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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Picked up a couple clarkii clownfish for my 20 long yesterday. These guys are one of my favorites - these are the natural variation, and they still have a designer look to them. The female will get about 5-6", and the male will get about 3-5". My last pair of these got massive - and very aggressive. These are going into their own setup, with the idea being to breed them eventually.
  2. Put some new power strips in and mounted them to the wall. Not pretty, but much easier to access and much safer than what I had. Still having low KH/PH issues in a few tanks. Doing some large water changes to try and help. Kinda weird that I've never had this issue before... not sure what's changed. No health issues I can attribute to the low PH though. I did lose a female guppy overnight, but I got her as an adult and I've had her for about 6 months. There's also a brand new batch of fry in the tank. Thinking she had a birthing issue. Still, gotta get that PH up. Here's kinda what I'm thinking for this other rack. 20s in the middle, 10s on top. 40 and 37 on the bottom. Plenty of room for breeding projects and fry.
  3. The cories and pleco seem to like the repashy more than anyone else in this tank. The swords just pick at it a little, the barbs and gourami ignore it, and the shark just likes to chase other fish off but never eats. Especially interesting with the swordtails - the guppies and platies love it. Kinda weird that these guys don't.
  4. Fed out some repashy. Guppy tank is still real low on PH and KH. Gonna keep working on that.
  5. Let me know if you see a real difference with rinsing the BBS. I usually just let them marinate till I'm done using them.
  6. I think you're stocking list would be fine. IMO and IME, a group of 6 angels that are raised together will likely be fine in a tank of that size unless you get pairs trying to breed. Separating the breeding pairs or just offering plenty of sight breaks and places to hide would be my move. Just like anything else, there's always the chance you get a random angel that just doesn't put up with others, but that's the exception and not the rule.
  7. Definitely on the small size for either. I wouldn't recommend both. A tank that size would make a great shrimp tank, or a group of Thai micro crabs would be cool too. If you're set on a fish, I would probably recommend a single scarlet badis, or potentially a single male pygmy sunfish.
  8. Turns out I experienced a first today... low buffer and low PH! My tap water has consistently been hard with moderate-high buffer and a PH of 7.5 for 15 years. I tested the guppy tank this morning and notice the PH was reading like 6.4, and the buffer was between 0 and 40. Everybody looks fine, but I was surprised. I tested my tap water, and nothing has changed there. So I did a 5 gallon water change and added a tbsp of marine salt. It brought the buffer up to 80 and PH to around 7. I'll retest this evening and repeat if needed.
  9. Mounted a TV in the fish room. I've been planning on doing it for months, and today was the day!
  10. I added an airstone to the clownfish tank yesterday. They were acting a bit funky - clownfish do that sometimes, but out of an abundance of caution, I put the airstone in. They seem to be acting normally today. Weird little fish.
  11. Unfortunately I don't- I've had this lid for a couple months. But I definitely used all the pieces in the box, so I guess they just forgot them. Oh well. Live and learn.
  12. So I'm potentially missing pieces, got it. Even if those pieces were to fix all the issues with the lid, why change the design? The original worked well enough. It's a lid. It doesn't necessarily get better by getting more complicated. Or maybe I'm just a grumpy person who doesn't like change. Lol
  13. Agreed. The instruction manual had illustrations with the same smaller back piece, so I do think this was the intended product.
  14. I've used the Top Fin Glass Lids for years on my tanks and have never had an issue. They were cost-effective, difficult to break, and the only thing available locally for me. The last lid I bought came in the same packaging, but the design of the lid has changed. The front piece of glass is the same, but the rear piece is now smaller by about 1/2" in every direction. You're meant to put some different plastic pieces on to make up for it, and those plastic pieces have built-in places for wires and airlines to exit the tank. The problem? At least in my experience, the thing is stupid easy to knock into the tank. Virtually every time I open the lid I knock it in. The front piece doesn't fit the trim of my tanks very well as it is, and with the loss of stability from the smaller piece in the back, it falls in with the slightest touch. I thought maybe I put it together wrong or was missing pieces, but from what I can tell this is the correct use case for this lid. This is also a tank purchase from Petsmart on their tank sale, a standard 20 tall. Just thought I'd try and save someone else the frustration. The new design: The old design: Excuse the crusty lids... it's been a bit since I've cleaned them!
  15. Okay, so I sold my first batch of white clouds today. I sold 20 at $.75 each, so I got $15. I put a few extra in the bag since some of them are a bit smallish. Everything seemed to go well! I picked up a couple Crypts and a bag of algae wafers while I was there. I also finally got off my butt and hung that shop light. I wish it was more centered, but I just eyeballed it. I'm not so concerned that I want to redo it, lol.
  16. Me and you both! I keep planning on sitting down and reading through a bunch but it's hard to find the time.
  17. Yep! They're Koi swordtails. I got them from a member on here.
  18. Been really enjoying the 55 lately. Plants have started to grow in and fish are looking great.
  19. Water change day! Not a whole lot to report. The blue platies have sexed out, but no fry yet. The rainbow Shiners are still doing well, but not breeding behavior. Plenty of baby guppies. No more new ricefish, but I've not taken the time to pull the mops. I've continued to lose some cherry shrimp, and I'm confused as to why. My blue shrimp are thriving. The white clouds I pulled in from the pond have done well. I'm hoping to be able to sell them in the next few weeks. The largest are just slightly smaller than I'd want to take to the store.
  20. The supplier I've had my eye on for red eye puffers got some in, but only a group of 3. I've decided to pass for now - I'm really wanting a group of 6 or 8. All the tanks continue to do well. I did lose a swordtail in my 55 this week, but I think it was likely old age. They're a couple years old, and have been kept a tropical Temps since I've had them. She was fine one day and gone the next, and no other fish look ill. Such is life.
  21. I decided to pull some white clouds out of the pond, because I had a hunch I had quite a few and didn't want to overload the system. Boy, did I have a few! I did two swipes through the pond with a 6" net and came up with what's got to be around 100 White Clouds. Crazy! I moved them into a 40 I have set up in the fishroom and I think I'll raise these guys up and sell them off.
  22. Just a thought - what're your water parameters like? Hard or soft water? It's strange that only the platies are being affected. Makes me wonder if there's something else causing their immune system to tank. If your water happens to be very soft, maybe adding some crushed coral or a few pinches of marine salt would be a good idea.
  23. FWIW, I had a hard time telling epistylis apart from Ich until I had seen both in person. Once you know what epistylis looks like through your own eyes, its much easier to tell the difference. Epistylis looks a bit more 3D to my eyes, where ich could almost be misconstrued for white dots painted on the fish. In my case, Epistylis also caused far more damage in just a few days than I've ever seen ich do. Good luck with everything!
  24. Looks like a couple of my platies have started to appear male - so far just two. They're growing pretty slowly, but the tank stays at 68-70, and only gets fed once or twice a day. I don't really want to put a heater in or heat the room, so they'll just have to grow slow! No more cherry shrimp losses, so I think it was just an acclimation issue.
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