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Everything posted by Chandra

  1. I like your advice. I went by your suggestion and got an AC50 instead.
  2. The fish got recovered in two weeks after treating with med trio. Thanks @micks77
  3. Did you ever have leaks? I live currently in an apartment and I'm really worried about the leaks.
  4. Any one has got experiences using Eheim classic canister filters. I want one for 20 gallon in my room. I'm new to Canister filters and wanted to know if anyone is using it and how is it?
  5. Thank you. Thats a great suggestion I was looking for.
  6. Some one told me that brine shrimp eggs from brine shrimp direct cause Hydra in your tanks. I'm wondering if thats true because I'm raising a fry and started to see hydra in the breeder box. Any experiences?
  7. Thank you @bill smith I bought three of them for 3 tanks and they work amazing.
  8. @Daniel Got any electronic version of books? The proper care of guppies by Shubel, Stan is available for free here: https://archive.org/details/propercareofgupp00stan
  9. I'm looking to take photos and about my aquarium fishes. Any camera and less recommendations for beginners under budget? I could use iPhone but clarity didn't seem to work for me.
  10. @Dean’s Fishroom I was able to get brine shrimp hatched great as per your instructions. I bought a similar sieve from brineshrimpdirect and i love rinsing shrimp with it.
  11. @David Humphrey I'm thinking to buy a camera for taking photos of my aquariums. I have a budget around $500 and I was wondering if I should opt for GX85 or DJI Osmo? Whats your recommendation for beginners?
  12. Thank you, @Dean's Fishroom.
  13. Long time back I remember seeing a video where @Dean’s Fishroom mentioned he cleans his new tanks with Dawn and Vinegar. I can't find the video but is it safe? What do you guys use to clean feeding containers, spoons and aquariums top lids?
  14. Thank you Irene. I have learnt a lot of things from you. Luckily I watched your livebearers video recently and ordered some from Greg Sage. I dosed the fish yesterday and already see the fish lost the worms.
  15. One of my killie fish seems to have some red stuff near the anal fin. I'm wondering if its Columnaris worms. Yesterday another fish died with red marks. The fish is swimming and chase the female but I feel like there is something going on with the tank. I have dose with med trio last sunday. Not sure if I should continue or do any other meds.
  16. Thank you Irene. I lost the fish yesterday. What should I do for planted tanks when such diseases attack, is salt still a viable option?
  17. Thank you Irene. I lost the fish yesterday.
  18. Not sure whats going on but one of my killiefish stopped eating for a week and today I saw the fish lie below. I see some red marks on the body not sure if its damage or any disease. Can anyone help me in saving this fish? I added some A+ salt dosing in a separate container and move it for now.
  19. Any idea what these worms could be? Are they harmful? https://youtu.be/Tko7IYbqOfg
  20. Yah true but I expected atleast 50%. Only 10% hatched today. Hoping to get your brine eggs soon!
  21. I bought San Francisco bay area brand brine shrimp hatchery kit and tried to hatch for two times with mixed packets that came along with it. Unfortunately, I couldn't hatch all the eggs even after 48 hours. I checked the parameters and pH was 8 ish, temperature 76 ish. I did add declorinated water and baking soda too in the second try. Not sure, what else could be wrong I'm doing. Any idea?
  22. What filter media do you use in the Aquaclear HOB ? I saw Cory's optimization videos but wasn't sure if I should use matrix and biorings still. Do you also use poly pads and purigen additionally?
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