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Posts posted by DaveSamsell

  1. 1 minute ago, subramn said:

    @DaveSamsell thanks. when it warrants a water change?

    If your ammonia and\or nitrites keep rising.  A partial water change will help, but will delay your cycle.  

    After you read 0 ammonia & 0 nitrite, you will start reading nitrate.  Keep about 10-20 ppm of nitrate for the plants to consume & water change around that premise.  

    Again, these are things that worked for me.  There are many other ways, too.

  2. 2 minutes ago, subramn said:

    @DaveSamsell thanks. i will continue with this approach. so you dosed prime daily and stability alternate days?

    what about water change

    I didn't change any water until my cycle was complete, since my ammonia \ nitrite wasn't super high & being conditioned with Prime, daily.  The Stability is something you may have to observe, I.E. in relationship to ammonia \ nitrite levels.  I was dosing Stability every few days, a bit often, perhaps.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, subramn said:

    @DaveSamsell Thanks for your reply , tank size is 55 gallon. i have applied Seachem Stability daily for last seven days and prime alternate days.  i will feed once a day and for how long you applied stability and prime please advice

    Interesting.  My aquarium was a 55 gallon as well.  With about 20 very small fish, it took about a month for my complete cycle.

    If you have a good number of plants, they will help uptake the ammonia, too.  Look for plant growth & this will be a good sign.  

    Personally, I was dosing Prime daily.  If memory serves me, I believe one dose of Prime treats 1 ppm of ammonia for about 24 hours, or so.

    I was adding Stability every few days.

    I highly recommend a master test kit or good test strips, since you'll be testing often.

    There are many other ways of cycling the tank, but we'll go with what you got, if you prefer.  

  4. 25 Guppies in a new tank?  I missed the tank size. ? .

    My very first aquarium had about .75 ppm ammonia throughout cycling.  Kept all my fish alive with Seachem Prime & Stability.  Definitely not the best way, but it did work.  

    Time itself will be your friend.  Eventually seeing nitrite & then nitrate, later on.  

    @Candi, posted a great video.  Highly recommended.

    Some other thoughts:   definitely don't over feed the fish & watch water parameters, very closely.  If you have cycled media from another aquarium, that would help, too.


  5. I have the E200 & often observe the "LF" error.  The plastic housing on those heaters are quite impressive; perhaps even too good, lol.  

    From what I read, it's a common complaint, but it's a 'smart' heater in that the sensor is indeed experiencing low flow, for whatever reason.

    I have mine close to an AquaClear 110 & still get the error code, intermittently.

    Seems to show the error more if the room temperature is starting to creep up a bit.  

    When my room temperature is lower, the error is hardly ever there.

    My question for Fluval would be:  At what flow rate are the sensors calibrated to indicate?

    I like the heater.  It does work well.  Would I purchase another one?  Perhaps.

  6. Lots of interesting input.  Being "in-tune" with ones aquarium, spending quality time & observing everything are additional key factors on the overall strength of the aquarium's "immune system".  

    Many approaches, theories & ideas can possibly yield the same results \ conclusions, when trying to determine #STT, as well.  It is often said, there are many ways to get there.

    Standardized parameters for I.E. substrate thickness, total surface area & water flow circulation (gph) are just some other variables that come to mind.  

    If nothing else, the subject is making us think of what really is happening in our aquariums.  


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  7. 10 hours ago, Steph’s Fish and Plants said:

    Got my CoOp order today! Nothin too crazy. Did get an easy planters tho, I’m super stoked for that. I got my Crinum too and set it up in the easy planter in my 10 gallon for now. It will be going in my 20 long once that’s setup and going. I also got a banana plant to go with Drogo in the 5. I got a dennerle snail remover as well for when I have my pea puffers again (my last one got broken by a rambunctious pupper haha). And finally, I got stickers! I thought I only got the super red pleco one, so I might’ve gotten the rainbow one free? I don’t remember. Someone like @Randylmk if putting random stickers in boxes is a thing rn lol or if I’m going crazy 😂 and yes that’s a root tab. I hope I did that part right.












