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Posts posted by DaveSamsell

  1. 13 minutes ago, Cory said:

    Spent the whole weekend working on it. Got flooring mostly done. Installed one of the desks and made 3 tables and a coffee table as well. Made some good headway.

    Need to mop and clean up the new floor but more people will be in and out as we continue to work on it.




    Am wondering if the room has a central floor drain?  Also, some large wooden ceiling fans would be a nice touch.  Lots of room for many wonderful possibilities.  The project is really taking shape.  Nice job...  I helped my brother build a good portion of his home and it's very gratifying having seen the accomplishments, every day, as well.  

  2. 9 minutes ago, akconklin said:

    I've had 2 of them that've stopped working. But I think both of mine were due to a loose wire that had come unsoldered. My brother said he'd loan me his soldering iron to fix them, but that hasn't happened yet. 

    I can't see how it wouldn't blown something just because the power went out, especially as they were plugged in to surge protectors. But I'm not an expert in that field. Hopefully someone will come along with an answer for that. 🙂

    I wish my repair was that easy.  ☺️  The one that stopped working for me actually seized up and the motor would not turn.  Probably was my fault.  Had the air-stone set for ultra fine bubbles, lol.  They are just little direct current motors and am actually surprised they run as long as they do.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Kelly S said:

    Hi, I'm just would anyone has any suggestions for reviving my USB air pump. I've been using it on my quarantine tank since I got it in February, and it's been perfect, but yesterday afternoon we had a few brief power outages. It's plugged into a surge protector, plus we have a whole-house surge protector, but I can't get it to come back on. I've tried different outlets and different plugs. Everything else on that surge protector is ok. Luckily my last quarantined fish were ready to move yesterday anyway, and I'm not worried about the ramshorns in there. Do I need to just order a new pump or does anyone have an idea I can try? Thanks! (This is NOT a complaint about the product; clearly something weird happened.)

    I had a USB Nano air pump fail, somewhat recently & it was running for about 9 months.  Am sure the usability of the product will vary depending on many factors.  I.E. length of tubing used, power surges, type of airstone used (if any) and many other variables.   

    That is why I keep a few spares on hand.  

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/10/2020 at 11:42 AM, Penny said:

    I was wondering if anyone knows what my Amazon sword is up to?

    Based on non aquatic plants, to me it looks like a flower spike.. it's growing really fast... I'd guess 1-2 inches a day. Is there anything I need to do? Like more/less light? I'm assuming it must be happy 😃 

    I'm so excited by it, even if I don't know what it is!



    Am so glad you are having such good growth from this plant.  My first experiences with Amazon sword were not as favorable.  Root tabs saved my plants and opinions of this plant, lol.  

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  5. @Mikeo  Am in the process of re-cycling a new tank.  I had a KH of 10 initially and a few days later it went to a KH of 0.  

    Ph dropped from 7.5  to  6.5

    Got too aggressive in feeding my snail tank and entered a 'mini-cycle', if it can be called that.  

    I think @GardenStateGoldfish, mentioned good points, above.   

    Also, @Mikeo, do you have plants in the tank?  The plants may be dealing with the ammonia as you are adding it, etc.  Additionally, a KH of 4 is not too bad, IMO, but as the acids build in the tank, the pH & KH will start to drop.  

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Brandy said:

    To my knowledge Seattle doesn't use chloramines? However, the way 2020 is going, I wouldn't even be surprised if they up and did something crazy without mentioning it. I was more suspicious of having hand sanitizer on me or something.

    I usually use prime in the bucket with the new water and only add the amount to treat what I am changing before adding it to the tank. This morning I added the amount to treat the whole tank, so if there was extra chlorine/chloramine then it was covered. Given how FAST they responded I am inclined to think that is what happened.

    I am on well/ground water.  So I never really found out what was causing my tank's issue.  Was suspecting a particular heavy metal.   

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Brandy said:

    Confession: I have been a little busy and a little lazy. As a result I have gotten behind on tank maintenance. I have kept up with water changes and feeding an that is about it. 

    So last night, I decided to really clean up my largest (29g) tank. the glass was getting fuzzy, the canister filter floss was a schlocky mess, there was algae on the hardscape, and vallisneria was popping up in places it didn't belong, duckweed...you get the picture.

    So I set to work, servicing the filter, scraping glass, pruning plants, changing water. I refilled the tank, and because of the algae on the hardscape, I added a dose of flourish excel, which I have been using intermittently, while I try to sort out the algae issues.

    I noticed the fish seemed a little stressed, but I put it down to my activity in the tank, gave them a snack which they all eagerly ate, and went to bed.

    This morning, I walked out to every single fish motionless and gasping. Shrimp I haven't seen in months were all out at the highest point on the vegetation, in the open, also largely motionless. Even the snails seemed to be in the upper third of the tank. 

