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Posts posted by DaveSamsell

  1. I mostly have live-bearers and feed the following products:


    Repashy- Soilent Green, Community Blend

    Hikari- Algae Wafers, Fancy Guppy, Freeze Dried Bloodworms, Crab Cuisine, Sinking Wafers

    Xtreme- Krill Flakes, Pellets, Sinking Wafers

    Fluval- Bug Bites (for small fish)

    Zoo Med-  Banquet Blocks


  2. 40 minutes ago, Lizzie Block said:

    Time to revive this topic! Hop on the hype train because it's time for more Care Packages 😄 

    Those of you who've been here awhile know the drill, but if you have not seen this topic before - updates on this thread mean that it's time to announce three excellent content contributors who will be receiving a Co-Op Care Package full of useful and fun items. 

    A little foreshadowing that this package contains a NEW Co-Op product as well.. The winners:




    Thank you to these folks for contributing thoughtful topics and opening up conversation across this platform. You are appreciated! And of course, a huge THANK YOU to everyone here for making this forum such a great place.

    Cheers ~

    My sincerest thanks to @Cory, @Lizzie Block.  Am indeed humbled by this wonderful gesture of good will.  

    When I was contemplating even purchasing an aquarium a while back, I did a search on YouTube for fish-keeping basics.  One of the videos I've first seen were  @Cory's videos regarding the nitrogen cycle, what to keep in a 10 gallon aquarium, plant/fertilizer tutorials and countless other Co-Op videos.  Many of which I still re-watch to this day, LOL.  

    Am also grateful for people like @Candi.  She is wonderful.  

    Additionally,  to the folks on the Forum; this is a great gathering of Aquarists and l have learned a lot from many of you.

    This Forum has afforded many the ability to learn, share ideas and pass along experiences, for the common betterment of the hobby.  Am indeed happy & privileged to be a small part of that group.  

    Thanks again.  ☺️

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, Andy's Fish Den said:

    There are pros and cons for both. I like the fine pore ones because they get more of the fine particles in the water out, but they can be really hard to get clean. where the large pore ones that the Co-op sells are extremely easy to clean. The fine ones sometime can be hard to get to stay down, especially when new, you have to squeeze air out of them. 

    I use both, and I prefer the larger pore filters, because they are a lot easier to clean, a couple squeezes under the faucet (before anybody says you can't do that, I have well water, no chlorine), where a fine one, I will squeeze and squeeze them out and will still get a cloud of dirty water when putting back in the tank. If I have a tank that has a lot of fine floating particles, I will either throw in a sponge filter with fine pores or use a hang on back with a fine poly pad in it, which is also available from the co-op.

    @Andy's Fish Den, I know what you mean.   Am on well water, too.  It's very convenient.  Everything goes in the deep, utility sink.  

    @MaxM, As for the sponge filters, it's really a personal preference, IMO.  For me,  I like the coarse design much better.  Also, have modified a coarse filter with a tiny 'wrap-around' piece of fine poly pad.  It catches the smaller particles, if you are concerned with that, etc.  

  4. On 10/11/2020 at 12:42 PM, Brandy said:

    Well, I have been going nuts here, thinking I also seemed to have really high phosphate in all my tanks--and +3ppm in my Seattle tap water?! I need to get some distilled water and test the test kit, I see. I am exceedingly suspicious, though the expiration date is 3/2023. 

    Still. Question: What is the upper "safe" limit for phosphate? For fish? For plants? If I balance the other nutrients (increasing the N and K and trace) wouldn't my plants solve the problem, assuming it exists?

    @Brandy, Have read about 1 ppm phosphate upper limit.  Typically, I keep my phosphate levels about 1-2 ppm, with zero problems.  Seems like my plants do better at that level.

    Would imagine the exact number would vary for sensitive, freshwater inhabitants.   

    Also, many folks use the 'nitrate' reading as a proxy, for other levels .  Have had mixed results with that theory.  

    I.E. some of my aquariums have fast growing stem plants.  Seems like I can never add enough potassium to some of the tanks, LOL. 

    The faster growing plants seem to out-compete the slower growing ones for nutrients.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, RyanR said:

    We had the same issue with too many clutches.  I took the male out of the aquarium after about 6 or 7 clutches.  I put some of the clutches in a container in our QT tank that already has a ton of pond snails in it already.  The other clutches were laid under the output of the Aquaclear, so I left those there, to see what will happen.  Honestly, I have no idea if any have hatched or not, it's been about a month when we rubbed our first two clutches in the QT.  We gave one clutch away and we have about another 3 or 4 clutches still on the filter.  Actually, one of the clutches fell in the off of the filter and into the tank.

    So, we don't know if we have any mystery snails or not. @DaveSamsell, how long did it take for the snails to grow large enough to tell they were mystery snails, as opposed to pond snails?

    @RyanR, For my eyes to tell, about 2 weeks, LOL.  

  6. 11 minutes ago, Lynze said:

    @DaveSamsell How did your baby mysteries turn out? 

    @Lynze, Very well, thank you.  Had a number of egg clutches in my 55 gallon.   Some I left where they were placed; but most were moved to my DIY incubator.  Actually, have too many Mystery snails right now, lol.  Will have to contact my local LFS and see if they would like a snail donation.  😊

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