    Nice products for sure.  Am still waiting for my 3 packages (couple of days overdue).  Maybe later this week they will arrive.  

  8. Was thinking about #STT & the many variables associated with it.  Below are very rudimentary formulas that I was contemplating.


    STT=  Established major reference points \ divided by \  % of new changes


    Would need several "gold standard" reference points to even begin comparisons.  Here is a sample:

    1.  Calculated surface area

    2.  Total time without any changes to aquarium

    3.  Live plant stocking factors

    4.  Type of substrate

    5.  Others


    Also, maybe an "additive" test with ammonia itself, so see when the beneficial bacteria is actually starting to become stressed, etc.  This could be another reference point.  By determining how much ammonia would be required to see a small ammonia/nitrite increase, could indicate overall % of beneficial bacteria for a specific tank.


    I.E.        STT=  10 gallon aquarium \divided by\ Ammonia added in (ml)


    Just some ideas that came to mind this morning......




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  9. When @Cory, termed the phrase 'NERM' awhile back, it may have been out of his subconscious genius.

    I consider myself, a self-proclaimed 'NERM' & have drawn a few conclusions, of which, some even may be valid.  

    Why do people keep aquariums?  IMO, It's an extension of nature into their homes for enjoyment & furthering life itself.

    If you look at the 'term' 'NERM'; is it just a word or even more; perhaps an acronym.  

    For everyone, the word, term, phrase, acronym or # 'NERM' may indeed mean something very different and often times very personal to each individual, in their relationship with the hobby.

    For me:  I classify the N.E.R.M. as an acronym, using each beginning letter, as follows:


    Natural  Environment   Respective   Mentality      

    Be a good Aquarist, be a NERM, today.  

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  10. @Whiskers76, Have seen most of the videos.  From the number of 'tank talk' episodes, to viewing his personal aquariums.  I especially like the shows on plant\fertilizer tutorial, sponge filters, filtration, product comparisons, making Repashy & many others.  

    He is very knowledgeable & hope he & @Cory, will make additional videos in the future.  I often thought they both make a great team together.   👍


  11. Lot's of great information posted.   Here is my $0.02. 

    Am by far, no expert, but I'll chime in with some practices that have worked for me.  I have a lot of Java Ferns & noticed a potassium deficiency.  Upped my Seachem Potassium to double dosing & the plants came back to life for me.  Of course, every tank will be different, in many ways.

    Also , I double dose all aquariums with Seachem Trace, Phosphorus & Easy Iron, as appropriate & without issues.

    My aquariums are heavily planted & stocked & I do monthly 75% water changes.

    IMO, where folks may get into a problem, is when they look at I.E. Easy Green fertilizer & single out a specific nutrient they feel their aquarium needs and keep dosing.  Easy Green is 'hot' in nitrogen & from many posts I've read, people are winding up with excessive nitrates in their tanks, just to 'up' another nutrient.  

    Of course, are they doing regular maintenance, water changes, etc?  Maybe\maybe not.  

    Easy Green is a great fertilizer, but requires reasonably more tank maintenance.  I use this fertilizer, as well, as appropriate, especially after a water change.

    Additionally, some people dose fertilizer too lightly and have issues.  So, it's a give & take situation.

    Fortunately, I have become pretty good using Wonder-Shells, and know from approximate size, what it will do to my GH readings in various tanks.

    Everyone will have their opinion & what works for them & what comfort level\methods they feel is best for their aquariums. 



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  12. I like the Wonder-Shells for slowing raising my GH and pure baking soda for raising my KH.  Have to be careful will the baking soda, though.  It will raise the water KH & pH quickly.  It is potent and should be used in small increments, to obtain your desired results.

    You mentioned that your pH is already 7.5

    There are many products to get you there, as mentioned, but it will come down to personal preference.

    I don't 'chase the numbers', but rather try to add a bit of supplementation to keep my water in check.  

    Often I marvel of what a fine balance aquariums really are; keeping both fish and plants thriving.  




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