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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. It takes a bit for the tank to catch up as you may know, 2 months is pretty new still, you'll get there. Hope you find some horned nerites they're pretty great! If you don't though- it's ok the others are pretty awesome as well (I've had lots of varieties) 🙂 Have fun at the shop!!
  2. Ever see the tetras pick at the snail antennae? Could be an issue. Usually when a Mystery snail closes up tight or floats it's because they are trying to escape something in the water. It could be a parameter issue- up to and including minerals that they need that don't show on aquarium test kits.
  3. Hi! Welcome to the forum, great start on the tank! You should get 6 or so more Otos, they're shoaling fish and will help with the algae (though you do have to supplement their diet) they are low on the bioload and their natural behaviors come out more when there are more of them. (I have 50-60 in one 10 gallon tank and they do well) Nerites are also awesome tank cleaners. If you can find the Horned variety I find they're one of the best of the best for whatever reason. Some nerites tend to stick to certain surfaces! I have about 14-18 in my 20 gallon tall that had 10 harlequin rasboras, 3 mystery snails and several nerites, no bioload issues there either.
  4. I agree with @JettsPapa. With your initial issue it can make your cycle waiver, so you just have to be consistent with water changes. If you do a small one every day 25% or so it should eventually stabilize but when you have a spike like this you want to change until it tests clear.
  5. Oh dear @BAT still having issues huh? After the water change did you test?
  6. High concentration, a few tablespoons at least a gallon my guess but you may not even need a gallon. I'd just fill a water bottle with a tablespoon or 2 and shake it till disolved, soak a rag and wipe out the inside. Basically salt dehydrates bacterial cells and kills it. For people and mouth rinses, it's 1/2 teaspoon in 1 cup.
  7. Mix aquarim salt and water, naturally antibacterial and if there's any residue it won't hurt a dang thing.
  8. Hi there, Amazon swords are root plants there is no rhizone....I think what you have there might be narrow leaf java fern which would have a rhizone. Take it out and glue it to something or at least let the rhizone be exposed and it should be good. They like to put their little roots into the gravel/substrate but don't do well when buried.
  9. I will add the Aqueon Quietflows are also self priming and I like mine. That is especially after I "hot rodded" it
  10. Hi @Neha I would highly recommend getting at least 3 Otocinclus as they are shoaling fish and do hang out together, just like Cory. They are low on the bioload so shouldn't effect your parameters. You didn't say if you have a QT, but you can use a plastic tub or buy a small glass box aquarium (I use petco's Imagitarium LARGE temporary holding tanks- they're about 3 gallons are see through and have lids). Put plants or decorations from your established tank into the QT (preferably with algae for them) and hopefully you have a filter you can use from your established tank. In QT start trying to train them to eat commercial foods and veggies if you feed them. Medicating like with the Trio recommended by ACO is up to you as this is a personal choice (unless they are showing signs of illness and need to be treated).
  11. I'm very sorry for your losses @Paula Blanca. You didn't say if vacuuming (disturbing substrate) is something you normally do. If it isn't sometimes sadly yes this can cause issues in your tank. The other possibility is that maybe there is a dead fish in the tank causing the ammonia did you see the missing Oto before the vacuuming event? I would do a large water change to get ammonia to 0 immediately- your fish could potentially be saved. If you have extra airstones that can help. You might want to hold back on feeding until ammonia consistently tests at 0 Also, do your best to account for any missing fish or snails if you have them, they can be the culprit if they have passed.
  12. I'm no good at tech or video or anything like that but I'd be willing to help if I can.
  13. It looks lovely @Beardedbillygoat1975!! It's crazy that it looks so much bigger than 2.5! RODI water at a hardware store? Who knew?!
  14. It's common @Dougg but make sure you do yourself a favor and also start a fishy first aid kit. Medications, QT, floating breeders, aquarium salt. You'll be glad to have it.
  15. Welcome to the forum @Dougg you don't have to distance here!
  16. I would also add if the plan is to add it to a tank say from the mason jar I agree with @Torrey not to do it- but more for the fact that- you move it from a mason jar that has whatever parameters it has to the tank, you're bound to get the typical die off/melt back and start all over again. I totally sympathize with not wanting to change anything though- so I think the floating trick is your best bet. If you have fishy nibblers you can float it in a breeder box.
  17. If I were going to try another "red" plant other than what I have that's doing pretty good in my low tech tanks (I still have a piece of AR hanging on lol but doing pretty good with Ludwigia Super Red) I would use the @Guppysnail method and just float the culture in my tank....red plants like more light anyway.
  18. @modified lung that is AWESOME! Engineering degree?? 🙃
  19. @Atitagain you totally should grow some of that vine along the sticks, would be a pain to detach when you needed to but it would look so cool!
  20. Now that's funny! It totally feels that way I'm sure. 😄
  21. Just a sad update. Some time overnight the last of the new O.Cocama passed though when I turned off the lights yesterday they were still hanging onto the side and seemingly fine. I've been thinking about the move of the Accidental Otos into the Parent tank. I might do a re-arrange before I start moving them. Since there will be quite a few more I'll want a space for a larger feeding bowl and I'd like to add some of the plants from the Accidental tank as well. I'm thinking about taking out my glass "river" and filling it in with the gravel that's in the rest of the tank OR get some Caribsea Eco-Complete which is in the rest of my tanks (but I'm out of it currently) and make a black sand "beach" area. Any thoughts?
  22. These are just my observations, as you know there are several ways of doing things in this hobby. #1 I personally wouldn't clean filters unless they needed it anyway- that's me. I might move one of the filters into a non medicated tank to put in when certain meds kill the bb you can insta-cycle- but if you already have back-ups that may not be needed. #2 I'd say yes. #3 I don't personally medicate unless new fish show signs of illness HOWEVER if you're doing the med trio and there are no signs of illness doing all three according to the Co-op should be fine- BUT they also have a method for WEAK fish which does one med at at time- you could do either one. It's on the ACO website. #4, it can be. Since you're doing fewer water changes while medicating or no water changes, higher pH makes any potential ammonia MORE poisonous to fish. I'm not sure that's why it cautions you- but I have found emailing the company that makes a medication to clarify (or going to their FAQ pages sometimes already has the info) and they very often are quite responsive and will tell you why- sometimes modifications to using the medication will be suggested for your pH level or they'll refer you to another medication. #5 I addressed this in #1. I'd move a filter so you can put that one and maybe another back up into the tank after doing the water change at the end of medicating to jump start the cycle and keep an eye on it. I'd also have some Polyfilter or carbon on hand to get the meds out faster- but that's just me.
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