the same time
  8. Oooh ok thanks! Yeah I've also noticed he's been getting a little *cough* chubby recently...... (but don't worry he's also getting longer too!!) 😆
  9. Ooh ok! Does that mean he previously had fin rot or something? Or could his fins just be getting bigger?? Also, I'll try pasting and attaching the photo instead
  10. I have a quick question, why are the tips of Blueberry's fins clear? I've noticed it more recently and I'm not sure what has caused it. Also, Mr Eggy and Blueberry are doing great now! Mr Eggy is always out of his shell and zooming around the tank
  11. Cool! I'll definitely check them out. Also, what exactly is TDS? I heard it is something like total dissolved solids?
  12. Wow you kept cherry shrimp in that water? I really wanted to try shrimp but was worried my water was too hard. Maybe I'll try them in the future! Yeah, I feel like if I tried changing my water so that it is good for a specific fish I would mess it up. Yeah, I've made a lot of mistakes in this hobby, but I learn from them! Such as one time when I siphoned half of my tank's water onto the floor, not knowing that the bottom of the siphon was not in the bucket...😵😭😂
  13. Just to clarify, it doesn't look like velvet, right? Also, she seems to be getting more red spots/patches on her head.
  14. The two 5 gallons have bettas, and I just added 4 platies to the 20 gallon. I might wait until after summer to add all the fish I planned to stock the tank with, because the water will get dirtier faster. Although some things say in a 20 gallon you only need to change water every two weeks.
  15. Yeah I feel really bad that I made her go through all of that😭 Could I maybe do RO water? I was considering that before but I found out that buying water from my lfs was more expensive than I thought... but if it will really help Cupcake (the betta) I guess I might be able to do that. Also isn't 3 dKH too low? That will allow the pH change a lot, right? It's kind of annoying having super high GH but kind of low KH...
  16. It sounds like having an automatic fish feeder won't be the best... I actually think we know someone who can come a couple times a week to feed our fish. I'll also make sure to do a water change before we leave.
  17. I'm not sure if my female betta has velvet or some other disease. When I first got her she was my first fish, so she went through a lot of cycling problems and some medications because I over diagnosed her and at some point thought she had every disease a betta can get. She was never lethargic or not eating, but her skin always looked weird and she always had ragged fins. She never really looked better after I treated with meds, and recently she kind of looks like she has velvet (if I shine a flashlight on her head she kind of looks like she has rust on her head). Her skin/scales don't look too good either. The last few days two of her scales started peeling/coming off, and I'm not sure if that is advanced velvet or something. I've treated her for velvet a couple times before, but her head didn't change color so I assumed she didn't have it. I'm not really sure anymore. She's not lethargic, she is still eating and swimming around a lot. She also has cloudy eye or it might be popeye, I though that was because of bad water quality but she has had it for a long time now. In the pictures I am shining a flashlight on her pH: 8.0-8.2 Nitrates: 5-10 ppm when I tested a few days ago Hardness: around 17 dGH Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 KH/Buffer: 6 dKH Water Temperature: 78 F
  18. Unfortunately I don't have a sponge filter and I don't think I can have someone come over to feed them. Maybe I can get automatic fish feeders but feed every other day, so that the water won't get too dirty?
  19. I guess they might be fine, but the whole trip I would probably be worrying about them...
  20. I've seen those, but I've heard people say those aren't the best because they can cause an ammonia spike?? If I get an automatic feeder and do a water change before and after our trip, do you think it is safe to be away this long?
  21. My family is planning our vacation for this summer, and we would have to leave home for about 2 weeks. I was wondering if this is too long to leave my fish?? I would get automatic feeders but the water wouldn't be changed while we are gone. I have two 5 gallons betta tanks and one 20 gallon I am still stocking. I'm kind of worried because smaller tanks get dirty quicker than bigger tanks. Although I tried testing how much nitrate one of my betta tanks produces per week, and it went from 5 ppm nitrate to between 5 and 10 ppm, which isn't that much (I think). So do you guys think I can leave my fish tanks for this long? Thanks!
  22. They seem to be doing fine. I haven't seen Blueberry nip him yet, but he sometimes swims close to him and stares at him like, "Who are you??" 🤣
  23. Oooh ok, I'll definitely try that! Don't be a bad boy, Blueberry 😤 lol
  24. Oh, those one's seem nice! The only thing is that online it says they can breed by themselves? Also Blueberry seemed fine when I added the mystery snail to the tank, but later he started stalking him 😅 and tried to eat his antennae. I wanted to keep Mr. Eggy in the tank to see if Blueberry would lose interest, but I didn't want him to get eaten or something.
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