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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Possible secondary fungal infections you also get fuzzy patches with columnaris I couldn't rule it out if all your other have recovered what I would do if you still have them in quarantine is also add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons I wouldn't get above this level of salt with Cory's and keep treating with ick X for next 5 days
  2. Your picture quality not good enough to tell if it's ich it could be epistylis here's how you tell the two apart if it's ich treat with ick X and aquarium salt as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt adds back in essential electrolytes slowly raise the temperature to 82 that will speed up the life cycle of ich if it's epistylis you want to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as maracyn2 in food and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon as epistylis feeds of of the gram negative bacteria on the skin of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures @Denise T
  3. Most Otto's are wild caught and come in pretty bad condition it's not uncommon for them to have internal parasites parasitic infection are also very common in guppies have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing erratic swimming flashing loss of appetite sunken belly @Loach_Lad_77 I agree with @KittenFishMomlooks like hydra on the glass it's usually caused by feeding to much live food algae is usually caused by excessive nutrients or lights being for to long have long do you have your lights are you using a liquid fertilizer how often are you dosing how often are you doing water changes also what are you feeding your Otto's
  4. Medication can be very stressful to fish and over use can be detrimental to there health I wouldn't recommend monthly deworming I would only deworm if you see any symptoms that would indicate a parasitic infection
  5. Just feeding blood worms can lead to nutritional deficiency in puffers I would feed a more varied diet including snails frozen or live daphnia brine shrimp black worms I would also soak his food in vita-chem it will add essential vitamins to his food some have got pea puffers to eat repashy or hikari vibra bites
  6. He's looking thin could be weak how long have you had him what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH etc how often are you feeding him and what are you feeding is he eating ok does he have a sunken belly @reventuality
  7. Looks like the start of a tumor they are really common in Bettas due to low genetic diversity it could be benign treatment wise there's not a lot I could recommend @vlwoodyard
  8. Colu

    Losing CPDs

    Does your panda have a pale patch or just loss of colour the fact all three died at the same time would rule out aggression I would be concerned about a possible bacterial infection
  9. Colu

    Baby Barbs

    A group of a couple of hundred of these would look stunning in a large planted tank
  10. Salt can only be removed though water changes active carbon wont remove salt leave the salt for two weeks than remove the salt with water changes what I would do is daily methylene blue baths and for 5 days and see how he's doing after that
  11. Could be an injury just something to mindful of you can can white patches with columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending of the stain it's difficult to say off your picture if your dealing with an injury or columnaris if other fish start to show these patches than I would start to treat straight away with kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan @drossean nitrofurazone and kanaplex can be harmful to shrimp so I would quarantine any fish showing symptoms if you do need to treat
  12. Aquarium salt treats bacterial infections fungal infections it can help with some types of parasite's at a high enough dose
  13. Colu

    Losing CPDs

    Cpd can be aggressive with each other sometimes they will kill other members of the group were there an signs of injury have you notice any aggressive behaviour between the cpd @Scaperoot
  14. It's difficult to see what's going on with his gills if he can't close them fully there's a couple of thing that can cause that such as Gill hyperplasia which is over growth of epithelial cells or a parasitic infection such as Gill flukes some of the symptoms of gill flukes are rapid breathing hanging near the surface lethargy flashing erratic swimming loss of appetite @Tam if it were Gill flukes you would want to treat with prazipro do three full course of treatment two weeks apart
  15. It's possible he eating a small amount of the food when you go away from the tank what I would do is add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes at that level it won't harm your plants it will just give him a boost without any dither fish in the tank it could just be stressed or hiding away because he thinks there might be predators about
  16. Parrot fish are none for resting on there side I would leave it 24HR then update if it still not moved or excepted food @Sora
  17. Each tanks is different That why I always start at half the recommended amount of crushed see were my pH and KH sit after 2 weeks and add more if I need it crushed coral dissolves more quickly in acidic water the higher your pH the slow it will dissolve from what I have read nerite snails are fine with a pH between 6.5 and 8.0 as long as they are getting enough minerals for shell growth
  18. You can buy 2 pound bags 1 pound bags or 500g bags I bury some in the substrate so it's less visible and put the rest in my canister filter
  19. Typical you won't add one pound of crushed coral for 10 gallons I would put half that amount in and test for two weeks and add more if needed
  20. Guppies do best with a pH between 7-7.5 what your KH. Usually when guppies are exhibiting so of the symptoms your describing it's due to low pH or lack of KH as the females are constantly pregnant they need a readily available supply of minerals that would explain why it's affecting your female guppies more than your males @Zac
  21. Colu

    Guppy help

    I think it would be worthwhile treating with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment as you have king British medication am assuming your in the UK I would try and get holed of Sera Baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment or quarantine the sick fish and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 2 weeks just remember to only add back in what you take out so if you do a 1 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back @Jos
  22. Most case of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacteria so the most effective treatments are kanaplex or maracyn2 or you can treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for upto 2 weeks
  23. Colu

    Guppy help

    First what's your ammonia nitrite nitrate . KH and GH any rapid breathing any Redding to the edge of the fins
  24. Colu

    Worms in tank

    I wouldn't use fenbendazole in a shrimp or snail tank it's very toxic and it can leech from wood or rocks months later killing snails some debate as to how toxic it is with shrimp some saying as long as you use the appropriate dose they are fine I personally wouldn't risk
  25. Possible localised inflammation of the tissue difficult to say for sure once you have finished your course of kanaplex I would just keep a lower dose of salt for another week 1 table spoon for 3 gallons helpful he will fully recover @Cinnebuns
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