    I checked temperature and filter flow, and turned up the air stone. Nothing seemed amiss, and I cannot recall anything weird or new that I did during the water change. But clearly something was wrong, and even if my slightly aggressive cleaning had crashed the cycle (highly doubtful with the plants and wood crammed into the tank) it was too soon and too universal to be seeing these effects.

    I immediately did a 30% water change, adding extra water conditioner in case of a chlorine shift in my source water. Literally in minutes, before I had even finished replacing the full amount of water, all fish started acting and breathing normally. 

    I have no idea what was in the water. I don't know if there was something in the source water, or if I set a tool in some spilled household cleaner at some point, or if I had something on my hands. I may never know. But disaster averted. I feel lucky today.

    I've had something similar happen to one of my aquariums after a "typical" water change.  The fish were very lethargic and barely swimming.   

    I use Seachem Prime or Fritz products for water conditioners.  It may not be totally correct, but I always double dose the tanks with water conditioner when performing my 75% water changes.  I don't want to cut it too close and have issues with the fish.  

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.....

  8. 16 hours ago, Dandy Pearl said:

    I found a new LFS about 40 min away and made it down there tonight. I got 2 SAE's, 5 Denison Barbs, 1 Killifish and some Corkscrew Val I was looking for.

    I only had 1 SAE before and it's nice to see them really schooling. I've always wanted the Denison's and Killifish.

    The tank is really coming to life!




    I think that's awesome.  Supporting LFS"s is great.  With all the choices on the internet and 'shipped' fish today, the local stores are often forgotten, at times, it seems.  There are a lot of great LFS's out there.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 hours ago, Maggie said:

    I got six otos yesterday and they're in quarantine where there's no algae. The LFS guy said to put in wafers and to try canned green beans, but they haven't eaten or hardly moved, and it's been almost 24 hours. I sprinkled in a bit of powdered spirulina that came with the brine shrimp hatcher, and that has made sort of a green mess. Any advice? Should I run out and get something? Put them in the main tank where there's plenty of algae and plants and risk it?

    My Otto's were a bit fussy eating as well.  What they really went crazy for was Repashy Soilent Green.   They are good general cleaners and will scavenge around the tank's glass and plants, in general.  I often comment on how peaceful these fish are as well.  One of my favorites for sure.  

    We have a vegetable garden in the summer months and usually have a ton of zucchini.  They would eat that for me, if blanched.  

    They are also happier in a larger group, I noticed.    

    • Like 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, yannachka said:

    really thought i put these days behind me. AC8AE41A-704F-4D2F-9626-6D63B8A3A38C.jpeg.680aa68083b878365d98c14695f35b16.jpeg

    i forgot to take the drain plug out while doing a water change and went downstairs for a total of 5 minutes, if that. you’d be surprised how much water flows in 5 minutes 🤦‍♀️ 

    time for the shop vac and to clean out the flooded cabinet.




    @yannachka, I can appreciate that situation.  Had a water hose pop off a utility sink faucet & it only took  literally seconds to create a watery mess. I can't imagine 5 minutes worth of water.    Stay dry my friend...... 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, Dstrong13 said:

    Hi there, 

    I have a 55g planted aquarium and right now I'm only using a double sponge filter. I am curious as to what your favorite filters are for a tank that is planted (hopefully will be heavily planted) with 10 fish? Thank you so much! 

    I have a heavily planted 55 gallon tank with an AquaClear 110.  Works well for my community tank, which is fairly heavily stocked. The AC 110 gives a strong circulation flow of water.

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  12. On 10/6/2020 at 9:36 AM, be28ans said:

    I started a 10 gallon freshwater planted tank 5 months ago (no fish yet) i used eco complete for my substrate and started seeing snails. I know snails are good for your tank but i dont want them at all, i net them out every time i see them, ive tried medications. ( copper, snail zap, kordon rid-ich plus) Nothing seems to help. Any suggestions ???? 

    I know you don't want snails, but it may be difficult to permanently rid yourself of them, if you will be adding more plants in the future, etc.   It may be easier to just control or limit the population of snails, rather than totally trying to always eliminate the snails, ultimately providing a more beneficial overall eco-system.  Just a thought.  ☺️   I guess I am a snail fan, lol.  🐌

  13. 22 hours ago, Jerry LM said:

    I have looked and didn't see my question although I am sure it's been asked so please excuse if so, I have no tank and am interested in getting started, what should I be looking for glass, or acrylic and can anyone suggest a online source? I live in a rural area with no shop. Thank you for any suggestions......Jerry

    Often times, the pet big box stores will offer free shipping on their 10-20 gallon aquarium starter kits, if you just want to try the hobby out, etc.  Good time of year, since the deals should be getting better & better.  

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