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  1. I will. I have a tank they can go in, anyhow. And I did think about it for a week and do some research first. So it wasn't completely an impulse buy.
  2. Has anyone had experience? I think Cory has if I recall correctly. Anyhow, I have some coming in and will be giving them a try. They're filter feeders/supposedly will take to some other foods and natural algae in tanks. Gonna see how it goes.
  3. They may but why not just get a python water change system?
  4. Given the right conditions it can survive for a very long time underwater. But it isn't a true aquatic plant.
  5. Or if you want Licorice Gouramis you can go super small like a 5 gallon. Hah. But honestly, I've got no interest in trying to bring my pH down low enough to keep them even though they seem fun.
  6. Yeah fair enough haha. I hadn't heard of them being used for fish tanks before. Just for birds. But you make a good point, they do indeed come from the water haha.
  7. So, I do not have an answer for you. However, on advice from this forum I was going to order two inkbird setups. Can you tell me which model you use? I'm trying to figure out exactly what I should get. Sorry! Don't want to hijack your thread but rather than a second post related to inkbird I just thought I'd ask here.
  8. Yeah, I'm a long time plant nerd since preschool. And I'm forty now. So, plants have always been my thing. Even went and got a forestry degree. But now I'm getting into aquarium plants so that's a whole new world (mostly). It's very fun. Although I think I may need to set up a tank just to grow out plants as needed from dividing. And of course the fish are exciting too!
  9. Yeah that seems to be the issue. Being one of the most rural states in the country where everyone is spaced so far apart makes it hard to get a club up and running and maintain that momentum, apparently. I'd love to try to get one going someday that survives but it'll be a while before I get to that point or have the capacity to try. Even just one that meets quarterly would be cool.
  10. Fair enough. I've got an LFS thirty minutes away and another an hour away. The first seems a bit more secretive about that, the second gets things mostly from local breeders. But I suppose that all depends on the LFS and the owner's personal preferences. I think what you say makes sense, completely.
  11. I'd love to know if they were wild caught or tank raised, imported or locally bred. But I don't think you'll get many stores who want to list the actual name of their supplier/wholesaler if that's what you meant. If not, my apologies.
  12. One of my favorites, actually, Mayaca fluviatilis - wiki link. Link to it on the Aquarium Co-Op site here.
  13. They're small and hiding and I'm hopeful they'll do well and grow. Sort of white-ish right now. Hopefully with light, fertilizing, etc. they'll bounce back.
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