I'm picking up a nice new 94-gallon tank on Wednesday. I'm really excited about my stocking options for a tank this size which is the biggest I will ever have had. I want so many cool fish, but I know there are different paramotors and water conditions for them. This is the list I have from got to have it to I can do without if I'm making a mistake. Please let me know your thoughts
1. 1x Blood parrot - Center piece, fat and derpy / personality fish
2. 6-8x Roseline Sharks. - Cool and they school
3. 1-4x angel Fish. - I don't know how many Would be cool maybe just 1-2x would be best
4. 4-6x Blue rams - I Dunno a lot about this fish but I like the way they look
5. 4x Corey cats - They can eat the scraps (and algae waffers or whatever) and they are small cute and be near the bottom
6. ( Open to suggestions / Insert replacement fish here)
I will be running this tank with plants, and I'll be getting an FX4 (I believe it to be sufficient) open to suggestions) and will do weekly water changes.
Let me know if I'm not seeing something here. Or if this is too much, or if I have room, or if maybe I could replace a fish up there with something cooler or whatever.
I will not be adding all the fish at once. I'm starting to get familiar with bio loads, cycle. I would introduce these fish in a slow manner over time so that I don't blow the tank up.
Thank you