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  1. Yeah I’m in Texas, lots of limestone. Trying to find neutral rocks. 🪨 the hunt co rubies. Might just shell out money at a LFS and be done with it
  2. I was at Lowe’s looking for aquarium rocks. Found nice flagstone flat slabs. Is this safe for an aquarium?
  3. So would I do both of these? Or is the UV sterilizer good enough? Fluval made one a year ago UVC for FX and adapters for the 07 series and other canisters which was nice of them. But that answers my question. I can just get a sterilizer later if I run into problems. Not necessarily needed for startup. Thank you. Me and My wallet thanks you
  4. Ok so that basically answers my question. Make sure they are not wonky fish, and still hospital them to make sure they don’t get all whacked out and stink up the tank. Got it. Good good. Thank you. I’d rather be patient and have a clean tank then a nasty bad thing in there
  5. I'm getting a Fluval FX4 and I love gadgets. I saw they have a in-line UVC and learned about that. Helps water quality and helps prevent algae. Then I saw there is a UV Sterilizer. (Green killing machine) It seems like it does the same thing but also helps prevent parasites. Thats +1 good over the UVC. Now Will a UV sterilizer be enough or should I just do both. I researched both products. I like how the UVC is external in-line and out of sight out of mind but the UV Sterilizer is just another thing to put in the tank and run 24/7. Thoughts? Experiences? (This is a new tank with no fish in it yet, trying to make sure this display tank is as nice and clean for muh fish as possible) Thank you
  6. So, I'm a full believer in QT's. My question is simple. When I get my first fish in a fully furnished aquarium. Decor, plants, hardscape. Say I add 2-4 angel fish to a fully cycled tank. Can I just plop them in there and say welcome home and essentially my thought process is that my display tank will be the Quarantine tank. This is my only tank at the moment. These will be my first fish. Can my main tank be my quarantine tank for my first fish deposit. Later in like 6-7 weeks when I add roseline sharks I would Quarantine them then put them in the tank. My concern is, Lets say the Angelfish get Ich or die of a parasite or whatever. Is the tank now infected with this disease / parasite? Basically concerned if the tank is now contaminated? Please let me know your thoughts on this. Woohoo - Homer SImpson
  7. Yeah Fancies. This is some damn good insight to the wide world of Fat Fancy goldfish. That sounds like a fun upbringing. The fatter and stupider and long flowing tail the better. Solid advice on the peas. Yeah, they are kind of hills have eyes genetics from my understanding and if that helps them take bigger dumps and clears their tubes, I'll keep that under my hat for a rainy day when I do get them. 3x or 4x 60 gallon cube. Boom! That's the ticket
  8. Dang. Ok so these fat boys need some serious space from to back and lengthwise. Sounds like 25 gallons per fish would be a ROUGH rule of thumb. and really heavy duty filter. Got it this gives me some perspective on this future prospect. Thank y'all
  9. I am working on my new tank currently (Tropical). But I always find myself drifting off to the idea of how much I love fancy goldfish. The funny way they swim. They're fat and goofy. Love it. Curious about this for the future when I get to this start this tank. I know they take big dumps and need lots of water / filtration. What would Y'all say the stocking limit is and I'll give an example chart below. (This is just guess work, Please correct me) 10 gallon - X nope 15 gallon - X nope 20 Gallon = 1x maybe 2x ?? 55 gallon = 4 - 6x 75 gallon 6-8x 100 gallon= 7-10x Just curious. Love this fish.
  10. That sounds pretty simple and I’m learning to not rush and have patience with this hobby. Thanks everyone for this insight on this stuff. I feel more confident and my wallet thanks you. Now I need to study driftwood and if I need to boil it or bake it or something. I don’t want tea bag tannin water.
  11. Awesome this is the insight I was looking for. Good to know about the blue rams. Sounds like they're out so I could go with that other Ram. I would probably keep the angel load at just 2 and probably bump the corey cat up to 6-8ish. This will keep the hobby fun to me as I can keep adding new additional guys to the tank. Thank you I didnt know that about the cory's. I would like them to act more playful and natural so yeah like 8-10 would be cool and Good factoid about the rams. I will google me some bolivian rams. and parrot tank mates. I like the parrot as well because since its a hybrid it has a smaller mouth and shouldnt be able to eat anything on this list
  12. I'm picking up a nice new 94-gallon tank on Wednesday. I'm really excited about my stocking options for a tank this size which is the biggest I will ever have had. I want so many cool fish, but I know there are different paramotors and water conditions for them. This is the list I have from got to have it to I can do without if I'm making a mistake. Please let me know your thoughts 1. 1x Blood parrot - Center piece, fat and derpy / personality fish 2. 6-8x Roseline Sharks. - Cool and they school 3. 1-4x angel Fish. - I don't know how many Would be cool maybe just 1-2x would be best 4. 4-6x Blue rams - I Dunno a lot about this fish but I like the way they look 5. 4x Corey cats - They can eat the scraps (and algae waffers or whatever) and they are small cute and be near the bottom 6. ( Open to suggestions / Insert replacement fish here) I will be running this tank with plants, and I'll be getting an FX4 (I believe it to be sufficient) open to suggestions) and will do weekly water changes. Let me know if I'm not seeing something here. Or if this is too much, or if I have room, or if maybe I could replace a fish up there with something cooler or whatever. I will not be adding all the fish at once. I'm starting to get familiar with bio loads, cycle. I would introduce these fish in a slow manner over time so that I don't blow the tank up. Thank you
  13. So just could I dunk the rocks in peroxide? (Note: This is a brand new tank with nothing in it. I am collecting hard scape first)
  14. So I never.knew driftwood was so expensive. I still plan on buying it but I also noticed the LFS also sells rocks. I hear myths and what not. I can get rocks cheaper at say Home Depot. What kind of rocks are safe from a general standpoint. Can I just walk around pick up some rocks and boil them and we are good. Not looking for anything crazy. Just some rocks / plate rocks. I feel stupid if I pay real money for rocks
  15. So I ordered a 94 gallon aquarium and I told them to not install the overflow I didn’t like it in the middle. I figured I could just use 2 HOB filters and a sponge filter. Now I’m starting. To worry maybe I should have went with the overflow. Will 2 HOB and a sponge be enough, is the canister the way to go for this size should I have kept the pre built overflow. I didn’t really understand how it works it’s intimidating l. I just want easy and right and there seems to be no right answer. I plan on doing plants in my tank. This seems to be one of the most crucial steps. My lack of knowledge and ability to not have a clear idea of what I should do is starting to suck some of the joy from this hobby. I don’t have enough knowledge to feel confident. did I screw myself. Should i have kept the overflow and went canister.
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