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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I would do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder
  2. Expel p can be harmful to snails so I wouldn't recommend using it with snails
  3. snails will probably die if you use hydrogen peroxide what you could is try and remove as many snails as you can before sterilising the tank
  4. Dead fish can be consumed in a matter of hours by fish and snails in your tank it's difficult to say whether it's contagious without noing the cause I would just keep a very close eye on your fish for a couple of weeks to make sure everyone is eating ok and your not noticing any odd behaviour
  5. Colu

    Medicating Tank

    With the symptoms your describing it's more than likely wasting disease what I would do is add a daily double dose prime to help detoxify any ammonia during treatment and keep a close eye on your water parameters and do a 50% water changes when you see your ammonia start to raise you can add bottled bacteria during treatment it won't hurt @Odd Duck has a good treatment protocol for parasitic infections @Gio
  6. Sometimes fish die for no apparent reason unfortunately it's a part of fish keeping Betta's are prone to poor health because of low genetic diversity though inbreeding to the get desirable trait's breeder are looking for what I would do is give your tank a good clean with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution then fill it back up leave it for 24hr and then put your plants back in and leave it a month without any fish just in case there's a bacterial component to his death you will have to recycle your tank if you use hydrogen peroxide to sterilise your tank @Supermassive
  7. What are your water parameters ammonia nitire nitrate pH temperature can you post a picture of the sick fish any rapid breathing
  8. I usually just use 1 gallon of water for salt baths
  9. I wouldn't do another course of antibiotics if your going to do salt baths I would do 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days and keep a low dose of salt in the tank for a week give an update in week if your seeing no improvement @BlueTurtle25
  10. Alder cones are also used and are readily available I have seen dried oak leaves used you would have you collect your own from an area that hasn't been treated with any chemicals
  11. It's difficult to say for sure what's going on it looks more like a growth near the Gill's the other spots raised so that rules out ich it could be a viral infection or so parasitic infection some types of parasite can cause lumps in the muscle tissue I little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitire nitrate pH and have you added any new fish to the tank around the time you notice the lump of your rasbora @Flavoi1
  12. With Popeye if it's only affecting one eye it's more than likely caused by an injury what I would do is add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and it will help reduce some of the fluid buildup in the eye for week and monitor it can take a couple of weeks with an eye injury before you Will see significant improvement sometimes the damage is permanent @BlueTurtle25
  13. Looks like some type of biofilm the fact it's also on your shrimp is odd there's a couple of things you could do clean as much of the glass and ornaments to allow the filter to remove as much of it as possible for the next couple of days hopefully it won't come if it does then I would dose the tank with ick X and let it marinate just in case it is a type of fungus
  14. What I would do is add more Indian almond leaves and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and monitor for week if you notice the fins deteriorate more over the course of a week then I would treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment as most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacteria I would treat with kanaplex @sankaz
  15. I agree with @NOLANANO any chance they got behind your 3-D background and died did you notice any ammonia spikes that would indicate a dead fish in the tank around the time you had fish disappear @IlhamSetiawan
  16. Colu

    Cherry Barb issue

    Sound like a parasitic infections what I would do is treat following @Odd Ducktreatment protocol for parasitic infection expel p active ingredient is levamisole prazipro active ingredient is praziquantal I would use these two medication to treat your fish
  17. You can get these types of lump with hold in the head am assuming your already treating with metronidazole in food for the hold in the head if not I would start treating with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for Upton 3 weeks hole in the head can be associated with nutritional deficiencies poor water quality some state a link with active carbon so it your using active carbon I would stop using it what are your feeding and what are your water parameters @arthurf
  18. Short body fish can have multiple health issues are more prone to spinal deformities issues with the organs and swim bladder because there organs are more compressed short body fish are more prone to Gill deformities and facial deformities for example goldfish with short bodies have very high incidence of swim bladder
  19. I can see something on the fins it's difficult to tell off your picture if it's ich are the spot white and flat look like grains of salt sprinkled on the fins if so I would treat with ick X and aquarium 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolyte @Kalisian23
  20. Colu

    Cherry Barb issue

    Any rapid breathing hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out weight loss
  21. Am not seeing any Redding to the edge of the tail fin as you have started a course of kanaplex I would finish the full course and and give an update in week if it's not improving
  22. That doesn't look like columnaris to me @Shadow although a couldn't rule out a bacterial component what I would do is quarantine if you can and do a course of kanaplex and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons if you can't quarantine I would add 1 table spoon for 6 gallons of aquarium salt at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and do the course of kanaplex give an update after the course of kanaplex if your seeing no improvement@Rachel39
  23. Looks like a growth to me possibly the start of tumor they are really common in bettas you have a couple of opinions monitor see how it progresses you could do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days the active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties might help skink the lump and a would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons at that level it won't harm your plants it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  24. I have seen similar lumps in goldfish before that have improved when treating with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for a week just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 5 gallon water change add 5 table spoon of aquarium salt back in
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