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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. If you said a planted light and/or FOWLR then you’d be in business. However a reef light is very specific thing. To my knowledge, there is no light that will do both. I would imagine an algae farm if you used a reef light on a planted tank or a dead reef using a light intended for plants. Take your time, figure out what you want, then pull the trigger. If you are looking for a planted light then the aquarium coop led is the best on the market, imo.
  2. @FishyGirl 2 decorations with holes is too vague. Your best bet is to post a photo.
  3. @Denied Taco You have to ask yourself “if the fry disappear, are you ok with that?” There’s no right or wrong answer. You will hear about some people having success, however the overwhelming majority dubbed pea puffers “murder helicopters” for a reason. In my experience, they will eat anything smallish and will eventually begin to nip at fins if left in a community long enough. Now obviously if you have 2 pea puffers in a 125 gallon then the likelihood of success increases drastically. There are many factors, question is are you willing to take that gamble.
  4. @Gannon I think you got it. I would pull their shells out which means you’ll get 98% of them out with no issue. Do a water change, rescape if need be, then reintroduce everyone. If this doesn’t work, then we’ll figure out option B (I have no idea what that would be).
  5. @Gannon again this is just speculation, since you said it isn’t the largest ones specifically. That tells me that some of your young ones have a bit of spunk in them. Some of your heirs to the throne may be squabbling a bit more than usual because of the numbers. Honestly, I have no idea why this would happen suddenly. Silly question, have you tested your water? Worst case scenario, you do a quick parameter check.
  6. @Gannon I’m stumped as well. I’ve seen the usual bickering, but nothing to that degree. Are you able to get them out of the 15 and put them in something a bit bigger? Seems like you’re a bit male heavy and that possibly could be the cause. I’ve never witnessed it for myself so that’s just my hunch.
  7. Bed bugs need to have a room or home heated to 122 so at that point, the tanks have to go. I suppose you could run a chiller, but unless you own one already, then it becomes a ridiculous option.
  8. It all depends on what the definition of good is. This is extremely subjective. Does the person that really tries, but doesn’t have access to the proper information, any less of a keeper than someone with access to the proper information. I’d say if you’re not actively killing fish, then you’re doing better than most. I don’t comprehend the sadness aspect, other than having a wet pet for a long period of time and then it passes. Other than that, it’s life. We can debate what you feel is the proper thing to do, but ultimately it is impossible to stand near your tank 24/7 looking for diseases/issues/or fry.
  9. I’ve noticed that any moss I’ve kept was much more algae free when the flow was higher, if the flow was too low, it became covered in BBA.
  10. So after a bit more research and a delve into what really interests me, I am going to be going with a Flowerhorn. Specifically either a King Kamfa, a Black Kamfa, or a super red monkey. My wife and kids instantly went nuts when they saw photos of them. @jwcarlson big fish are going to be big fish. Once you dive into that world, I think the best approach is to accept that there is no aquascape, it’s fully about the fish.
  11. @CrashBandit05 you may as well have suggested I put a Toyota Corolla in the 75. I know all about them and their care is far beyond what I plan on doing, nor do I want to venture into reptiles. @Luciferkrist I had a polleni a few years back. They’re basically like an Oscar personality wise but were a bit more boisterous than the Oscar’s I’ve seen. Super cool fish and striking especially in a blacked out aquarium.
  12. @Lacey Grant and that leaves an open 125…😎
  13. @quikv6 Thank you for the input. I was searching for a wet pet and wasn’t sure if they’d be able to live their entire life in a 75, not sure I want to upgrade it later on so I may or may not. @nabokovfan87 Thank you, I will check out the video @Chris Ultimately this is what I wanted. I used to have a super red dragon and loved him until he passed. I’m looking at Flowerhorns now but the only issue is that I’d want a king kamfa and they are pretty expensive. Or else this is the winner, hands down. Good luck with yours, he looks like a champ.
  14. @Theplatymaster that is what I’ve done. I’ve broken it down to the few options that I love. Just wanted to see if anyone has kept any of the above. I research til my eyes hurt so this is all part of my process.
  15. Hello all, I recently emptied out a 75 gallon. Question is, what should live here. I was going to dedicate it to an Oscar, but I’m not 100% sold on the idea. Other ideas, are a colony of Chindongo Saulosi. I was also thinking a giant bed of Val and leaving it fishless for the time being. Any ideas or suggestions. Thank you.
  16. @Lacey Grant nice pickup! I have my eye on a 220 right now, not sure if I’m going to pull the trigger though because I just set up a 180. Good luck
  17. That’s a nice little score, congrats and good luck.
  18. Personally, the coop light grows plants, is durable, and the warranty/customer service is unparalleled. This alone makes it worth every penny in my opinion, but to each their own. I had sunrise/sunset on a light a few years back and haven’t missed it.
  19. @TheSwissAquarist black dominance is melanistic. Leucistic is the dominance of yellow.
  20. @Louise02 a Molly in a 5 gallon is really inadequate. They enjoy space. I would definitely put him in the 30, the 10 shouldn’t be an option. Endlers and guppies would be adequate for a 10 gallon. Platies and mollies should be in 20 and up.
  21. @GCH I could be totally wrong, but it looks like either weathered seiryu stone or elephant skin.
  22. I keep Amano’s and Bloody Mary Neo’s in a 75. The Amano’s are huge and the Neo’s are Neo’s so they’re on the smaller side. All the Amano’s resemble Godzilla, when they’re next to the Neo’s.
  23. @Waterlife I’d check the impeller. It may need a good cleaning.
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