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Everything posted by Chlo

  1. I got some fritz zyme 7 from aquarium co op recently and was wondering if the product gives false testing for ammonia. I originally bought a bottle from amazon but was unsure if it was safe because one of the reviews said that you should test the product for ammonia to make sure it is not spoiled. I tried that, and it tested for 4-8 ppm ammonia. I thought it was spoiled, so I bought another from aquarium co op. I tested that bottle, and got the same results. I contacted fritz zyme and they said it is a false reading because it was not meant to be tested for ammonia, which I thought made sense. So, I used the fritz zyme in one of my betta tanks. I waited a little and when I tested the water the ammonia rose from 1-2 ppm to 4 ppm. I think the product worked though, because right now I am seeing almost no ammonia and some nitrites. But I was wondering if the reading when I first added the product to the tank was false, because I am planning on using it in a quarantine tank and a new tank. I don't want to use it if the ammonia actually was that high because that wouldn't be safe for the new fish.
  2. Haha yeah! I just hadn't seen her poop yet and it was nice to see that she actually WAS pooping normally and wasn't constipated or something It's kind of funny that before this chat was about buying neon tetras and now we are talking about fish poop.....😂🤣
  3. I currently have two fish tanks running right now. I was planning on replacing the carbon media in one of them for biomax so that I can grow bacteria on it and later move it to the new tank. I could move some of the gravel, but I was planning on using sand so that might look a little weird haha Hahah it was kinda funny when I first saw my betta's poop in the gravel, because I hadn't seen any before. I was like "Wow, my betta fish actually pooped!"
  4. Thanks I'll check those out! Maybe I'll just start with the neon tetras and corydoras, and see how the tank does. A honey gourami would be a really cool centerpiece fish, but I don't want to overstock too much. That's a good plan! Should I do cycling with plants then? I made the mistake of not cycling my betta tanks, so I don't want to do that again! I'm not exactly sure what the best way to cycle a tank is though. I bought fritz zyme recently for one of my betta tanks, and it's working pretty well so far. I thought the "normal" way to cycle a tank was adding pure ammonia or fish food and waiting, but apparently that is not for beginners and can take months. Haha! This is random but one time I saw my betta fish pooping......😳
  5. I guess that makes sense. Some of the reviewers gave one star ratings and said things like their tetras got sucked into the intake of their filter, which isn't Petco's fault. Ooh yay! I'm planning on doing mostly easier plants like java fern and anubias... I'm not exactly great at keeping plants alive, I killed all of my "super easy beginner plants" when I first got my betta 😂 That would be cool if they had babies, I just hope I can take good care of them! I was also thinking about adding a honey gourami, but I'm not sure if that's pushing it. They are pretty small though.
  6. Ok, I'll definitely go with Aqua Huna! I just hope 14 neon tetras and 6 panda cories in a 20 gallon isn't overstocking... @Hobbit I'll make sure to use the discount! It's only 5 percent off but I guess every bit counts! I've learned that the fishkeeping hobby is kind of expensive...
  7. Oh that's cool! Do you think it would be better to buy the tetras at my local Petco or buy them from Aqua Huna? I'm new to the hobby so I'm not sure if I should risk buying fish online and from another state because I heard the shipping and adapting to the different water parameters can be really stressful for the fish. But, I would probably save a lot of money buying from Aqua Huna.
  8. My local petco seems to have pretty healthy fish, so I might buy from there. I actually was originally planning on buying the neon tetras plus some panda cories from Aqua Huna because they are pretty cheap and Cory recommended them.
  9. Oh ok thanks for the advice! Yeah I mean I think I saw some tetras at Petco that looked healthy, but I just wasn't sure because on their website there are a lot of negative reviews for the neon tetras. But I guess it makes sense to just observe them and see if they seem healthy and active.
  10. Hi, I want to set up a 20 gallon community tank in the future that will have neon tetras or green neon tetras. I like green neon tetras more but I'm not sure if they are harder to take care of than neon tetras (also they are more expensive). I was wondering if it is better to get them online or at my local pet store. I'm not sure about getting them from petco because it seems like people who got neon tetras there had them die pretty quickly. I'm also wondering if I should use a mix or RO water and tap water for the tank, because my tap water is really hard and has a ph of 8.2.
  11. Hi! I'm Chloe, and I'm pretty new to this hobby. Right now I have I have two 5 gallon betta tanks. My pink female elephant ear is named Cupcake, and my male (rosetail) betta is named Captain Blueberry 🤣😅 I'm actually only in middle school but I'm obsessed with fish now! P.S. Captain Blueberry looks like he has a mustache (that's why it's "Captain")😂
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