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Everything posted by onlywei

  1. There is a bypass but the water that comes out of that is extremely hard.
  2. Shame, that was my favorite way to buy stuff from aquarium coop.
  3. What effect does the sodium added from a water softener have on my fish? Are there some fish that are extra sensitive to sodium?
  4. I just added Jungle Fungus Clear. Is that the right product?
  5. My cories have been slowly dying one by one. Does anyone know what this white growth is?
  6. I used to shop aquarium co-op using the Shopify app, but now it seems to have disappeared. I even had it in my favorites before, and it’s gone there as well. See screenshot.
  7. Can it handle 4 sponge filters? How about 8? How do I know when I don't have sufficient air to power a sponge filter anyway?
  8. I haven't noticed any adverse affects, but I don't get to see those tanks every day since they are at my parents' house.
  9. @Cory do you still use Easy Green in your new fish room that has nitrate in the tap water?
  10. Update here: I've tried everything. First I tried the quarantine trio - it didn't work. Then I thought it was columnaris so I moved him to a quarantine tank and used Jungle Fungus Clear Tablets (for nitrofurazone) and Seachem kanaplex together with some salt. This went on for maybe 4 weeks and I've seen no signs of improvement. It's actually getting worse. This morning I checked on him and he's just laying on the bottom of the tank in a bent shape. I think he's dying 😭
  11. He has been face down tail up in smaller crevices before without a problem, but the easy planter was only temporarily empty. I put in an actual plant with the pot yesterday so he can’t get in there anymore.
  12. I’ve had this betta for a couple of months now. As you can see, his fins are frayed. I put him through the med trio twice and it only seemed to get better just a little bit before coming back. I even put him in a separate tank and dosed aquarium salt for four days. After that his fins do seem to be slowly growing back. I’m hoping that continues. Now he has a noticeable lump on one of his fins and also some white stuff growing around that fin. What could this be? His tank is a heavily planted 10 gallon that I keep at 78F. The PH is 7.0 last I checked, and the GH of my tap water is 6 drops of the API test kit. There is both a sponge filter and a hang on back filter. I change water 1-2x per week. He has shrimp and a single juvenile guppy for tank mates.
  13. I planted vallisneria from Aquarium Co-op on Thanksgiving into some Eco-Complete, and today at the end of January it's still only 2 inches tall. Is that normal?
  14. If I have a lot of plants and nitrates coming from tap water, what fertilizer should I use? If I understand correctly, plants only grow as fast as the most limiting nutrient. If my plants are limited by some other nutrient, then they won't absorb nitrate as fast. Aquarium Coop Easy Green has Nitrogen as its most abundant element, so I'm guessing I shouldn't use Easy Green.
  15. So... my parents' house has well water and a water softener system installed so it has a GH of 0. Unfortunately, there is still around 40-50ppm of nitrate in the tap water itself. I am looking for something on the market that can specifically remove nitrate from the tap water when I do water changes. I found something like this: https://www.filterwater.com/ps-350-7-inline-nitrate-removal-cartridge.aspx Does anyone have any experience with products like these? Anyone else have nitrates in their well water? What did you do about it?
  16. Wow, that's very surprising to hear about goldfish. I'm a little scared that my turtles will eat the goldfish, though.
  17. In my tank I have 3 turtles and 15 tiger barbs. I tried adding mystery snails to the tank thinking that because they are bigger than my turtles' mouths, the turtles wouldn't eat them. I was right. However, the tiger barbs harass these snails 24/7. Every time they poke their little antennae out, the tiger barbs would try to bite them. I don't think they will stay alive much longer. Anyone have any other suggestions for what kind of cleanup crew I can have in the same tank as turtles and tiger barbs?
  18. Hi @Cory, thanks for the reply. I wasn't thinking "low" light because it looks quite bright to me. I was even afraid that the reason the Java Fern Windelov in the picture below is melting may be because of too much light. Do you think I can rule that out and start exploring other possibilities? The basking light is on 12 hours a day (it's the one to the left, the one to the right is a heat lamp that produces no visible light). Here is an amazon link to the specific UVB bulb I have. Also, my Eastern Painted turtle nibbled on Java Fern a little bit when I first added some, but I think it has since figured out that they don't taste good.
  19. I have a 55 gallon where I have a DIY basking area over half the tank. Above that, I am shining a UVB bulb for my turtles. The basking area is made of egg-crate so more than 90% of the light can still go through. Is this considered high light, low light, or what kind of light? What effect should I expect for it to have on my plants, which are mostly Java Fern and Anubias?
  20. Wow there are no potassium test kits on Amazon nor aquariumcoop.com? Seems like a business opportunity?
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