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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Yes 1 table spoon for 3 gallons of aquarium salt I would focus of a stable pH rather than using buffer to alter the pH in the long run a stable pH is more important all you can do at this point is supportive care and hopefully it will pull though with salt and Indian almond leaves
  2. Possible viral infection lymphocytis as it's a viral infection there no effective treatment you just have to let the virus run it's course I would try and give him as little stress as possible give him varied diet add some seachems garlic guard to his food to boost his immune and keep stable water parameters
  3. Is difficult when you find a fish on the bottom of the tank with no signs of illness or injury's it could be a number of causes have you checked your ammonia in case you had a spike all I could suggest treatment wise is add 1 table spoon for 3 gallons of aquarium salt increase the levels of desolve oxygen by add extra air stones update if you notice any other symptoms
  4. As kanaplex and Jungle fungus haven't worked i would use a medication with a different active ingredient API fungus cure active ingredient is acriflavine and Victoria green and I would add 1 table for 5 gallon of aquarium salt to add some essential electrolytes to give them more energy to fight of the infection
  5. It's usually caused by nematode worms or round worms when there spitting food out
  6. That can also be caused by inflammation of the throat caused by the parasites
  7. It's meant to be a medicated slurry try Target feeding her get a tiny amount on the end of a dropper if she not eating the medicated food after a couple of days then I would treat the tank
  8. It rapid breathing if there doing that then I would add an extra air stone
  9. What I would do is just leave the dose of Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's and ick x to marinate for a week and just monitor closely for any other symptoms
  10. What I would do is the levamisole and paracleanse treatment I recommended I would run carbon for 24hr and do 50% water change before dosing with levamisole I would only use fenbendazole if levamisole or paracleanse do not have the desired effect he's a food recipe you can use with fenbendazole just in case you need to treat with fenbendazole further down the road
  11. Clown loach do well with pH from 6.5-7.5 and a temperature from 75-82F
  12. I wouldn't recommend using them at the same time you can do week 1 do a course of levamisole then follow up with a course of paracleanse week 2 do a course of levamisole week 3 do a course levamisole and follow up with a course of paracleanse Flubendazole is what I would recommend if your seeing no improvement after treating with levamisole and paracleanse is a powerful dewormer it treats the same types of parasites as levamisole you can get absolute wormer plus has the active ingredient flubendazole
  13. It difficult to tell of your picture what's going on have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness weight loss spitting food out loss of color @lewk
  14. Usually when they start spitting their food out and developing a sunken belly you want to treat with a more powerful dewormer such as levamisole or flubendazole
  15. Paraguard is only effective at treating some types of external parasites the type of parasites that cause wasting are internal so it won't have any effect
  16. If it's fin damage caused by aggression I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons just with the pseudomugils to provent secondary bacteria fin rot if there fin are quite bad
  17. It an effect treatment for wasting disease it can take three course of treatment one week apart to treat wasting disease when dosing the tank
  18. With what your describing it sounds like wasting disease paraguard won't treat the parasites that cause wasting disease prazipro isn't effective at treating the some types of parasites that typically cause wasting I would treat with levamisole active ingredient in Expel p in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and repeat the treatment in three weeks it safe to use with scaleless fish
  19. Minocycline the active ingredient in maracyn2 is easily absorbed by calcium making it a poor choice of treatment for tanks with high GH in this cases it's better to use kanamycin the active ingredient in kanaplex and and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone together @HannaB
  20. Looking at the pictures it looks like a more severe bacterial infection that requires a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment I would definitely do a course of kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment @HannaB
  21. I think @Patrick_Ghas figure 8 puffer so maybe he will be able to help with an ID
  22. White patches can be a sign of columnaris it's a gram negative bacteria that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and depending on the strain can kill fish in 24hr to a couple of days with the rapid fish loss I would suspect a bacterial infection I would treat with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan it's very effective against more severe bacterial infection such as columnaris @Jamo1444
  23. It can take two full course of treatment with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's following this treatment plan for more severe cases what I would do at the end of the first full course of treatment is do two 50% water changes and do another full course treatment if your seeing no improvement if you have any other questions feel free to ask it no bother
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