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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I totally get it. Honestly taking a kid to a fish store to pick out her very own fish might sell her on the Honey. But really lets think about this- one pink fish does not a fish tank break- though a Honey is a natural color they stand out pretty well- almost as well as a princess Pink fish. You could always get the pink fish an orange friend ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. Honestly, I would totally try that. Girl has to get what girl wants. A friend of mine (who is not a kid- at all- and not a newbie to the hobby either) has glotetras and albino cory- they all get along fine. She's recently added Mollies- still good. You can always ask the fish store if they didn't work out if you could return the fish and maybe trade it for a pink castle as a compromise? ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Just a moment to sing the phrases of my little 4.12 gallon Aquatop that houses 10 beautiful CPDs- that number includes the 8 I got from Aquahuna (I think I had half boys and half girls), 1 female I got as a stowaway from the LFS and 1 fry that is still growing up! (there are also some bladder snail residents and 1 Olive Nerite not pictured today)
  4. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Accidental Oto Tank It has been 12 days since my last confession....er sorry update here- and I will say sadly since the 9th of May I have not seen either of the baby Otos in this tank!? Yes they're in a large 10 gallon tank but I'd think I'd have seen them somewhere along the glass at some point. I have not. ๐Ÿ˜” I'm thinking they're no longer with me- but- you never know. At least for now we'll call them MIA. On May 12th I added 3 new Nerite friends I got from a big box store. I posted on another thread but I was given unsolicited advice that Nerites prolifically reproduce in tanks. I corrected the employee but I'm not sure they believed me. I did end up doing an online survey (since they pinged me 2x in email) asking for information on my experience during my last visit. I was kind in my answers but explained that while XYZ company is trying to be more helpful to pet keepers their reputation is already not great in experienced aquarium circles and they should consider even more indepth training or not offer unsolicited advice- and that they should consider the kind of damage they could do customer-wise when giving out bad advice to new pet keepers. Thankfully I was *NOT* new, and escaped with 2 new friends. The email response I got back was sadly canned and did not address the issue at all. I tried. Anyway my new Nerites have been fun. They've been keeping the Accidental Tank clean for me and hopefully for future babies. ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. I use Eco Complete and feel that it's more rough than gravel that I have in other tanks. If you don't see any damage on the Cory now and you ask your friend about any prior possible illness or damage from substrate I'd say keep it. It actually is really colorful and reminds me of "Peace River" gravel that people like @Mmiller2001 uses in his beautiful planted tanks (in color not so much size I think Peace River gravel is a little smaller from what I can tell). I think once you start adding plants, hides or decor you'll start seeing the tank come to life. NOW you could add areas of Eco or Flourite to break up the space/colors that could be fun. The only reason I'm saying this is you have cycled media- why put yourself through a potential tank crash or tank wobble. What's there is actually something cool to work with. Totally my opinion. ๐Ÿ™ƒ My "Parent Tank" has 2 different sizes of similar colored gravel and lots of plants- it's not a show tank but it's one of my favorite tanks- and when I set it up I put a pile of Eco Complete along the back of the tank with a gravel cap to plant the GIANT sword that's grown there now.
  6. I agree with @Colu, then I'd add the plants and hides and let that settle for a while before adding more (because you probably could) Personally, I'd leave the gravel. It's cycled and it looks fine to me. Just needs green!
  7. I totally get it. The one I have in my 20 tall "Parent Tank" where all my Otos now live- it's out of control- but not so much I want to pull it. The Otos love it.
  8. I mean....a plant from the Amazon River Basin says to me "I can tolerate whatever you can throw at me (except ice). Do it!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ (I also see them for sale at pond supply stores)
  9. Good thinking. I remember Cory saying something about imported plants on wood and how you could get it past ports in SF but not in Seattle. I found that interesting.
  10. Awesome! I just found the wording kinda funny- normally- say on a package of strawberries it says "grown in". Maybe they put other dry goods in those containers.
