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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Maybe it's nothing, but isn't that temp slightly high for rice fish? I would hold back food to rule out diet, and the go ahead with the above directions. When treating for internal I think you do want to feed to help clean out the system, but I would confirm those directions. Maybe @Colu can clarify for us! I would typically hold food for ~3 days, then feed small amounts as long as bloating doesn't Typically it's recommend not to feed for a couple of days when treating for internal parasites it allows the fish to pass the parasites more easily
  2. I can't be 100 % sure thats columnaris I would always recommend during one round of treatment on the main take just as precautionary treatment even if their not showing any symptoms and quarantine any showing symptoms what I would do is if you don't have live plants is up the aquarium salt to 1 table for 2 gallons monitor closely if it is columnaris you will notice rapid deterioration within 24hr then I would do a course of kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan @Minanora
  3. Fin rot is usually caused by poor water quality or damage to the fins if your not solving the root cause it will keep reoccurring as most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacteria I would treat with kanaplex or maracyn2
  4. As you kept them in a pond and with the bloating and other symptoms I would treat for internal parasites with paracleanse repeat the treatment every two weeks for a Total of three full course of treatment if you don't have live plants I would also add some aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons as well @G Harnish
  5. What I would do is quarantine and most effective treatment for dropsy I have found is with kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days treat any possible internal bacterial infection metroplex to dose the tank that treats aeromonas bacteria a common cause of dropsy aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup
  6. Levamisole is the active ingredient in Expel p and flubendazole is the active ingredient in absolute wormer plus yes I would recommend treating with Expel p in food and follow up with paracleanse
  7. Salt Will treat ich in a higher amount with Gill flukes salt suppresses flukes but doesn't kill them it require a larger dose 5 table spoon for 1 gallon I wouldn't recommend using that level with your fish
  8. Flashing can be caused by ammonia you could have had another spike I would test then do a water change if you have any ammonia @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  9. Looks like a prolapse Epsom salt baths 1 table for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days will help your fish reabsorb the prolapse as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant and also has excellent antifungal properties @Theplatymaster
  10. If you don't have live plants you can treat with Aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons and maracyn that an effective treatment for fungal infection's and will cover against any possible secondary bacteria infection @bettaballistic
  11. Have you got a picture it will help with a diagnosis @Theplatymaster
  12. If I remember rightly you can use API test kits in fresh and salt water so it won't affect your test results am not sure weather the co-op test strips can be used in saltwater maybe someone else can Chip
  13. I second Red severum
  14. It could be ich or Epistylis he's how you tell you two apart if it's Epistylis you want to treat with kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days as epistylis feed's off the gram negative bacteria on your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures if it's ich I would start treating with ick x for three days after you see the last spots
  15. Possible Epistylis with what your describing what I would do is a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and also treat the tank with Expel p you can use them both together if your using kanaplex in food if he's not eating dose Expel p then follow up with a course of kanaplex follow up once a week for 3 weeks with Expel p @mtex
  16. If you seeing ich do a water change change and just treat with ick x following instructions on the bottle treat for Three days after you see the last spots
  17. Some types of nematode worms use copepods as an intermediate host and can present as brown spots during encapsulated stage of they life cycle other types of nematode worms are camullanus worms are internal red worms paracleanse doesn't treatment nematode worms for that you want to treat with levamisole active ingredient in Expel p or flubendazole active ingredient in absolute wormer plus what I would do is a course of paracleanse follow up with a course of Expel in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days do another course of paracleanse then repeat the Expel p in two weeks that will cover most types
  18. What level have your nitrites getting to as nitrite poisoning effects fish immune system leading to secondary infection it can also effect the swim bladder causing buoyancy issues it will kill your fish aquarium salt will help provent nitrite up take though the Gills of your fish what I would do is test daily and do daily 50% water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any nitrites till they constantly stay at zero I would also test your tap water for nitrite @ajcall93
  19. Have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness weight Loss flashing trying to eat food and spitting it out also the brown spots could be some type of encapsulated nematode @bettas
  20. What i use is 1 table spoon of repashy with 5 grams of the levamisole
  21. You could use with salt am not sure weather you would have an negative interaction between flubendazole and a copper based treatment so I wouldn't recommend it
  22. What I typically do is add Expel p active ingredient levamisole to food following this recipe if there still eating it's more effective feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days follow up with a second course in two weeks
  23. I use NT labs fluke and wormer or your can get absolute wormer plus or you can use panacur c @nerdyaquarist
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