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Everything posted by Colu

  1. The eggs of nematode worms can be in your filter media and your substrate and other things in the the tank you could empty the tank get rid of the filter media substrate then sterilise the heater and filter and tank with a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution then rise with dechlorinated water and leave your heater filter and leave your tank empty for a couple of weeks to dry paracleanse active ingredient is praziquantel and metronidazole doesn't treat nematode worms
  2. The colour change can also be caused by a parastic infection I would do a course of paracleanse in food
  3. Colu

    Sick BN pleco

    Do you have a picture of the Betta it will help with a diagnosis
  4. It's a rub mark usually happens when the male traps the female in the cave I would just monitor usually heals on its own if it develops a more red appearance then I would treat with kanaplex or maracyn2
  5. I think the best option would be to use a dewormer I would treat with Fritz Expel p once a week for 3 weeks you could also try feeding him black worms
  6. The most effective treatment for nematode worms is fenbendazole here's a couple of medication containing fenbendazole you can also use panacur c as that contains fenbendazole it not snail safe if you plan on adding snails back in this tank in the future run active carbon for a couple of weeks and do reqular water changes to dilute the medication as it can linger for a couple of weeks @Cinnebuns
  7. Colu

    Sick BN pleco

    Sorry to hear he didn't make I would keep a close eye on your Betta if you see any similar symptoms I would do a course of kanaplex in food also could start your new tank using doctor Tim's ammonia to do a fish less cycle or you could add a small amount of fish food daily till you get ammonia and nitirte reading and then they go to zero and you get 20-40ppm of nitrate
  8. Got to be catfish something for everyone from a small pygmy Cory's to monster redtail catfish if you have a tank big enough and I have a soft spot for licorice gourami the colours are stunning hoping to get some in the near future
  9. It can take a couple of days of treatment before you will start to see any improvement
  10. Looks like fungal growth as the wood has started to break down over time
  11. How long have you had him what are you feeding him and how often any weight loss rapid breathing white stringy poop have you add anything new to the tank resently what are you nitrite and nitrate at
  12. I wouldn't do a fish in cycle I would add a small amount of fish food daily till you start to get ammonia and nitirte reading and they then fall to zero and nitrates rise to around 20-40ppm you can also use Dr Tim's ammonia and add that Daily to feed you beneficial bacteria to get your tank cycled
  13. Rummy nose that don't develope the red nose or have it fade can be a sign of poor health as he's eating and behaviour normal nothing in particular is jumping out at me notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface is he eating ok
  14. It's difficult to tell of your pictures the white thread could be an anchor worm not 100% sure that what it is hikari cyropro treat's anchor worms paraguard won't treat anchor worms I don't think your other picture is a fish lice it look more like it's rubbed it's fin ray
  15. Nice scrape plants and cardinals look great
  16. Looks like an injury to me possible swim into something trying to get away from the male if your still noticing aggression I would separate you could add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallon to help to provent any secondary bacterial or fungal infections and monitor
  17. I would put two 150watt heater's on that tank one at each end for redundancy if one goes it gives you a bit of time to get a replacement
  18. If you have access to ick x active ingredient is malachite green that treats cotton mouth if not a high dose of Aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon or methylene blue are effective if he not eating you could try some seachems garlic guard to help stimulate his appetite
  19. If you have room I would get 15 gallon tanks their more readily available in the uk
  20. bottle bacterial won't cycle a tank unless the bacterial has an ammonia source to feed off most of the bacterial will die very quickly I have been keeping fish for over 20 years in that time have tried a couple of different brands of bottle bacterial and found no difference in how long it took to cycle a tank just a waste of money I like to just add small amount of food daily for a couple of weeks then gradually add a small group fish every couple of weeks to allow the benefial bacterial time to catch up
  21. Colu

    Ranchu floating?

  22. With your ammonia that high daily 50% daily water changes and add a double dose of prime the heavily breathing your seeing could be caused by ammonia burn to the gills what I would do is treat with Fritz Expel p active ingredient is levamisole treat once a week for 3 weeks do a 50% water change before you dose leave the medication for 24hr then do a large water change you can keep doing your daily water changes to keep your ammonia levels down while treating the parasites
  23. Colu

    Ranchu floating?

    If your seeing some improvement continue with the Epsom salt baths for another couple of days and then monitor for a week if he starts to exhibit the same symptoms after a week then I would do a course of kanaplex in food
  24. I would up the water changes to 50% a day and add a double dose of fritz complete you can add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will help with any possible nitirte poisoning and at that level won't harm your plants as for bottled bacterial just my opinion other people might disagree I think it's a waste of money and doesn't do very much as you have its to hand it won't hurt use it
  25. Hikari sinking wafers and hikari micro pellets bug bites and feed some frozen or live blood worms brine shrimp
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