  11. @Flumpweesel most definitely the case for this little one, per the prior owner- they had fishy for 8 months and was in a tank with several other Ciclids. So after I'm convinced he's in good health I'll put him in my display tank. Oh and forgot to answer you @Flumpweesel, YES Kirby is named after the Vacuum cleaner ( And more specifically the one in Brave Little Toaster a cartoon movie)
  12. @Patrick_G I think you're probably right- I think he's in need of dithers and there's 20 of them waiting for his arrival!
  13. I was a little concerned about my new friend Punk. I'd got him home on Monday in the evening after a long ride- and then all day Tuesday- I did NOT see little one swim. He just sat on the bottom of the QT tank- on his tippy-fins. I saw no fin damage (fins even moving), he ate, breathing normal- color nearly all gone (I know he's stressed). Finally Wednesday he swam! (I was seriously losing sleep over his refusal to swim). He seems to like to lurk in dark corners....for now especially the coconut house I put in there for him.... ....he has a pouty lower lip....
  14. I had the honor if seeing most of my snails in the last few days....
  15. They're very cute. I like Precious Metals.....I noticed one of your females has quite a few splits in her tail. One of my male guppies has a split. I know that's not uncommon but is that ever a concern in something like a tub?
  16. Love it @PineSong! I had to build a cinderblock wall to keep rats from getting under my house- but that's how I work things- deter rather than exterminate- they live here even in urban areas and I respect their space and I stake my turf too. They still pass through my yard and likely eat left over bird food and water from the low sources but they aren't destructive where I live so- live and let. The cinderblock wall holds my succulent garden and bonus, has become home to lizards and spiders. I only have a patio for a yard in the plex where I live but I have lots of wonderful container plants- jasmine, trumpet vine, hot lips and other flowers that attract hummingbirds (and bees) and I hang 4 different hummer feeders around my house. I feed the ground birds (House Sparrows, Scrub Jay and Mourning Doves) with "mess free" bird seed every day. This time of year I have 20 or 30 Doves alone waiting for me in the morning on the wires..this was just a slow day...
  17. Awww. Not a failure. Lots of bumps can come into keeping "new" fish especially if you haven't kept them before or not in a long while. From what I know Discus aren't the easiest fish but I can see where they'd be absolutely rewarding when you get on the other side of this hill. Your batch is indeed beautiful. Keep going!!
  18. I would try, a Hillstream Loach or two and a whole bunch of Ember Tetras (12 or so). If you want color add 5 or 6 Endler Males (so no reproduction)
  19. @Jawjagrrl yes thankfully my birdbath and fountains are run the majority of the day with solar fountain pumps and I haven't had any issues with mosquitos. I know I have Urban Possums and even Skunks come to my patio at night due to a plastic pot water catcher I use as a ground feeder water bowl (birds and squirrels)- that water is changed often so not growing mosquitos there either- but it's shallow enough for the ones who prefer to be ground level to drink from and take a bath.
  20. Hi all. I was doing an online order and came across Bee waterers....one of which looked basically like a raised ceramic pet bowl and it had marbles in it- so you fill it with water to just where the marbles stick out some so Bees and other buggy creatures could get a drink. I find random Lady Bugs and Bees floating (in various levels of consciousness) in my pump aggitated birdbath and fountain so I thought I'd help the little guys out. Instead of buying the object online I had a previously stored glass do-hicky (no idea what its intended original use is, probably for popouri or something) and used what was left of my fire glass (I intend to maybe get some yellow and orange marbles later) and did exactly what the other bowl did. This got me to thinking. There's a pretty awesome creative DIY group here. What have you created to be creature friendly in your yard? This could be anything for creatures from fuzzy or feathered, to buggy or scaled....we're coming into the hot and dry months where I live and they could use a hand! I would love to see the creativity of this group!
  21. Ohhhh Kirby, my little Hillstream Loach....how do I love thee, let me count the ways.... ...too many. Water changing- peak of Fish Mountain comes out- Kirby just sticks around and goes with the flow! Reminding me this is what the little one is born for! You're pretty awesome little friend....thanks for bringing me joy. Love, -Me
  22. Great post friend! I love all my snails too but they are only slightly edged by my 3 Horned Nerites, Lock Shock and Barrel! They are the BEST tank cleaners. This is one of them
  23. Could always be Globa later if need be ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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