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Posts posted by DaveSamsell

  1. 1 hour ago, Edward Steven said:

    One tip I got early on was try to scape the tank in 1/3rds and avoid symmetry. Keep the taller stem plants in the back 1/3 of the tank, medium height centerpiece plants like big swords and such in the middle 1/3. And keep the smaller and carpet plants in the front 1/3. Maybe plant one side heavier than the other, or have separation off center. 

    One tip I learned along the way, feature big, almost oversized hardscape and plant around it. Draws the eye, and then you notice all the details. Great stone or driftwood really completes a scape.

    Happy aquascaping 

    Thank you.  👍

  2. Hello everyone!!  Am a relatively new Aquarist (started Sept 2019) and am very happy to be here.

    A little about me:  Devoted most of my career in the electronics repair field.  Now, retired, I can concentrate more on my hobbies:  Fish-keeping, amateur radio, flying aerobatic radio controlled aircraft, writing, volunteering & Rosary-making.   

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